Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Moving Picture Show

The TransMilitary Project is running a Kickstarter campaign for a documentary on trans troops who have come out despite the armed forces' ban.

From the Advocate:

Transgender soldier

"While the U.S. military moves slowly in reviewing the ban on service by transgender people, some filmmakers hope to put a spotlight on trans troops who are serving honorably and sometimes risking discharge by being open about their status.
Director Gabe Silverman and producers Fiona Dawson and Jamie Coughlin have initiated a Kickstarter campaign seeking to raise $89,500 to produce a documentary about those troops as part of the TransMilitary Project."
Go here for more!

Miss Trans Israel Named

Most don't know Tel Aviv, Israel is one of the most internationally LGBT friendly destinations in the world.

Recently it hosted the first Miss Israel Pageant. 

 The first ever “Miss Trans Israel Pageant” packed an auditorium at the Bima National Theater in Tel Aviv on Friday, to mark the beginning of the 2016 Pride Events in Tel Aviv. The winner of the event – 21-year-old Ta’alin Abu Hanna, a Christian Arab from Nazareth, will represent Israel at the Miss TransStar International pageant in Barcelona in September.

Post Memorial Day

After the dust has settled and the  BBQ Sandwich bitch has packed her stuff to save for the next event, I thought Connie's comment was worth remembering: 

"I suppose that the main focus for Memorial Day was intended to be on those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving. We should also be remembering the countless numbers of those who served, only to end up experiencing long, painful deaths, either physically or emotionally. It especially breaks my heart when I hear of a veteran having had taken his or her own life as a means to end their pain. I can't believe that anyone who has experienced war first-hand could ever come away from it unscathed. Even preparing oneself for potential battle has got to be traumatic, I expect. All veterans deserve thanks, and you all have mine (and an occasional prayer, as well)"

I can speak from experience on the one friend I had who paid the ultimate price in Vietnam and the others whose lives were changed forever. Plus now we are selling arms to North Vietnam "just in case" China gets rowdy. Does that sound remotely similar to anyone?

As far as we transgender veterans go, the term "double edged sword" comes to mind as I know care is better as we understand PTSD and other problems better. At least it doesn't involve a total denial by the government such as the "Agent Orange" debacle.

Shelle thanks for your service!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Over the Top!!!!

"Nah" Just four drag queens doing their thing during the Sao Paulo, Brazil gay parade/march...attended by hundreds of thousands.

It's Swimming Time!

Undoubtedly, the highlight to last week was going with Liz to take advantage of Target's swimming suit sale.
Needless to say I was nervous imagining myself in a bathing suit at all, or trying one on in a public fitting room. But I hitched up my big girl panties and moved forward.
As usually happens nothing is as bad as perceived and it turned out I couldn't try on some of the suits anyhow due to hygienic reasons.

So now I am the proud owner of my first women's bathing suit-for better or for worse.

The plan is, when Liz and I go on our next vacation and see a nearly empty pool...shazam!!!!

In the meantime, did you know Target's sales have seen a decrease after their all inclusive transgender bathroom policy? So, if you are looking to buy something which Target carries, please go out of your way to check them out!

Or, on your way too!!!!

A Day on the Town

A couple comments on "The Bitch" post from regulars Mandy (first) and Connie:

"I wonder if maybe she didn't want to serve you, and upped the "price" by a couple dollars to encourage you to go elsewhere. If that was her thought process, it worked. 

Or maybe it was her real price, and she glared, hoping you'd go elsewhere. If that was her thought process, it also worked.

We'll never know what would have happened if you had bought from her. "Extra ingredients" in the sandwich - like too much seasoning? Pork from yesterday's burned batch? Or worse?

Could well be she's from one of the states stirring the pot on trans issues...probably best you walked away!


Thanks Mandy, I guess I was spoiled and hadn't seen that kind of hateful reaction from another human being (I think) in a while. Plus, we can only guess where the "too much seasoning" could have come from. 

And of course Connie said it best "And I thought being a transgender person was no real picnic...Go figure (or go show it off). ;)

Most importantly though (I think) she made her point and I made mine.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Equal Time

Since I took the time to cheap shot North Carolina in my last post, I thought it was only fair to give equal time to two transgender activists from Charlotte (North Carolina) who  were featured in a British TV segment on HB2. who
The two were featured recently on a broadcast a news segment on North Carolina’s anti-LGBT legislation HB2, as well as the Obama administration’s directive to allow trans students to use the bathrooms consistent with their gender identity and the states suing the federal government as a result.
Charlotte transgender activists Lara Americo and Che Busiek spoke with a reporter who traveled to the city to cover life here in the post-HB2 world.
“Transgender people have been around since humans have been around, we’ve just been hiding,” Americo says. “And people still hide today, because it’s scary to be open like this when there’s so many people against you.”

She continues, “I don’t think it’s a culture war, I think it’s an emergence of people being free and being more open and authentic.”
For more, go here.
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Transgender Bucket List (2012 Archive Post)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Transgender and your Bucket

Is your bucket list half empty or half full? Certainly before we all know it and we are fortunate enough to make it- it's time to start looking ahead to the force calling your number. Poof! "You be Gone!"
I started my transgender Bucket List approximately five years ago. I began to see how much living I could do as a woman or maybe I should say- a trans woman.
I found I could live and more importantly wanted to live as my chosen gender. Ironically I got hammered from within the trans community for waiting so long. Even being called just "another old guy on hormones". The big bad outside world on occasion was more accepting.
To make a long story short, my bucket became very full.
Here's my point: I could have made the move to a full time feminine existence two very specific times in my life-basically at the age of 30 and 40 and didn't. If you are younger (I'm 62 now) and considering the move, I can say time will slip by before you know it.
I can't and won't tell anyone to transition but I do recommend checking the waters if you can. It just confuses me when someone writes me or I read somewhere a person is going to try to go through SRS without living the life! It's a problem created by places like Thailand who really don't care about much more than the cash.
Sure it takes quite a bit of courage and a whole lot of trial and error to experience the feminine socialization process.
Don't think you have to be old to have a bucket list. Do think you don't want to be living a regret later in your life when the bucket has a huge hole in it.
I've known fully changed transsexuals and cross dressers justifying life in the closet who have gotten really bitter over the experience.
Certainly, we all have only one life to live and we all have responsibilities to others.
Just as certainly we all have the responsibility to be true to ourselves.  You may consider starting a transgender bucket list to discover what your truth might be.

The Bitch

I have been telling you all about my mini visit to the Dayton VA today for the Patriot Days picnic.

I "butched" it up today, pulled back my hair into a pony tail and ran it through the back of a hat I had never worn before...the unit hat signifying where and how I served in Thailand during the first part of my three years in the Army.

When I got there I checked out all the food booths before deciding on a pulled pork sand-which. As far as I could see though, there were no prices so naturally I asked which gave the woman the chance to glare at me and say six dollars SIR! 

I did good. I simply glared back at her and bought a sandwich from the food stand next to her who was real nice to me. (and making sure she saw it.)

Who knows, maybe she is from North Carolina?

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...