Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Trans Generational Gap

This morning was yet another re-visit to the VA (I am a transgender Army veteran). It was time for a check up on why my body seems to be in love with processing and storing all the iron it can. The doctor doing all the diagnosing is one of the few I have ran into who is close to my age. He is also the one I showed for the first time in "Boy Drag". So I guess I had it coming-being called "he" throughout the whole appointment. 

In this case I didn't give a "rat's arse" what he called me-as long as he told me a little good news-which he did.  I was really paranoid he would say "you need to get off HRT"-he didn't. 

Plus, what was really heartening was, his female assistant kept saying "she" and glancing at me everytime he mis-pronouned me. And to take it farther , all the nurses I encountered - so I could set up my next round of appointments-called me she-all 20 something and comfortable with a trans person.

So maybe Connie, my closet in the back of the nursing home may have high speed WiFi for my computer yet. Because,today (once again) the  younger generation continue to impress me with it's lack gender bigotry! 

A Tale of Three Blonds"

Saturday night (as I have written previously here in Cyrsti's Condo) Liz and I stopped for a late dinner at a place called "The Senate" known for it's "gourmet street food." (In Cincinnati) The venue itself is in a long straight room and everyone sits at tables along the wall-the bar is on the other side. Liz ended up sitting against the wall and I sat with my back facing the aisle. 

Where I sat, to my left was one (older?) blond in a little black dress - positively entranced with the man she was with. I think she was a 40 something girl, not small but well put together. What I found to be interesting was how positively uncomfortable she was in that dress.  Now, I believe every woman has a goal or an idea of what she is trying to achieve in an outfit. This woman's idea was good-she just got ambushed when she learned she couldn't cross her legs under the table easily (the dress was very short) and she became uncomfortable. She did make a couple rest room trips of course for "adjustments" and he hit his cell phone immediately.  I will leave the rest to your imagination!!!

The other two blondes were to the right of me and were with a guy who sat in the center. The three were most definitely 20 somethings out for a night on the town. I found the girl almost directly across from me to be interesting because she was going bra less, looked to be very athletic in her shorts and breasts about my size. Why? Because my breasts look about the same if I go bra-less. I would have killed for her legs though. As is the norm all the women were bare legged. The "older" girl you could see her leg veins were just starting. The younger ones of course were flawless.

I have always said it has been interesting living life as a transgender woman. Rarely did I ever have a physical attraction to a generic-mostly I had deep feelings of wanting to be them. One thing though, I doubt if very many other people on the earth study woman any closer.  

Monday, August 10, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Potty Break"

Taking a much needed trip to the women's room has always been a tough post for me to write. For several reasons. 

  1. Using the rest room of your chosen gender separates the casual "oh well" bystander into the not in my restroom you don't "separatist."
  2. There are no hard and fast rules on rest room usage. Every time in the past when I came up with five, someone would come up with five more. All just as good.
  3. Common sense is always a good way to start looking ahead for a potty. Obviously, using the rest room in an upscale bookstore is smarter than a redneck bar on a Friday night.
  4. Any idea which "demographic" could give you the biggest fits? Over the years, mine has changed. Except- women in the 45+ age bracket seem to be the most negative to me. (Then again, they may hate the length of my hair or what I'm wearing and they are from the generation who grew up with the idea with the restroom being a place to hide, fix make up/hair and gossip-let alone pee.)
  5. Don't panic and don't run. Remember in most establishments these days, staff and management may be trained to deal with a transgender person-in fact embrace us.
OK, I know those are very broad strokes but as I wrote, many of you have your own- based on where you go and how many times. I do believe though, I am seeing more and more unisex restrooms. After all, it makes economic sense for a new business or public building to build in unisex restrooms.

Ancient  Cross Dressing "ego" selfie from a woman's bathroom
And, oh yes, can't resist-I haven't seen Caitlin Jenner even discuss or consider the idea-then again too-she could build her. Or, take a "Porta Potty" behind her motor home.

What Came First?

The trans girl-or the beer?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Morning Edition"

Ker Plunk! Welcome to a sultry summer Sunday edition of Cyrsti's Condo. Here in Ohio, it's actually a beautiful sunny day with highs in the 80's and a hotter fresh cup of "Joe" (coffee)-let's get started:
Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't: To me, the week went by so fast-it was the week which wasn't - as far as the transgender world went. Much to my chagrin, I couldn't resist temptation and got sucked backed into the Caitlin Jenner "Kartrashian" media circus, was charmed, uplifted by Jazz Jennings and concerned by Carly's heart attack on Becoming Us. Selfishly, at my age, I'm trying to slow time down!

