Thursday, April 10, 2014

An Extra Shot of "E" Please

I'm very excited about this afternoon! Following a long brutal winter, I'm heading back to my hair salon for a "spring/summer" update.

I refer to the experience as being exposed to a "contact" dose of estrogen.  In other words, it's the female equivalent of going into a car parts store with a bunch of guys.  Of course in the salon I go to, there is the occasional guy and several "very pretty" effeminate male stylists but everyone else is genetic or transgender and is engaged in the feminine pursuit of feeling pampered.

On my first visit a year or so ago, the pampering part is what surprised me the most.  Of course I dearly love what a professional can do for my hair, but how they do it is even more fun.

Of course, each time I learn more and can communicate what I want done-rather than sitting in the chair and saying "what do you think?"  It's yet another example of the old "act like you've been there" quote, because I have.

This afternoon, I know I need my split ends cut off, plus some shaping. Plus, I can afford one highlight added to my basic reddish color, so I'm thinking about going with a lighter semi blond for summer. I have a tendency to over think the process and always forget to remember my hair grows rather fast as does it's color-which does a real quick fade to gray.  What ever I do, it won't take long to repair itself- if I screw it up.

Every time I can afford to go to the salon, I do come back with a greater realization of why women consider it a staple of their lives.  Not only do they look better, they get a chance to relax from the world and get back to feminine bonding,  mostly, with others of the same sex.

Professional Women


Many cross dressers in the "community" do an excellent job of "professional office drag".  I used to find the genre useful when I wanted to blend in shopping in upscale malls or stopping to eat in a nice restaurant.
Here are a few examples I found on Pinterest for Cyrsti's Condo.  If one is of you, please tell me and I will gladly give credit where credit is due...

The first is of Katie

The second (bottom right) has no credits:  As always my disclaimer is, on some of these pix, I have no way to know if any of these women are truly genetic-which on Pinterest I feel a high percentage are.

Femme Side tumblr

Our third office professional woman is "Carrie" to the left!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Trans fat = SRS weight gain?

Cyrsti Hart

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"That's So Male!"

This is a cute quick story here in Cyrsti's Condo from an experience I had last night.

One of my genetic girl friends invited me to meet her for a drink and who was I to turn her down?  The place we went to was having live trivia-which I am deceptively good at.  What I mean is, out of ten questions, I get two right, two close and the rest I have no clue. The people around me (if they aren't paying too much attention) then think I'm some sort of savant and want me on their team-the jokes on them!  Plus, I have the attention span of a five year old, so I as go into rounds two or three, my mind is bored and is in another dimension.

You aren't supposed to cheat at this trivia and Google the answers so you can win but that didn't stop my friend and another woman down the bar from doing it.  Naturally, to do this you need to find an answer in a timely manner.  For whatever reason, I knew the place we were in had sketchy WiFi reception to start with, which was slowing the cheaters down. In short order, my friend got frustrated and started pounding her phone into the bar.  Not long after that, the woman down the bar did the same thing.

I was amazed and said to my friend, "that was so male!"  (It was!)  She quickly turned to me and sputtered "how do you sit there with your hair and boobs and all and tell me that?"  I calmly said "because I have been there and can say it."  Conversation over.

I look at it this way, over the years I have been called a "transgender pretender" because of my lack of desire to "purge" all of my masculine past.  To me, pulling a gender card out from the bottom of the deck on occasion, is just pay back for all the hell I went through to get here.

Besides, as I told my friend (who has invited me to lesbian only events over the years), I could have never come close to the innate masculinity in many of those women!  What a wonderful diverse world we humans live in if we could understand and enjoy the show.

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

On transgender hiring:  Why wouldn't an employer want to hire me? I have all of the expertise and experience that was afforded me by being a man, but now I'd only have to be paid 77% of a man's salary.

Connie Malone

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature Wednesday cover is transgender beauty Kalindra Chan

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just a Girl in the World

This video was sent to me from Lynne who occupies the same age demographic as me (old) and is decidedly more conservative and in the closet.  For no negative reason, I was really surprised though both of us saw the light in this video. The light is joy from an older MtF "transitioner on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen.

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature cover for Tuesday is A.D. Miles.  A.D. as I understood it, was a writer for the Jimmy Fallon Show several years ago when the show was doing a ensemble drag skit.  I always thought, AD showed way too much talent for his/her chance to cross dress on national TV.  What a great way for a cross dressing writer to just act like he "came up" with this idea out of the clear blue sky and he just happened to look so good?

Perhaps, in his past, AD discovered his "talent" at a womanless beauty pageant?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

My stars aligned themselves in another crazy way this week and left me with this warning:

(September 23-October 22): Everything and everyone will have their place this week, so feel free to compartmentalize your life away. Sometimes you can’t have two parts touching each other on the same plate, as they can have a tendency to bleed unfortunately into each other. So, take heed, as this week will be much like a game of Jenga. Take a few steps back and think before you settle on your next move forward.

I say crazy, because organization is a scary word to me and the idea of "compartmentalization" is even worse. Hope I don't trip on my "few steps back!"

I'm a Libra, as you probably noticed from the dates on the "scope" above, if you aren't, no worry! Go here to theFrisky for your very own sign!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...