Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Book' EM" Cyrsti

The last week or so I have actually settled into what I think I can and can't do with my latest book project, and along the way have actually stumbled across a couple proof readers, who work for coffee. One of them I live with also, which is a potential big stumbling block.

It's taken a lot but I have given her a red pen/pencil and said go after grammar/punctuation mistakes. Well, I just had to get over it as my efforts came back looking as if someone died on it with all the red. (And that's after Microsoft Word helped with it's own miracles.)

I'm sure those of you who are regulars here in Crysti's Condo and are grammar freaks like my partner catch me making tons of mistakes. Here is my excuse though, lots o times grammar just got in my way when there were points to make or my imagination was running wild. How's that?

On the bright side, I have figured how to move blog posts into the book after I copy and paste them to Word. Once I have something in place in my noggin it normally stays. Plus, the whole task of ever doing a book was the impossible dream for me and I have a close friend who is actually getting published and has a couple E-books. I can't come close to saying how much work that is, how creative she is and how she keeps that little all knowing
grin on her face when someone else talks about how they "should write a book." (Love it and can you tell how much respect I have for her?)

So, since goals seem to be a real live part of my life these days, the book is off and running for the finish line. The Trans Ohio Symposium or Pride Days this summer could be a real possibility if I keep working on it. 

Hopefully you are asking by now what's it about? The best and worst of my transgender life as told through Cyrsti's Condo.

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