Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Look!

This is "Dana International" from Israel.

This is "Harisu" a famous transsexual entertainer in Korea.

This me being jealous!!!!!lol

Weekend Update.

Friday was a day off and I spent the whole afternoon getting most of my body ready for summer fashion. I  really wore out some razor blades lol! I have a loose frilly top that shows a lot of shoulder and back skin and the weather was ideal for a the legs were a huge priority too. I do the "bare legged" look like most women here.
I was heading downtown for one of the events they host during the summer into the fall.  Restaurants, bars, art galleries and merchants are all at their best for the crowd.
I stopped at one of my regular places on the way  for a couple of drinks.  I do mention on occasion I patronize straight venues with alcohol so I can take nothing for granted.  Public perception and rest room privileges are a constant variable. I really don't have much of a problem but I never really know.
I did have a small hassle that night.  One guy circled me at the bar and asked the bartender loudly "what's up with the hottie at the corner of the bar". As much as I wanted to take it as a compliment, I really couldn't. Then this very drunk guy appeared at the bar and started doing the smirking with some of the other patrons. He kind of went away and I was ready to get going too. Before I left though, the manager stopped by to tell me they were cutting him off and he was sorry! How nice!
The rest of the evening was great fun.
I arrived downtown early enough to dodge the early crowds and get a seat in another one of my regular stops. It was great fun to get a little preferential treatment. I did get a few looks. Some were admiring and no were derogatory. I also made a couple trips to the bathroom and even talked with another of the regulars for the first time before I went out to browse the shops.
The evening finished with my exhilaration of walking in the crowds with my long hair brushing my bare shoulders and back . Combined with my smooth bare legs in the was good!
It's no wonder I love being a girl and the early jerks in the evening just faded away.  They probably went home to get that dress out of their closet!

Life is a Bitch!

Then you become one? I know a few of my trans sisters who have achieved that lofty goal.
I don't want to become one though.
Every so often I get frustrated with the number of men who "want to meet me".  I can normally expect a lifespan of a week or two on that comment. I do understand I'm a rather exotic commodity and they fall in "lust" with the fantasy.
The frustration sets in when I consider how easy it really is to meet up with me if you are a local guy or woman. I lead a really active life. I am out there. I'm very adamant in the fact I will not meet someone for the first or even ever in a hotel room. That alone takes many men (married) out of the mix.
I'm sure many of the guys who contact me do want to meet me but just can't for any number of reasons. Again I bring up the wife or what would their buddies think?
Maybe the learning curve should lessen the frustration level. I've always felt my goal was a simple one. I would love a friend to hang out with, do things and enjoy each other. What I found was the number of men who used to dress as women or want to be forced to dress as one.
 I was either too naive or just too ignorant to realize the sheer number of men who walk that path.
It could be I'm simply learning a real female lesson.  A good guy is hard to find and men really do think with the small head.  Surprisingly my life as a guy didn't show me that. Maybe my other head was too small.
Women are right about many things. This is just another that leads to distrust.
Maybe I'm wrong about the guys who just come out and say "meet me in room 235 at 8pm for a night of fun".
They are at least the honest ones.
Then when I say no...maybe I am the bitch!

Pick A Label

From "Salon"  Comes a review of a new book  from Jon-Jon Goulian's memoir "The Man in the Gray Flannel Skirt,"
A couple of excerpts caught my eye, including a dazzling array of labels!  Choose one or two for yourself...or even three.  There are many left for your friends. Goulian writes:
"Whether I like it or not, they'll find just the right label for me -- homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, polysexual, metrosexual, metasexual; autosexual, cryptosexual, crypticsexual, protosexual, extraterrasexual, gender-bender, glam-boy, player, poseur, flaneur, slut, aesthete, dandy, lebenskunstler; lotus-eater; bohemian nymph; bourgeois nymph; bourgeois nymph masquerading as a bohemian nymph! -- and, whether they like it or not, they’re determined to make it stick."
The book is being released in the next couple of days and looks interesting in that Goulian seems to be yet another person who breaks the gender mold. He once worked for an Italian mobster who tagged him as a "half a fag". The mobster knew Goulian was a heterosexual but a very different one and in Goulian's own words... "And as it happens, I do not sleep with men. On the few occasions in my adult life when I have been in the near company of another man's erect penis, my impulse was to flee"
I of course, don't have the patience to read a whole book.  If I did. This could be one. I wonder if Goulian explains all those terms?

Friday, May 13, 2011

From Thailand to India

Look for her on NBC's Thursday Night sitcom "Outsourced". Episodes 121 and 122 to air in April and May 2011.

Ms. Aneesh Sheth is a transgender actress and activist. Born in Pune, India.

