Monday, February 15, 2016

You Do What???

It seems lately I have happened across more and more non transgender peeps who somehow are on a "need to know" basis with me. Used to bother me a bit, not so much any more. Not hiding what I'm proud of!

Yesterday Liz and I were shopping for a better cell phone deal at a near by mall which I would describe as having a heavy mix of red neckish "Duck Dynasty" fans. Along the way Liz had to stop to potty and I stayed out in the mall since I didn't have to go. There were three young women standing near the rest room hallway. I was bored and when one of them began to play "eye games" with me, I decided to return the favor. I tried to quickly look her way trying to catch her looking at me. It worked, she got a little embarrassed and we went on our way,

Liz was really upset with her current cell phone provider and started shopping the kiosks in the mall for a deal. It didn't take long for a 20 something super salesperson to grab her interest and make a deal. As we were talking, he asked me what I would be using my phone for since a free tablet was part of the deal and he probably thought I didn't even know how to text! I always smirk and say I am a big time blogger and author. Of course at that point, normally the other person asks what do I write about and the last three times I have just come out and  said transgender issues. (No pun intended.)

Also, right then, what I think I need, are the infamous business card I have been writing about (as you Cyrsti's Condo readers know) forever.My problem is, if there is one, is designing a card which gets everything done I want it to do on the front I always have tendency to do too much as lose impact, such as: 

  1. Explain I am a real live transgender veteran woman
  2. I write Cyrsti's Condo
  3. I wrote my first book "Stilettos on Thin Ice" and have another in the works.
  4. Add a picture if I can
Then on the back, mention I do and have done trans seminars. 

So now, being the procrastinator I am, I need a date and goal and the Trans Ohio Seminar early this summer is a great one because I have done a couple senior transgender seminars there already.

Have to "git er done".

The First Transgender President?

Jennifer Finney Boylan © 2007 Photo by James Bowdoin
Jennifer Boylan
It's President's Day and I began to think of any possible transgender closeted president we have had (in relatively modern times.)  

Wouldn't that be cool? Ideally, a candidate who could understand those on both sides of the gender aisle? 

Allegedly though, the closest we have come in recent memory has been FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's closet full of dresses. These days, as we approach elections, LGBT organizations may continually have to fight tooth and nail for our freedoms. Let alone think about a trans president.

On another subject:

In my constant search around the world wide web, yesterday I did find another wonderful interview with Jennifer Finney Boylan from the New York Times called: "You've gone to a lot of trouble to be a woman-don't be a stupid  one."  Plenty of wonderful quotes for you to take a look at!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

KerPlunk and SMOOTCH!  Welcome to another Valentines Sunday Edition of the Condo which has hit your virtual front porch. We are between the bitter cold I wrote of yesterday and snowy weather today a great day to cuddle in my "jammies" with a hot cop o joe or cocoa! Let's get started.
Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't: The week that was, revolved again around LGBT rights, especially transgender restroom rights in many areas of the country. Do the best you can to get out and support the trans youth in your communities. Here in Ohio, once again, legislators once again are trying to push a LGBT rights bill past a Republican controlled legislature. Not to mention a governor who happens to be a presidential candidate which means he is not above "blowing in the wind" and changing positions for votes. Now he is in South Carolina groveling to the Evangelical conservative right. 
Page Two- Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: Perhaps you have heard by now U.S.  SupremeCourt Justice Antonin Scalia, the leading conservative voice on the high court, has died at the age of 79, a government source   and a family friend told CNN on Saturday. Perhaps, he was known recently for his "gobbly gook" opinions such as same sex marriage rather than sound conservative opinion. Like him or not, Scalia may have been an example of why Supreme Court justices should not have an automatic seat for life, once approved. Now of course the fight begins on who will replace him and many are saying the Obama administration should not have a choice. All in all, the process should be another increasingly interesting and important look into the American justice system.
Page Three- Rest Rooms and the Alamo? Both have incredible inconsistencies. The story (as told) is mostly fiction as you saw it on the big screen. To the uneducated, the easiest way for the radical right to prey on our rights is to mention imagined horrendous restroom activities by transgender women. The reason I bring it up again is, according to Mara KeislIng:

"The backlash against trans people that we’ve been expecting for years is here. As of today, we’re fighting against 29 pieces of anti-trans legislation in elevenstatesAnd more are coming. And if we lose even one, our opponents will only accelerate their efforts.
Make no mistake, these anti-trans bills are not only attacking trans adults, but they’re attacking trans youth. Our children. They’d make it illegal for transgender students to use the restroom at school and even place a bounty on their heads—rewardingclassmates for turning them in.
NCTE is taking a strong leadership role in these battles. We are helping coordinate messaging and strategy while finding trans people in target states to step up tell their stories. We have spent a year gearing up for this, but NCTE simply doesn’t have the resources to fight these.
Even if you don’t live in Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington or Wisconsin, where these bills are already up and running, they are threatening all of us and our kids all over the country."
Page Four-The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go. As always I love you and thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Book' EM" Cyrsti

The last week or so I have actually settled into what I think I can and can't do with my latest book project, and along the way have actually stumbled across a couple proof readers, who work for coffee. One of them I live with also, which is a potential big stumbling block.

It's taken a lot but I have given her a red pen/pencil and said go after grammar/punctuation mistakes. Well, I just had to get over it as my efforts came back looking as if someone died on it with all the red. (And that's after Microsoft Word helped with it's own miracles.)

I'm sure those of you who are regulars here in Crysti's Condo and are grammar freaks like my partner catch me making tons of mistakes. Here is my excuse though, lots o times grammar just got in my way when there were points to make or my imagination was running wild. How's that?

On the bright side, I have figured how to move blog posts into the book after I copy and paste them to Word. Once I have something in place in my noggin it normally stays. Plus, the whole task of ever doing a book was the impossible dream for me and I have a close friend who is actually getting published and has a couple E-books. I can't come close to saying how much work that is, how creative she is and how she keeps that little all knowing
grin on her face when someone else talks about how they "should write a book." (Love it and can you tell how much respect I have for her?)

So, since goals seem to be a real live part of my life these days, the book is off and running for the finish line. The Trans Ohio Symposium or Pride Days this summer could be a real possibility if I keep working on it. 

Hopefully you are asking by now what's it about? The best and worst of my transgender life as told through Cyrsti's Condo.

It's COLD Dammit

Yes, the deep freeze has caught up with us here in Ohio and to add insult to injury, we are going to have a sizable amount of snow for Valentine's Day...time to stay home and snuggle.

My point of all of this is, if you are considering a MtF gender transition in a climate which changes seasonally, you have to consider what you are going to do about it. Unless you are much better than I am, it's tough to venture forth in cute snow boots with heels and bruise a hip. (Bad for my age.)

My problem is I am an extremely short term planner. Back in the day job interviewers would ask me what I planned on doing in five years. Early in the game I learned hoping I would be alive was not the right answer, or being a woman.

So now, after going on my second year of needing a seasonal wardrobe change, I think I have it down. Even though I can't wear heeled boots, I try to add to my boot collection every year now while they are on sale. 

Something that will be new for me this year will be the ability to go get another professional pedicure on my toes when I start wearing warm weather sandals. Then, I can retire my tennis shoes into an only exercise/walking shoe category.

I hate to say this but I think I'm fairly well set up in the tank/summer top category this year. However, I never say never! What fun would that be?

Plus, a lot could change this summer when I get my Medicare changed over and maybe I could get them to pay for a couple procedures, breast augmentation and a deviated septum surgery. I read somewhere a person ended up getting a nose job out of the deal. It's frustrating when I see a more feminine person peeking out of the mirror behind the person I'm looking at when I know that is just being shallow. I gave up being a mirror dweller years ago.