Page Two- A Tale of Two Restrooms? My partner Liz and I had a busy day on the road yesterday getting "errands" done between my old house and life in Springfield (Ohio) and here in Cincinnati. It's a trip one way of approximately an hour and a half-plenty of "quality time to spend with each other. We started the day at a "Meetup" Creative Group we attend when we can for conversation, coffee,ideas,food,coffee and oh yes-more coffee. After an hour or so it was time to hit the road to Springfield. 

The trip is mainly rural and restroom access is rare. In fact, since one of main interstate rest stops along the way has been closed for repair-the only alternative is a fast food restaurant cluster about half way. Yesterday we had two options-a cornfield-or Mac's. So Mac's for the potty and more coffee was the choice. I have stopped there by myself many times-without nary a glance, but not yesterday. I came out of my stall (Liz was done and waiting) right into the stares of a young girl and her Mom who was trying literally to escape through the wall. It was soooo bad, Liz reached out and gently touched my back as I washed up and we went out to order. 

The other end of the spectrum happened later last night as we went out for food and an adult beverage in the "Over the Rhine" section of downtown Cincinnati -you guessed it-we were called "ladies" all night long.

Page Three: The Back Page: I know this is a very short Sunday Edition but I do promise several more posts coming up with ideas I came up with during my "travel's" this weekend plus people I met along the way. In the meantime, thanks for being a part of Cyrsti's Condo!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Out" and About

more girly fun Some girls like girlie guys.
Unidentified Pinterest Cross Dresser
Heather! You don't recognize me from your brother's wedding party?? It's me- Jim!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo Vintage "Southern Belle"

Belaire HS (Baton Rouge LA) 1982

Belaire HS (Baton Rouge LA) 1982

I wonder if he knows his high school drag picture will seemingly live on forever?

Future Ideas and Planning

Time flies when you are having fun and somehow-someway Cyrsti's Condo has passed the five year point with some 4400 posts. Along the way, over a million and half souls have visited here (thanks!) and somehow I have been able to scrape together "Stiletto's on Thin Ice" an E-published book which has sold a few copies here and there. Thanks again! But don't look for me soon in a Barnes & Noble Bookstore anytime soon.

Unless you are one of a fortunate few, you probably have heard or figured the potential to get rich doing this is not good. Although I have seen many blogs soliciting donations, Cyrsti's Condo only revenue comes from the ad's you see from Google Adsense So, this whole undertaking was not undertakin' as a financial "undertaker" for me.

As a daily blogger, I can tell you the time output is enormous  and the only way I can do it -is I am highly motivated and/or semi retired. 

Having written all that, what are my plans around here for the future? I am dazzled by those who think I have all this technical ability, when in fact I struggle. (1+1=?) So often, when I read of advances I could incorporate into the blog, they sound easy until I research them. A few ideas I have though ,I can take classes about at a number of area technical schools. To name one-one of the area schools around here is offering an inexpensive blogging/podcast class this fall. I would love to add a podcast to Cyrsti's Condo! (Years and years ago I worked in the commercial radio business.)

I have other "notions" of changes here in the Condo and for the most part, I always do. Plus I have plenty of copy already written for a second book. Which I think would be as entertaining as the first one was personal.

Now I have to live long enough to do it!!! Maybe the nursing home will make sure the old crazy transgender woman in the back closet deserves her computer-right?

You Broke What???

In reference to yesterday's Cyrsti's Condo post concerning my "broken strut" - I'm afraid Connie, my personal "strutting" days are over. 

Actually, we are talking about my fender bender "ouchie"  on my Rolls Royce. Without any replacement parts needed on me as of yet. 

I would like to "pass" along as a final aside to the event, I did pull up my big girl panties into a giant wedgie and called the guy back myself. (Leaving Liz out.) I do believe the guy came out of all of it feeling a little confused. Hell-welcome to my world buddy!

I suppose I should come up with some witty saying that if you want to get out of something you did in boy drag-you have to send in a transgender woman to do it. Close enough.

Staying in the Present as a Trans Woman

Outreach Image. JJ Hart, Cincinnati  Trans Wellness Conference  Throughout my life, I  have experienced difficulties with staying in the pre...