Thursday, June 2, 2016

Jazz is Back

 From Wikipedia:
"Jazz Jennings (born October 6, 2000) is an American trans womanYouTube personality, spokesmodel, television personality and LGBTQ rights activist. Jennings is notable for being one of the youngest publicly documented people to be identified as gender dysphoric, and for being the youngest person to become a national transgender figure. Jennings received national attention in 2007 when an interview with Barbara Walters aired on 20/20, which led to other high-profile interviews and appearances. Christine Connelly, a member of the board of directors for the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth (BAGLY), stated, "She was the first young person who picked up the national spotlight, went on TV and was able to articulate her perspective and point of view with such innocence,"

The new season of her show is starting now on TLC, check for a link here to see if you can get it! For those of you who think looks is an end all/be all to achieving trans happiness, this show will set you straight.

How's the Water?

Thanks Paula for sending a couple comments from England about transgender swimming groups being formed which are quite popular,

 Paula GoodwinJune 2, 2016 at 5:10 AM
Here in the UK we have a wonderful group of people who organize special trans swimming session in local pools, I have been to a few and it is quite liberating, but even better for the trans men
Plus as I understand it, that includes access to the changing rooms and showers...
I'm afraid the  situation in the states is so tender right now...the pickets would be forming even for a private event but give it awhile and it is an incredible idea.
The UK is always ahead of us in so many ways and much more civilized.


"Over here in the UK we have a movement starting for safe spaces for exercise, led by TAGS who arrange with Local Authorities to provide swimming pool time and changing facilities specifically for trans people. This is great since it means that whatever point we are at we can get changed, shower and swim with no worry about how the people will react."

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We Got Mail

From Connie "It most certainly would be a brave soldier who would volunteer to have the spotlight put on her or him for being a trans person in the military today. This may be just the thing to tip the scales toward acceptance, though!" From my time in the service, I can't believe the pressure the very few "out" transgender military troops feel. They must find pockets of acceptance from superiors is all I can figure.

From Pat:  "Thank you Cyrsti and all the veterans who served the greatest country the world has known. I was at a very moving Memorial Day Ceremony yesterday. After it broke up it was interesting to watch the vets from the various services get together with the Marines dissing on the Navy, the Navy on the Army and everyone dissing on the Coast Guard. These were all contemps of mine who spend time in Vietnam...Who served at DaNang...who was on a vessel support the Tet...etc. I did not see any of the Vietnam era folks happy with the Obama apology tour stopping to disparage America in Hanoi and the former Saigon. Many wondered why he could not stop AF 1 on the way back home in Hawaii to honor the Americans who were killed during the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor. Others wondered why, during his annual visits to vacation in Hawaii he could not find the time to lay a wreath at Pearl Harbor like he did at Hiroshima.
While some may talk about his kind words about LGBT others question his value as CIC".

Thanks to you Pat! Obama indeed will have a "curious" legacy at the least. 

Back to Connie:  "My brother-in-law was a Vietnam vet. He suffered from the effects of agent orange his whole adult life, including the cancer that ultimately killed him just last year. It wasn't until his mid-sixties that he finally even wanted to say or hear anything about his stint in the service, although I know it haunted him on a regular basis. I told him once that I was sorry I didn't do my part, and he said, "Why the hell should you be sorry; consider yourself lucky." I suppose that I was lucky enough to narrowly miss the draft with a lottery number of 122, which is right where they stopped taking draftees. Now, for me it's a "there but for the grace of God" attitude that I have. 

On a lighter note: If the BBQ bitch ever joined in with the LGBTQ community, would we have to make it the LGBBQT community!!"

Yes, my draft number was the only thing I ever won with a "27" my ex brother scored in the upper 200's. Looking back, I got the better end of things. He still lives within a mile from where we grew up and married a neighbor girl. Uncle Sam sent me to three continents on his Dime in three years. I'm still alive, wiser and not allowed in his house!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Moving Picture Show

The TransMilitary Project is running a Kickstarter campaign for a documentary on trans troops who have come out despite the armed forces' ban.

