Monday, November 17, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Drag Queen of the Day"

Our feature "queen of the day" is Dorian Garcia:

Day to Day

I just read a post from Janie Black 's blog called  "Just Living Life." Essentially, what I got from her post was, just because she isn't writing-that doesn't mean something is wrong. Plus, (regardless of what some want to think) life goes on, for the most part unremarkable.

Good for Janie, a great thoughtful idea to pass along to the blogosphere. I totally agree, then again I don't. 

Like her, my day is very mundane, even though in a very different sense from my past.  I put on a pot o joe and am munching a piece of toast in my sweats, bundled in a soft blanket. It's 4 am in Cincinnati, Ohio and it's snowing heavily.  Tuesday and Wednesday our wind chills are expected down around zero degrees. My life is not so mundane though because, I'm freezing and it's not even really cold yet.  Mundane for me is knowing and expecting my reaction to the cold-primarily because of my HRT changes. (SO different.)

Then, however I don't want to sugar coat it, looking ahead at today, presenting my girl self to the world is a much bigger deal than my guy self ever was.  Years ago, my partner Liz asked me what kind of a girl did I think I would end up as?  Would I be a full makeup, perfect hair woman or a light foundation, lip gloss and eye make up woman? Or more or less? I did find out, and I am very mundane low maintenance girl.

Janie is right in this sense, my life is more mundane. I know what I will wear today and approximately how I will make myself up to do it.  I heard a generic say once, "It's just how she lives her life." My mundane now just takes a little more time, expense and planning. 

Being retired (kind of) also puts a different "spin" on my mundane.  If you read Femulate, Stana recently wrote about a new boss and a transgender coming out session with her. (Successful!) I'm guessing when she does it, Stana's "mundane" will be work/professional while mine today is running errands mundane.  I will do my writing, work on my on-line shops, head to the post office and grocery.  The only "excitement" will be tonight, when we are going to a woman's political "rally" of sorts tonight

So, my mundane today is boots, jeans, jacket scarf etc. 

Finally, I totally agree Janie's idea that if you all don't hear from us, the quick and easy assumption is something is wrong.  Ironically, I feel the same about many of you.  Through out the years, I have literally seen thousands "burst" upon the scene as cross dressers, transgender women or whatever and just as quickly disappear. (My Facebook account has to be the best example of this.)

Even more so, I love Janie when she comes up with a great idea I can write about, so I don't have to figure one out myself!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!" Another virtual Sunday Edition has just hit your front porch!  Let's get started!

Page 1.- The Week That Was-or Wasn't.  We had a very quiet week.  Overall, we took another look at how some of us have transitioned so far.  Alexis Michelle commented it was all or nothing for her plan to transition in front of her family.  Others weren't so sure.  Of course it's a highly personal decision and totally different for each person involved.  Some families are simply better set up to handle such a momentous decision.  I believe another factor is how subconsciously a person has been projecting their true gender for years.  Over the years, I have heard stories from those who said the main reaction was, "What took you so long?"  Unfortunately though, most of us have buried ourselves so deep in the closet, none of that was possible.

Page 2.- Transparents.  If you haven't heard yet Transparent is an American  internet television series produced by Amazon. The story revolves around a Los Angeles family and their lives following the discovery that father Mort (Jeffrey Tambor) is transgender. I truthfully haven't seen much of it.  Just reactions to it, here and there which have been positive.  I also truthfully cringe when I know a critique of it is coming up as it was in another show I watch.  The show is called the "People's Couch"  which is exactly what is called: different groups of people sitting on their couches watching various television shows and comment.  (Including gay/straight and black/white peeps.)  Actually the reaction was good, even to the point of compassion. 

Page 3.- We Got Mail. I am not totally sure why I was sent this comment from a self described "American Man-Boycotting American Women".  Simply, he is done with American women and among other things calls them fat lazy, gold diggers.  He is a proponent of the ideals of a "foreign woman." I certainly don't buy into either stereotype but thought immediately of where a transgender woman would stand in his stereotypical broad strokes (no pun intended.) In years past, I have written my own lists of why trans women could and do appeal to American men.  The problem is, none of his - or my input can ever really fully discuss the sexual aspect.  Truthfully, it's too highly personal for me to even want to consider. 

All I can say is, in response to him is: I think in some ways he is right. Somewhere a generation of women in this country (can't speak for others) have lost the ability to teach daughters how to be functional women.  BUT! Men are no different and per norm, men are slower at understanding the nuances of a changing society.

Finally, over my lifetime I have known a few "foreign women" who, regardless of relationship, have been able to assimilate into American society. Also, a couple who couldn't.

Page 4.-The Back Page. Well, it didn't take long for winter to hit hard around here and we have our first winter storm warning tonight.  We have a new term this winter replacing the "Polar Vortex", the "Polar Plunge!"  Where ever you are, thanks for visiting Cyrsti's Condo!

Joe! Is That You???

Wow!  When you said you were going to be in your sister's wedding-you were weren't kidding! Isn't that the same dress you wore in the womanless wedding pageant? Did you really catch the bouquet?

One of the girls - a male bridesmaid

Cyrsti's Condo Trans Woman of the Day

Our feature cover today is Paris Brooke Duvall a transgender MtF woman - one example (of many) of a person who transitioned and does look like a generic!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Womanless Pageant Fave"

Transgender Violence

Don, passed this along to me and indeed I had seen it from my Trans Ohio connections but have taken until now to post it here on Cyrsti's Condo:

BRAVO is Issuing the Following Alert for the Safety of the
LGBTQI Community of Central Ohio

BRAVO has recently received multiple reports of anti-LGBTQI pick-
up related bias crimes. The incidents have occurred while meeting
people using the website Adam4Adam and potentially other dating
service websites/apps (i.e. Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, etc.). At this
point it appears that assailant(s) are contacting individuals
online and upon meeting, are robbing them and/or burglarizing
their home. BRAVO has good reason to believe that these attacks
are anti-LGBTQI motivated.

If you have been the victim of, or are aware of, similar assaults
please contact BRAVO (614-294-7867) or the Columbus Police
Department Sexual Abuse Squad (614-645-4701).

For further information BRAVO, can be reached at 614-294-7867 or
866-86-BRAVO. All reports to BRAVO are confidential and may be
made anonymously.

Thanks Don!  I think the important point to be made here is that even though this alert is for Central Ohio, the message is for everyone-everywhere.

The threat of violence has been and will be a real threat for anyone in our community...lets be careful out there!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"


"Fade to Grae?"

Recently, I presented a "Flashback" post and photo on female impersonator Grae Phillips (left) who, according to Cyrsti's Condo visitor:Lynn Davis  who commented: "Grae just sort of vanished."

Indeed Lynn and here is what I think happened. 

From the very beginning, Grae was a drag queen who could sing and perform as a woman, rather than a parody. Good enough to parlay her act into a singer for a real group or band.

 By then, Grae was in a prime spot back then to cash in on the "real life Tootsie" idea as well as the "explosion" of talk shows eager to "expose" any cross dressing issues.

Today, all I can find is a series of sales pitches and old videos of Grae as a woman and a man.

I have also considered Grae was sort of a womanless beauty pageant winner who hit the mainstream and disappeared just as quickly when the beauty and fame began to fade.

If anyone else has any other facts or ideas, please let us know!


It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...