Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Mud Roller"

Every so often, I dig back into my old high school days to find a term which was reserved for a few "special" girls in school-mudroller.  The literal meaning was she would have sex in the mud with you and was not used as a derogatory term. Rather one of "awe."

ameliaHere's my latest transgender "roller": She is Amelia Maltepe who was born into a strict Muslim family and now lives and models in Canada.

Trans Terf's in the Girl's Sandbox.

I read with interest today a blog post from whom I consider a "Trans-Terf" (Terf is a trans exclusionary radical feminist.) The person writing the post was transgender and right off the bat she excluded me (I hadn't transitioned long enough)? As I read on, then I understood why I was not worthy.  She said and I paraphrase- almost no one had the gender experiences she lived through (Really? Me thinks what she didn't lose in her transition was her male ego.)

Well OK! Now I understood!  First the woymn born woymn crowd excluded me because I wasn't born with the proper equipment between my legs.  First,  I lived my life for years as one of those evil male privileged humans who beat and slandered every genetic woman I could find. And now, here I was, trying to sneak into the hen house through the back door.

Shame on me!

Then, there was this person excluding me in almost the same way as the woymn born woymn crowd she purported to be against..Dammit! It seems I didn't have a store bought vagina to be admitted there either. Or even owned it long enough.

Seriously, in some what the same vein,  the one of my biggest fears around here in Cyrsti's Condo has always been climbing up on a slippery pedestal with the Trans Terfs and then proclaiming I'm better than any of the rest of you.  I'm not.

It doesn't matter to me if you are on HRT or not, or are even out of the closet or not!   I remember all too well the hell of being in the closet for at least 30 years and trying to play both sides of the gender street.  Plus, if the truth is known,  if the cards didn't fall the way they turned out-I may still be in the closet. Also, I went through at least another five years of non gender related hell to land on my I could come out.

It still doesn't make me a better person than any of you,  it just makes me a very determined survivor.

I have always thought though, that a lot of the bitter trans women who take me to task for my length of time as a transgender woman in the world, are jealous. They are jealous because the sun, the moon and stars aligned for me and now I'm having the time of my life. (I guess I wasn't supposed to?)

So if you ever notice I may be trying to climb up to that pedestal where the blessed Trans Terf's" live - just slap me the hell down!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Good Night "Lauren Bacall."

It seems as if I have been writing a series of obituaries this week here in Cyrsti's Condo.  First it was Robin Williams and now it's Lauren Bacall.

If you are not familiar with her, she was the sultry actress who teamed up with Humphrey Bogart on and off the screen.

One of our blog regulars Don, emailed today and mentioned her passing plus her voice.  Again, if you haven't ever heard her, she was famous for her low sexy tones...just an ideal voice for a transgender woman trying to find her way in the world-if you can do it.

Here's a description from the New York Times called "That Voice and the Woman Attached." :

"Bogey and Bacall"
Her voice comes at you low and flat, wildly insinuating, electric and lingering. In another age, Lauren Bacall’s voice might have been called mannish. When she opened her mouth in “To Have and Have Not” — taking a long drag on a cigarette while locking Humphrey Bogart in her gaze — she staked a claim on the screen and made an immortal Hollywood debut. But in 1944 at the exquisitely tender age of 19, she was also projecting an indelible screen persona: that of the tough, quick-witted American woman who could fight the good fight alongside her man.

Among other things, I'm a Turner Classic Movie Channel Addict.  When one of the big stars passes, they normally do 24 hours of their movies plus either an appearance on Johnny Carson or better yet a classic interview with Dick Cavett. I can't wait to see it.

As Don said, modeling your voice after Bacall is a wonderful idea and capturing the essence of the woman is even better.

I will leave you with what many consider to be her most famous line (and mine too):

"You know you don't have to act with me, Steve. (Bogey) You don't have to say anything and you don't have to do anything. Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow," Bacall as Marie Browning in "To Have and Have Not."

She was 89 - quite the run!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

When you think you are having a bad day...

Some days are harder than others!

Attitude Versus Appearance

It's no secret the number of times we have kicked around the idea of "attitude" versus "appearance" here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Your attitude as you begin to explore your femininity in the world in many ways ranks above how you look. My example goes back several years and continues to this day in one of the places I have been stopping at for adult beverages and sports. It's close to a big research air base and normally has it's share of 40 something groups of defense contractor/professional guys.  The bar itself is straight (not gay - no I meant the bar shape!) and seats approx 25.  Tuesday's are the big 2 dolla pint night.  Your choice on any of 30 different drafts-2 dolla, and the place is packed.

I learned years ago the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat of having to walk to the other end of the bar for a seat...through primarily men.  I went from being flat out laughed at at one end of the spectrum to guys just glazed over.  I always wondered what the glazed ones were thinking.  Largely now, I'm ignored except I did have two last night who followed my every move until I found a seat.  Moral to the story is, I learned to always keep my head up, and shoulders back to keep the human sharks in their place. Come hell or high water I just had to let the world know, I wasn't doing anything wrong.

While we are on the subject of attitude. Several posts ago, I re-posted one of my old woman less pageant  pictures of "Spencer".    Spencer was gorgeous to be sure but his attitude was just as amazing to me.