From the Advocate:

Transgender soldier

"While the U.S. military moves slowly in reviewing the ban on service by transgender people, some filmmakers hope to put a spotlight on trans troops who are serving honorably and sometimes risking discharge by being open about their status.
Director Gabe Silverman and producers Fiona Dawson and Jamie Coughlin have initiated a Kickstarter campaign seeking to raise $89,500 to produce a documentary about those troops as part of the TransMilitary Project."
Go here for more!

Miss Trans Israel Named

Most don't know Tel Aviv, Israel is one of the most internationally LGBT friendly destinations in the world.

Recently it hosted the first Miss Israel Pageant. 

 The first ever “Miss Trans Israel Pageant” packed an auditorium at the Bima National Theater in Tel Aviv on Friday, to mark the beginning of the 2016 Pride Events in Tel Aviv. The winner of the event – 21-year-old Ta’alin Abu Hanna, a Christian Arab from Nazareth, will represent Israel at the Miss TransStar International pageant in Barcelona in September.

Post Memorial Day

After the dust has settled and the  BBQ Sandwich bitch has packed her stuff to save for the next event, I thought Connie's comment was worth remembering: 

"I suppose that the main focus for Memorial Day was intended to be on those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving. We should also be remembering the countless numbers of those who served, only to end up experiencing long, painful deaths, either physically or emotionally. It especially breaks my heart when I hear of a veteran having had taken his or her own life as a means to end their pain. I can't believe that anyone who has experienced war first-hand could ever come away from it unscathed. Even preparing oneself for potential battle has got to be traumatic, I expect. All veterans deserve thanks, and you all have mine (and an occasional prayer, as well)"

I can speak from experience on the one friend I had who paid the ultimate price in Vietnam and the others whose lives were changed forever. Plus now we are selling arms to North Vietnam "just in case" China gets rowdy. Does that sound remotely similar to anyone?

As far as we transgender veterans go, the term "double edged sword" comes to mind as I know care is better as we understand PTSD and other problems better. At least it doesn't involve a total denial by the government such as the "Agent Orange" debacle.

Shelle thanks for your service!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Over the Top!!!!

"Nah" Just four drag queens doing their thing during the Sao Paulo, Brazil gay parade/march...attended by hundreds of thousands.

It's Swimming Time!

Undoubtedly, the highlight to last week was going with Liz to take advantage of Target's swimming suit sale.
Needless to say I was nervous imagining myself in a bathing suit at all, or trying one on in a public fitting room. But I hitched up my big girl panties and moved forward.
As usually happens nothing is as bad as perceived and it turned out I couldn't try on some of the suits anyhow due to hygienic reasons.

So now I am the proud owner of my first women's bathing suit-for better or for worse.

The plan is, when Liz and I go on our next vacation and see a nearly empty pool...shazam!!!!

In the meantime, did you know Target's sales have seen a decrease after their all inclusive transgender bathroom policy? So, if you are looking to buy something which Target carries, please go out of your way to check them out!

Or, on your way too!!!!

A Day on the Town

A couple comments on "The Bitch" post from regulars Mandy (first) and Connie:

"I wonder if maybe she didn't want to serve you, and upped the "price" by a couple dollars to encourage you to go elsewhere. If that was her thought process, it worked. 

Or maybe it was her real price, and she glared, hoping you'd go elsewhere. If that was her thought process, it also worked.

We'll never know what would have happened if you had bought from her. "Extra ingredients" in the sandwich - like too much seasoning? Pork from yesterday's burned batch? Or worse?

Could well be she's from one of the states stirring the pot on trans issues...probably best you walked away!


Thanks Mandy, I guess I was spoiled and hadn't seen that kind of hateful reaction from another human being (I think) in a while. Plus, we can only guess where the "too much seasoning" could have come from. 

And of course Connie said it best "And I thought being a transgender person was no real picnic...Go figure (or go show it off). ;)

Most importantly though (I think) she made her point and I made mine.

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...