Monday, March 24, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Spam of the Day."

CLICK ON SHOWIMAGES FOR LINKS AND IMAGES.This spam made it's way into my mail box.
If they only knew!

Deja Vu

By definition in English, the term Deja Vu is French, and literally means "already seen". Or is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not.

On occasion over the years, I have wondered if any of the occasions when being feminine was so natural meant I had lived them in another life?  The "past life" theory is one of those ideas I put in my ghosts or aliens category of I don't believe- or non believe.

These days, as I transition ever further into a feminine existence, I have a tendency to toss the feeling of Deja Vu into the category of syncing an over abundance of estrogen in the womb to my HRT meds today.  The process of day to day influences just seem more normal. Not because I lived them before, it's because I feel normal living them now.

To put it into other words which you peeps from the 60's might equate to - through most of my life "I got stoned and missed it." Except in this case, I got "T"'d and missed it with my natural excess of testosterone.

Just an idea!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our Monday feature cover is Gheovanna Sartory Cruz

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Just Playing Around

The girl is thinking WOW we really set him up for success - and the prom :)

I have a tendency to get all "snarky" when things don't work around Cyrsti's Condo like my Wi-Fi, or when I read about genetic females who think that being a woman was a birth right and dislike me.'s play time!!!

Picture #1.-  
The girl to the left is thinking WOW we really set him up for success in the womanless pageant - He's thinking Prom!

Picture #2.- I am too genetic!!!!!!!!!!! Dammit!

Great Eyes

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature cover today is Arthur Nazarov

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Good morning "Condo-ites!"  Lots of content this morning! Let's get moving.

 Page 1.- News.   Recently, this title caught my eye, 6 Ways Trans Women Are Helping to Deliver Gender Equality.  Essentially, for all the movement women have made in the world over the past two decades, this post points out:
From the gender wage gap to increasing incarceration rates — or “Slavery 2.0” — the failure of the ERA in 1982 and the continued lack of a federal equal rights amendment are testaments to the unrelenting, pernicious and unethical treatment of women in America — especially women of color. 

It goes on to say:

The movement for women's equality has occurred primarily within the LGBT community over the past decade, with the discourse of “equality” often framed in terms of marriage. DADT and DOMA were both federally repealed, and the marriage equality movement has a nearly invisible state-organized apparatus, thanks to two Supreme Court's decisions this past summer.

It's a good read from PolicyMic.  Go here to read more.

Page 2.- Opinion.  The preceding story prominently mentioned the growing influence of transgender women of color leading the fight for rights. Not unlike their race went through during the Civil Rights battles of the 60's and beyond. Ironically, the one other transgender woman besides me who showed up for the Trans Ohio meeting was of color and outspoken and not shy.  I'm not making the case for color equaling a significant desire or ability to speak up on our trans issues except to say the highest instances of transphobic violence are directed  towards women of color.

Now, to my point.  I began to wonder if those of us who are transitioning and have the ability or will power to do it - are preconditioned not to stand up for our rights?  Do we spend too much time in the stereotypical feminine mind state?  I don't know but it is a thought.  The irony is not lost on me though that a few of the genetic women groups are grudgingly beginning to recognize the appeal of a group of new transplanted citizens on their soil.  After all, immigration is good in so many ways. New ideas, culture and energy are always beneficial if accepted for what they are.

Page 3.- Comments.  This week I was greedy and put off answering a couple excellent responses I received here in the Condo until now.  From week to week, I never know what content I will have for our Sunday Edition.  The first came in response to my post Having Coffee with the Peeps and comes from writer Bobbie Thompson:

"... made the mistake of assuming ... " Been there done that. Of course, my ONLY experience with anyone trans is via Alana. I 'assumed' ALL trans experiences were the same as hers. While attending the 2012 Southern Comfort Conference with Alana, I quickly learned that EVERY EXPERIENCE is different and not one person's experience can be 'representative' of all. I learn something new every day ... mainly that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' ways to 'be.' I think the important part is to simply be yourself ... and allow others to be who they are.

