Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

My Failed Political Career!

Perhaps you have read this Halloween experience of mine in Cyrsti's Condo in the past, but I'm old so I think I'm allowed to repeat myself, if I can remember!

This experience was actually a year after my "French Woman" Halloween party and happened at a really neat old "painted lady" house.  A "painted lady" is actually one of the terms used around here for a wonderfully ornate Victorian wooden house.  The setting was a "natural" for a Halloween party!

I was still with my first wife and working as a DJ at a local radio station and getting increasingly bold about going out cross dressed at Halloween.  On this night, my wife stayed home and I actually went with one of the news girls at the station. (See I told you I had lots of rope!)

I finally gave up on a mystical perfect feminine character costume and just dressed as one, but this time not slutty. If I had a costume, it was simply a man cross dressed as a woman to the best of his ability.  By this time of my life, I had had the chance to accumulate a small wardrobe, a couple wigs and shoes.  I picked what I felt was a nice outfit. Wig, dress heels etc.  The whole effort was so mundane I really don't remember exactly what I wore - except people at the party began to comment who the "well dressed woman was." Well needless to say, I was really flattered and could move away from my spot by the vintage coffin with it's skeleton-as my date.

Then, as the evening progressed, I got the biggest surprise of all when a young politician and his girlfriend invited me to leave the party with them and go to a couple others.  It was one of those I wonder "what if" I had moments of my life. I didn't go and he ended up serving many terms in Washington.  (No Pat-this all happened many years before Monica Lewinski.)

Like a good cross dresser, I made sure the news woman got home and I went home to my wife and life-never knowing if I had a chance at a career in Washington afer all!

Friday, October 17, 2014

"Whirlin' and Twirlin' "

I'm really looking forward to tonight!

Liz and I are going to the Cincinnati Lesbian "Rainbow Dance" which is expected to draw in excess of three hundred people.

My outfit has been picked out for a week. Silky black "gaucho style" Black slacks, ballerina dressy black flats and a sleeveless top which is hard to describe except it is sort of a cross between an argyle and black and white tweed. I'm wearing my hair back tonight with the beaded transgender symbol beret Liz made me and I'm carrying a beaded black bag with a long silver should chain.

I'm set!

Or am I?  I got to thinking - what if Liz asks me to dance and worse yet, if someone else does!

People think I'm kidding when I say I have NO rhythm and damn little coordination!  In my past when I have drank my way into thinking I could dance, some mean person videoed me to show I couldn't!

Seriously, I am just going to tuck this little bit of paranoia way back in my noggin and play the dance card only if I have to.  Liz and I have this special way of hanging out in our own little world anyway and I sincerely doubt if I will have my dance card filled up. But if I'm asked, I know Liz will get a kick out of it, so I will dance.

It's a damn slight better than being part of the speed dating!  Can you imagine how I would do at that? I can tell you I have a "hair trigger mouth" which is set in motion by three parts of my body. My arse, my foot and my brain-in that order!

Also, we are looking forward to seeing if there are any other partners who identify lesbian/transgender as we do!

Finally, I am an incorrigible flirt, so I just can't wait for tonight!

"Out" for Halloween

Finally getting around to a couple of your comments here in Cyrsti's Condo to my first Halloween post!
Here they are, presented in a different format:
  1. Michellewhois
    Great story! I especially loved the statement "For the evening, I came up with a "costume" which not surprisingly, was more slut than originality. My skirt was short, heels high and hair was long. The result was a relatively uncomfortable evening in clothes I really hadn't spent enough time wearing to understand what I was "walking into" literally-my heels killed me. My imagined enjoyment of walking down the street in my panty hose, short skirt and freshly shaved legs did thrill for awhile-until the chill set in." It reminded me of way back when I first came crashing out into the world. It also reminded me of some of the other girls back then and how we strived for that sexy look instead of trying to find our happy medium in the world of women's fashion. Thank you for that brief glimpse of back in the past.
  2. Michelle, you are welcome!  It was dark in that closet wasn't it!  Crashing is a good word!  Quoting an old Jerry Reed song "We had a long way to go and a short time to get there!"
  3. A "Horny" Halloween Costume Idea?
  4. And Jen Smith: 
    My first time dressing as a woman was when I was in my early 20s. Yes for me it was also at Halloween, a party at a friend's house.

    If I recall, it came up as a spur of the moment thing. It was a Saturday, we knew we were going to this party but had no budget for costumes.

    An upstairs neighbor was in our apartment that day, and somehow it came up that I could go dressed as a woman. This neighbor had a blond wig that she offered up, and I think she also lent me some sling back heals that barely fit. I know I didn't last long at the party wearing them.

    That was over 25 years ago, and I remember just a few details. I vaguely remember wearing an off-white, or maybe more towards a light tan knee length dress. I think nude or white pantyhose. I don't remember anything about makeup, but I probably ended up with blush at least, probably not foundation or anything else.

    We got to the party, hosted at the parent's house of a fairly close buddy. As we got out of the car (I wasn't driving), another buddy of mine and his girlfriend came up to us, recognizing my future ex-wife.

    He asked her, while looking at me, "who is your friend you've brought along?" LOL! He didn't recognize me, nor did he realize I was a guy!

    Well, that was the first time out in public officially for me, and I faded back to just wearing pantyhose, stockings and panties off and on for the next 20 years before it dawned on me that I wanted to be a woman.