And The Winner is!!!

 The final four contestants for the
Miss Thailand 
Beauty Pageant show us once again the most beautiful women in Thailand weren't born that way.!
You may have seen this already. I actually posted this Wednesday but problems with "Blogger" deleted it!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Hign Maintnenance Third Gender?

This morning as I got ready for work, I shaved my face and legs.
I would guess that makes me semi unique in society.
The razor is just the start. Last night I bought a new facial scrub and a "healthy glow" tan product for my legs.
Summer has finally arrived in my part of the world, so it's time to get my legs "skirt presentable".
The legs of course go hand in hand with making sure my toe nails look good and are painted and ready for open toed shoes.
Perhaps it is a good thing that my male maintenance is so simple. I can make the extra time for the girl stuff.
Interestingly enough, the "girl work" used to be an exciting labor of love.  Now it's a necessary part of my life.
I'm lucky in that my natural hormone replacement therapy (old age) has done a wonderful job of slowing down my hair growth. I can get away with shaving my legs every two or three days now.
I do enjoy the feel of my legs under my pants at work and the unique "tingle" that lingers from the shave. Sometimes I wonder if my co-workers can see between the gender lines. Probably not.
I do know I put more emphasis on being a girl than some of the females I work with who just happened to be born that way.
I guess what they don't know or are missing won't hurt them!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back Again!!!

Hi friends, my on again off again Internet service is back on!
As always, life has continued to move at "warp" speed even if my Internet doesn't.
My "weekend" is over. Monday and Tuesday are basically my days off and I had two fun days. 
I've mentioned before my Tuesday trips to a huge 2 dollar pint night at a nearby sports pub. My Tuesday visit this week was unique in that I was able to find a good seat that allowed me to observe others and enjoy my evening (even watching my favorite baseball team win on one of the big screens). The crowd was young with more females than I have seen for awhile.  Most likely because many of the colleges are starting to finish for the summer.
I felt humbled by all the beautiful young women in the pub and happy I could co-exist without so much a glance.
Towards the end of the evening a glitzy beautiful blond grabbed one of the two rare open seats next to me.  From head to toe she had it all. Great makeup, clothes, jewelry and purse showed she put a lot into her style. I wondered how many of us noticed how she matched a necklace to a purse!
Very shortly, a big muscle bound guy showed up and took the seat between us. For the first ten minutes or so he showed interest in her but then began to get up and spend some time with some other male friends that arrived later. In addition, one of the male bartenders  showed just a little too much interest. She quickly became a little uneasy about the whole situation.
All the years of thinking a "girl's life" was soooo much easier.(I haven't thought that in years) was proven wrong last night. The woman had obviously put a lot of time effort and cash into looking her best. She obviously cared to make the evening a success with the look in her eyes as she looked at him.
Not so easy being a woman!
I "girl talked" the evening with my "BFF" later and told her the story. She was ready to give me the "you'll find out" talk when I turned the tables on her.
I told her I understand more and more her obsession with weight loss and hair and what ever.  If she loses the magic 20 pounds, the sky will open with men knocking at her door.  That of course is an exaggeration but my point is that the woman last night may have thought the same thing.  If her hair was different, if her makeup or clothes were different or if she had bigger boobs...would have the guy paid more attention?
It is no wonder women have the obsessions they do.  My very limited experience with men led me the same direction. Lose the weight, buy the clothes and perfect the makeup and I will be desired for ever!
I have known for years each gender has their own cross to bear. This female cross is huge!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My First Wedding Party!

I found myself on the inside looking in last night when at least fifteen or so "20 somethings" gathered around me ordering drinks after a wedding. I started to feel a little uneasy about my situation and almost decided to leave. I was texting a friend and getting to know him a little better so I thought I would just stay for awhile.
As it turned out, no one seemed to notice or care about me.
I had one girl talk briefly to me. She said I looked beautiful (a true giveaway she knew I was trans) and a couple more who made small talk. One of them was a truly big attractive girl. I always love it when I'm not the biggest woman in the room! We actually met eye to eye in the bathroom as I was coming out of a stall and I had a chance to check out her outfit and style by the bar.
I finished my conversation with my friend on the phone and shortly went on my way.
On the way home I thought how wonderful is it that the younger the population gets, the more it seems to accept us!
The influence of courageous trans teens such as "Katie" is enormous. When someone gets to know us as a human, we aren't so bad!
Certainly this cup is half empty or half full. The young trans girl who was humiliated and beaten up at a McDonald's was certainly ugly and hopefully will fuel public indignation.
My own cup was certainly half full last night as I had barely a glance in crowded situations. I knew and they knew I was female in their eyes. Better yet were the ones who weren't sure and didn't care.

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...