Most of these obviously are just dreams and goals, but then again without them, one's life becomes as cold and gray as the winter weather around here. Can't let that happen! 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Me and You and A Post Named Boob?

It's bad when I have hit a writers block on my second book and Cyrsti's Condo at the same time. I would suppose you could call my morning "blocked"

On the other hand, I rely on some of you to help me unblock my noggin and you did it again this morning when you considered the physical (rather than financial) pain of beard removal. To catch you up, due to my age, I must go the electrolysis route versus laser, which will only work on dark colors of beard. (Not gray)

"Paula Goodwin commented:
It's the top lip that hurts most!
Being retired, I'm in that boat with you - gray beard (laser being ineffective) and likely never being able to afford electrolysis. Regrettably I didn't have laser on my beard area (like I did for my arms and legs when they weren't gray yet.)

I had some test spots done on my side-burn area and upper lip with electrolysis back in the day...and the pain - even with numbing cream - was awful. And this from someone who had a root canal done without Novocaine years ago. The pain made it an easy decision...

I guess that's what razor blades and MAC makeup are for..
So very Happy for you,must feel very fulfilling at long last :)"

Mandy @ Paula, OUCH! 
Shelle, thanks :)

Here are my choices going forward it seems. Finally the long term financial prospect tunnel I'm looking at doesn't seem to have a train coming at me and I might be able to afford Electro and/or breast surgery this year. Right now I think I would opt for the latter. Mandy is right (about shaving and Mac makeup) although I hate it. Plus I never really know when my estrogen ingestion is going to be a problem with the Doc's. I know "the Big E" does not have everything to do with breast size but it does with over all feeling for me.

At the least, life is not boring!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Transgender Beauty Queen

Ashton, age 17, at the Miss Teen Columbus Pageant 2008.By now you are thinking Cyrsti, that is not so new anymore, fortunately. Plus, the nature of Cyrsti's Condo subject matter is normally MtF in nature (since of course is what I am.) So, waaaaasssup?

This story about Ashton Colby story though is different. Ashton is a FtM former beauty queen. That's right kids, he gave up his trophy to be a

From Today "Health & WellnessThe Columbus, Ohio, native spent his teen years competing on the notoriously gender-normative pageant circuit, a way of suppressing his natural inclination to behave the opposite way. "From a young age, I was a tomboy," Colby recalled. "Before puberty, it's fine to be that person. But in middle school, kids start making fun of you, and adults start having other expectations of what your life should be."

A typical story to be sure, but not one considered deeply by trans women consumed by the "what ifs"  of even having the chance to be considered a "tom boy". What we don't realize in our onward 
hell bent rushes to be women, trans guys have it just as bad.

Ashton's story provides more than a little insight. Make sure to follow the link above for more.

Ashton, 23, believes that the key to happiness is honoring yourself from within

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

As Promised!

We all have ID's and increasingly so as Big Brother or Sister continues to look over our shoulders, and the way the world is becoming these days, it may not be all in all a bad deal. Plus, looking ahead, as the world continues to be increasingly interconnected, bar coded identification cards are the rule. At least here in Ohio, your drivers license is coded in so when and if you get pulled over by a cop, they get a head start. Also, now when I go to the Veteran's Administration, I need to scan my ID card at a kiosk, which is why it was a such a huge deal to get my name and gender changed over.
Who Dat?

I told you all I would show you (the best I could) all my non pertinent info on my new ID's  and for a little fun, I thought I would toss in the "before" picture of me which has been "hidden" on the blog for a while!

Sorry about the "camouflage" but you get the idea of why I repeated first grade so many times!

Monday, February 8, 2016

More I.D's Arrive

My Veterans Administration all feminine identification card arrived today-to be sure, another milestone.

How much of one? I promise to show you in the next Cyrsti's Condo post.

No Struggle no Progress

  Image from UnSplash. Basically, when it comes to doing anything really important in life, to progress you need to struggle. As far as bein...