Showing posts with label Bravo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bravo. Show all posts

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Transgender Violence

Don, passed this along to me and indeed I had seen it from my Trans Ohio connections but have taken until now to post it here on Cyrsti's Condo:

BRAVO is Issuing the Following Alert for the Safety of the
LGBTQI Community of Central Ohio

BRAVO has recently received multiple reports of anti-LGBTQI pick-
up related bias crimes. The incidents have occurred while meeting
people using the website Adam4Adam and potentially other dating
service websites/apps (i.e. Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, etc.). At this
point it appears that assailant(s) are contacting individuals
online and upon meeting, are robbing them and/or burglarizing
their home. BRAVO has good reason to believe that these attacks
are anti-LGBTQI motivated.

If you have been the victim of, or are aware of, similar assaults
please contact BRAVO (614-294-7867) or the Columbus Police
Department Sexual Abuse Squad (614-645-4701).

For further information BRAVO, can be reached at 614-294-7867 or
866-86-BRAVO. All reports to BRAVO are confidential and may be
made anonymously.

Thanks Don!  I think the important point to be made here is that even though this alert is for Central Ohio, the message is for everyone-everywhere.

The threat of violence has been and will be a real threat for anyone in our community...lets be careful out there!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Million Dollar Candis Cayne

"Bravo" Television has a show called Million Dollar Listing".
I'm always interested in the show because the basis is a group of very high end real estate sales brokers selling property in New York and Los Angeles I could only dream of ever buying.

Today's show got my attention though when one of the prospective buyers was none other than the beautiful transgender actress Candis Cayne".

Candis if possible is even more beautiful in this show.
Go here for more pix! Many of the shows are rebroadcast on satellite television so you may be able to see her episode relatively easily.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

So Hot It's Flamin!

It is no surprise the Bravo television network is very gay orientated.  But Bravo has unleashed a new level in gay talk on Fashion Queens. Forget about political correctness as guests Miss Lawrence (right) and Derek J "critique" female celebrities. Here is one review from Madam Noire:

"Last night Bravo aired a new tv show, “Fashion Queens” featuring hair stylist Derek J, fellow hair stylist and “Real House Wives of Atlanta” cast member, Miss Lawrence, and media and style maven and Bevy Smith. The three big personalities discussed things like haute couture, trends and what would a fashion show be without the shade that comes with discussing the most egregious fashion faux pas. The show is primarily about style, so it was interesting Bravo chose Derek J. If you’ve seen some of his public appearances, you might have noticed that more times than not, he’s far from impeccably dressed. And I’m not referring to the fact that he wears women’s clothes, but more to the fact that he wears ill-fitting, tacky looking women’s clothes. But let me stop. That’s not what I’m here for today. During last night’s show, I was otherwise occupied, catching up on “Girls” episodes and watching “Golden Girls.” But I jumped on Twitter for a hot second to see that Derek J, whose business is hair, made some interesting comments. He said that he’s “not a fan of the natural hair movement.” Ok, fair. You don’t have to like it. But then he took a step further saying: “natural hair is not for everyone.”

Maybe it was just when I watched it (no I wasn't intoxicated) I just got a giggle from this 'flamin" gay look at current culture.

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...