    Thanks Cyrsti for poking this memory out of my past!
  5. Thanks to both of you ladies!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The "Don't I Know You" Halloween

This evening happened a couple years after the "Spook Out" trip to Columbus I posted recently here in Cyrsti's Condo.  I was still in total denial to anyone who asked about my cross dressing tendencies and still semi cautious about where I went locally-except this night.

One of the few big clubs in town in the early 80's was having it's big Halloween Dance/Party.  The whole idea of going was driving me crazier than I already was and finally I figured I would go for it and see if I could go incognito as a woman.  At the time I was still married to my first wife who would have said "whatever you think is right dear" if I had said I was going off for a sex change and would be gone for a few months.  It was never good to give me that much line to run with ever.  At the time too, her youngest sister (17) was living with us for awhile.

I can't remember now exactly where I acquired it, but I came up with a fairly form fitting sweater dress which (for once) wasn't "slut-short".  I belted it off, wore black panty hose, heels, blond wig (of course) and just happened to find a black beret to finish off my look.  With what I call a true red lipstick, I liked the outfit and felt good I thought.

To this day, I still remember the look of shock on my sister in law's face when I came out of the bathroom. Shaved legs and all.

I figured I had zero chance of anyone in my home town recognizing me at the club.  First of all, most of my friends didn't go there anyhow and I hadn't been back around for very long. Wrong! I wasn't there through one drink when this guy in a mask came up and said "I know you!"  I said no you don't and he simply said "you look just like your Mother." Really? I almost dropped my drink as he pulled up his mask. He did know my Mother and I.

Glen or Glenda
So much for my wonderful plan of going "incognito".  The evening did however still turn out to be lots of fun in my "French Girl" outfit! As far as the guy went, I had grown up with him in a very small circle of friends. He was always pretty wild and he taught me how to drive when I was 14 and things like that. His aunt owned a little variety corner store in a less than fancy side of town.  When we could, we would go there and read the trashy mags and newspaper of the day. He may have noticed me giving a little too much attention to the female impersonator articles! Similar to the one on the left!  He knew! I might as well just old him my "dirty little secret." Oh well!

Working Mom!

From :
A transgender mom becomes Working Mother of the Year
Meghan Stabler (Credit: YouTube/Meghan Stabler)

 Meghan Stabler describes herself as “just like any other mom, be she single, partnered or married.” She says, “I’m planning meals, balancing budgets, figuring out how to encourage my child to enjoy reading, and juggling my schedule to accommodate taking my daughter to the doctor when she’s sick.” She’s a business executive and a human rights advocate. She’s also just been named Working Mother’s Working Mother of the Year, and as such, she’s not just like any other mom. She’s a trailblazer. Because she’s the first transgender woman to achieve that honor. The Human Rights Campaign, where Stabler serves on the Board of Directors, announced the news Wednesday, offering congratulations and quoting Working Mother’s editorial director Jennifer Owens, who calls her “a true champion.”

Brings up the question:  Just how deep can the feminine run in transgender women even though they are not a baby birthing womyn?


Frock MagazineNo, fellow party girls, not crocked- Frock (as in the magazine).  Have you ever heard of it?  If you haven't, you should because it is quite the publication put together by Editor Katie Glover.  I like Frock because of the way Katie has been able to cover our very diverse community.  In Katie's own words:

Frock Magazine is your free drag and transgender related bi-monthly, for drag queens, transsexuals, transvestites, crossdressers and transgender people everywhere, full of features and articles about well known members of the transgender community, crossdressing clothes and clothing guides, make-up tutorials, transgender related movie and book reviews, trans-activism, news and fiction

In addition, you can count on colorful, classy pictures and you can view the whole magazine on line free or purchase it for your very own!

Oh yes, while you are there check out my article on page 52! "Frock of Ages" (Follow the link above!)

And yes sillies, I always read Frock before I was humbled and flattered to be chosen to write for it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "The REAL Story"

 So no one needs to know all those "guys nights out" really weren't?

Cyrsti's Condo "Good ol' Girls"

Define: "Good ol Girl"  :  At least a 40 something genetic with an edge - who figures she could either out drink you,out flirt you or out screw you - under the table.

Truthfully, it's a genre of genetics I migrate to and always have.

This morning, my "good ol girl" presented her self in all her glory during my two hour drive back home from Liz's.  When I went down there the other day to help with a couple hospital tests (which went well!) I was traveling light and just tossed a couple changes of jeans and sweaters in my suitcase.

By this morning, I was down to what I call my old "hippie" bell bottoms, long knitted sweater and what I call my "furries".  A pair of suede shoes I have which are very comfy. I really wasn't planning on stopping anywhere but still gave my hair a liberal dose of Liz's (expensive) Moroccan hair spray (when she wasn't looking.)  My hair is nothing more than a "poof ball" of frizzies in our damp weather these days if I don't.

As it turned out, Cincinnati's highways were really slow this morning.  By the time I got less than half way back, I was positively craving a cup of coffee. I took a quick look at my hair, knew what I was wearing-finger combed it , applied tooooo much black eye makeup and headed into a busy fuel stop for my cup o joe.

Even though my coffee was all I was looking for, the same wasn't true for several of the other patrons.  First of all I had to potty, then made my way through a relatively crowded store to the coffee machines.  On occasion, genetic good ol's don't think much of my "intrusion" but there weren't any of them there.  However, their male equivalents were. 

Surely, I did get a few looks from them because I probably looked like I had been up all night!  The genetics didn't seem to notice at all and I thought "well, never a dull moment"

Home now and ready for a nap!

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...