And all this time my sister thought she was the only princess in the family! also think some of these younger woman less  pageant contestants first time in drag was that night and two things, they were impressed on how well the mtf transformation worked and two.- the joke was on everyone else when they saw him.

Example on left.

The "A-Ha" Moment

One of the most frequent questions I get from "civilians"  is when did I know I was transgender.  Normally, they aren't prepared for the long version of the story, so to spare them the boring details, I go for the short version.

The "short" version is very simple.  I knew vaguely from the age of ten or so, there was something not matching up gender wise in my noggin.  I'm not even sure if the word "gender dysphoria" was even "invented" in the 1950's at all and certainly not in semi rural Ohio. Of course my gender issues caused me to work to present myself as a girl.

Civilians understand all of that.

I begin to lose them when I say cross dressing wasn't the answer.  Since many used to consider I was cross dressed when we talk. To the older civilians, explaining the 1960's and 70's is simple...I had even a bigger problem than gender dysphoria (and the lack of understanding .)- the spectre of the Vietnam War.

Somehow it still shocks people when I say I did serve my time in the US Army, played a little football,  did father a child and paid my dues to make it as a guy for 30 years or so.  Looking back I guess it shocks me too and I'm not sure how I made it.

Where I really lose almost all of the remaining civilians is when I tell them about five years ago, I accepted the fact for the first time in my life I am transgender.  

I tell them, yes, I was in my 60's before I had my "A-Ha" moment.

The good thing is today, the feminizing work of HRT on my body teamed with the seemingly weekly news another public person is coming out as transgender (Andreja Pejic, Lavern Cox, et all)- I'm not the celebrity I once was.

Yes, it's a wonderful feeling!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Fashion?" Selfies


 Picture number one: (left)  Water Balloon Boobs will not stay in unless you hold them!

And! (below)  Did you know...horizontal stripes can make you look....pregnant?

girlfriends out on the townLook, I want to mention I just don't make fun of others, I do it to myself too!

An example is, I'm not saying for sure the cross dresser was using water balloons in the picture.But the look sure reminds me of when I was using them back in the day. Until,  of course, one did decide to break when I was out one evening.  It was sure difficult to explain why "my water broke."

As far as the other girl goes...Spanx! Unless of course she really is pregnant.

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing!"

The last couple of nights, we have been blessed around here to see an amazing full moon which quite frankly took the luster away from star gazing around the Condo-but we managed to "git er done."

Here's our Libra:  (September 23-October 22): You are going to have to do some fancy talking and hustling. Get everyone on the phone and share your thoughts. This is your time to wow others with your brain, which only adds to your already pretty package. There are obstacles to climb now, but you’ve got the right attitude. Leadership is something you can earn, if you put together a plan of attack now.
Best Lay Day: Tuesday, August 12
I tell you, the stars have been kind to me recently but getting everyone on the phone to share my thoughts is a bit much!  Indeed I do though have the right attitude going on-which is at least half the battle of life!
This week our "guest spot" goes to all you Leo's:  (July 23-August 22): Your eyes are going to burn deep with desire, as your brain opens up to allow pleasure on a higher vibration to hit you in the sweetest spots. Extra delicious sensations are your only responsibility now, as the stars are looking after you so good this week, that to waste it on being a good girl would be a shame without measure.
Best Lay Day: Tuesday, August 12
Of course, if we missed you this week, go here to theFrisky to "star gaze" to your heart's content!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Good Night Robin Williams

I'm sure by the time this has posted, you all may have received the news of actor Robin Williams passing, quite possibly a suicide.

Many of us in the transgender or cross dressing community will remember his portrayal of a family nanny in Mrs Doubtfire.  For me though, I grew up very close to one of Robin William's mentors- Jonathan Winters.  Winters actually went to school and shared time between Springfield and Dayton, Ohio before serving in WWII.

If you happen to catch any of the old skits Jonathan Winters did on Johnny Carson, you will see the similarity between the two and notice the thin line between brilliance and insanity.

Much later in my life though, Robin Williams found another special place.

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) PosterThe movie was the 1987 Good Morning Vietnam in which Williams played American Forces Vietnam (AFVN) DJ Andrian Cronauer.  As luck would have it, I served on the American Forces Thailand Radio Network (AFTN) some 4 or 5 years after Cronauer left "Nam."  When the movie was released, all my friends could not wait to go see it with me, so I could provide a running commentary on what was true (some) but most not.  Even though it was a movie, I built an instant bond with Robin Williams who portrayed a long gone part of my life which most people don't believe existed.  I just laugh and say it was a different life (more than they know) and "got stoned and missed part of it." (Hell, most of the younger people I run into now, have only vaguely heard of the Vietnam mess anyhow.)

Hearing the news about Robin Williams was similar to knowing you have a dear friend with a terminal disease. You just knew he had it in him with all the "voices" he could summon for a role but you never hoped it would happen.

So, when I heard, it was like having a piece of my heart ripped out (sorry Janis) - similar to everytime I learn of yet another transgender person who commits suicide. Such a shame and so sad.

Hopefully Robin Williams is in a better place now, knowing his legacy is safe with so many of us!

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...