Indeed Bobbie, you are right and thanks for the comment!  Perhaps the isolation the transgender community subjected itself to helped to further the notion that somehow we are all alike or know plenty of other trans friends. None of that is true for most of us of course and once again it proves we are just "regular" folk with just a little more insight into how both of the other gender binaries live.

The other comment came from Sally Bend in response to our Oldie but Goodie Post:

Back in high school I used to wash dishes and bus tables in a greasy little cafe that had a old bookstore attached. The bookstore was only open by appointment (it was a cluttered fire hazard), and I usually got the job of cleaning it up for customers. I found so many old trans magazines and paperbacks in there, it was like my own personal treasure trove. I never got to take many home (like you, I didn't have the courage to buy them), but I read most of them.

A great memory Sally and I'm sure many of us wish we had the same access to a "treasure trove" like that too!  It's amazing you got any work done. Thanks for sharing!

And thanks to all of you for spending part of your precious time here in Cyrsti's Condo.  Can't thank you enough and hope to see you again next week!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Adrien Lebreton
Our feature cover today is Adrien Lebreton.  I am beginning to use the term "gender blur" (before you have a chance to determine a gender in your mind, the person is gone)  as my own little pet term for an androgynous guy who doesn't have to "jump" far to visually cross dress as an attractive exotic woman.  We are seeing it more and more on the fashion runways of the world and undoubtedly it will filter down to many of us living in "less glamorous" places soon. I thought this picture was interesting in that the guy behind Adrien was also taking a picture, the guy to the right was intently watching and the kid only cared about harassing the pigeon.

Cyrsti's Condo "Beauty Break"

Every once in a while, I love to pass along what experts think of our passions such as make up.  From day one as cross dressers or transgender women, we foraged through Mom's or sister's make up - fascinated and confused.

This week I found a look at mascara - a very important part of my eye makeup routine.  As my skin is finally beginning to recover from the beating winter gave it and my old gray beard requires a lighter shave to cover, my eyes and lips take on an extra importance.

This comes from Yahoo: If there's one beauty product we can't live without, it's mascara. It brightens, opens up the eye and, frankly, makes us all look way more pulled together. But with 192 million types of mascaras at stores, picking one is like a massive game of eenie-meenie-miney-mo. Wand size, shape, texture - the choices are endless. To help keep your eyes on the prize and your lashes reaping the benefits, pay most attention to the type of wand.

For more follow the link above!

The Devil is Hiding in the Details

"Back in the day" as I was exploring the feminine side of my life as a cross dresser, one of my bigger frustrations quickly became making some sort of "big mistake."  All sorts of things could happen internally or externally. My panty hose could start creeping down my thighs, I could get a heel stuck in a crack in the concrete and yes, when I used water balloons for boobs-one broke. It seemed the more I learned, the more I had to learn. I was doing my best not to be a clown in the mall and an unpaid one at that!

Of course genetic women face the same problems as part of the "high maintenance" gender, they are just more experienced and yes they have faced the same problems as we transgender girls- except maybe the water balloons. They were using tissue. Last night, I saw the process first hand.

A friend and I (genetic) were out watching the basketball tournament in a big sports bar which features five huge television screens in a row, facing the bar.  The place is huge with two large rooms on either side of the main room and last light, one of them had some sort of formal party.  Could have been some sort of an after wedding party, just knew the 20 something women were dressed in formal gowns. I didn't give them much thought until my first visit to the potty.  Just as I closed my stall door, another woman took one of the others close by.  I took care of my business quickly and was washing up to leave when she came out of the stall.  Literally, she was tall tanned and beautiful in a breathtaking blue gown which was low cut and fell off her shoulders.  The dress was also three quarters length and there in lied the problem.  She was really struggling with the dress. Was it covering enough of the girls, did she pee on it when she was using the bathroom and of course she was checking out how it looked from the back.  I dried my hands and went back to join my friend but I'm sure I missed her checking out her makeup and hair.

Once again I knew appearance is no accident and even a casual look takes a certain amount of planning and work. Even for such a young attractive woman who was working so hard to make her natural beauty look effortless.

Passing the Big Tests

  Image from Shifaaz Shamoon on UnSplash. Throughout the years, I found out I had time after time when I needed to "pass" or prese...