Sunday, January 26, 2014

Transition Days

I place this video is the B+ category of examples of quality mtf transition videos.  Check it out on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Fashion Find

Shopping in my regular grocery store today, I saw this T-shirt.  I lost my appetite for shopping when I saw Duck Dynasty Boy Phil's image jump out at me between the frozen food aisles.  The front of the shirt shouted at me "I ain't no Yuppie!"  I was disappointed , when the back of the shirt was empty and didn't say "But I Am an Ignorant Bigot."

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition

Greetings "Condo-ites" and welcome to another Sunday Edition.

The Week in Review.  Fairly quiet around here as once again we absorbed polar vortex snow and winter only to be greeted with the coldest weather yet of the winter due next week.  The only positive I can see as of now is I have a difficult time judging my HRT progress under three layers of clothes.  On a serious note, Duck Dynasty's return was greeted with an astounding cold shoulder and a 28% drop in viewers. Plus the family was exposed as yuppies in beards...with an homophobic bigot patriarch .  I wonder if Phil thinks his grand daughters should be married off at 14 so a man can train her right.

Finally, let's not forget the landmark Swedish operations which implanted uterus's into women born without them which of course means transgender women could be in line sooner more than later for the procedure. Which will set a whole bunch of trans haters on their rears.

Indy Film Review.  Late in the week I was contacted by Daniela Sierra, concerning her film project Pupa. Check out the review here. Also this week, for some reason I finally caught up with the Canadian independent film Better than Chocolate.  The 1999 film is billed primarily around a young lesbian romance but also is intertwined with the life of a transgender woman character.  In a classic scene the mother of one of the young lesbian lovers, discovers her daughter is gay and her new best friend is transgender in the same day.

Media Section.  Perhaps you remembering me mentioning this radio show in Miami:

The Gender Experience: A New Online Talk Show For the Transgender Niche with host Jasmine Ford.  It turns out I am working with Jasmine on the possibility of being on the show, by phone.  A trip to Miami, Florida would be nice about now!  Seriously, the show is on every Thursday and I will be getting back with you here in Cyrsti's Condo about show topics.  If I'm on it or not.

Also, lets not forget yet another indy transgender film project in the works by Pamela French called Becoming More Visible.  It's fantastic so many of these projects are beginning to appear. We need all of them we can get!

We Got Mail!:  In our email box, I received a wonderful email from Jae, over in the UK. At the age of 70 she is starting hormones, not to transition because of her wife, but to help her personally in other ways.  Jae proves once again the possibilities of positively influencing our transgender lives are endless-at any age. Thanks Jae.

And thanks to all of you!

Cyrsti Hart

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Natural?

I have followed Melissa Carmen's videos on YouTube for a while and have shown her here in Cyrsti's Condo.  Follow her story though and even the path of a "natural" is far from easy.

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day."

"Did you have to come all the way from New York to be stupid in new surroundings?"

1935 movie Murder on a Honeymoon.

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Beard, A Ball Hat and HRT

I do love the MtF transition videos of trans women who are a "little older". (Not a lot older like me!)  I have found the video's are much harder to find on YouTube most likely because the older we are, the more the technology is difficult to grasp.  Or, another scenario could be, a glamorous, stunning gender transformation is simply more difficult to achieve at an older age and not perceived as worthwhile.

I admire most all the transgender women and men who have taken the effort to make a video for YouTube. I'm sure you have read the extreme hatred contained more than a few of the video comments, especially aimed at transtioners such as me who are never going to make the runways as a model.

This video coming up on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen speaks to me because I do see a lot myself in her transition and where I would like to end up as a person.

"Pupa, A Short Film"

Daniela, a student from Sussex University is writing and directing her own first short film which will be her graduation film and portfolio for future projects. Her film is about Marjorie a male-to-female transgender woman and about how she deals with the prejudice from society.  Here is the press release:

Pupa is a Sierra Rose Productions light drama that aims to approach the transgender world with a different take. This Sussex University graduation project by the aspiring Brazilian writer and director Daniela Sierra hopes to raise the awareness against transgender prejudice. The story offers insight into the world of Marjorie (Nick Moon), the ever-present woman inside Mark, who after 35 years of hiding, is revealed to the world after an office incident. As Marjorie finally experiences being subjected to a society that now extends further from solely her bedroom; she suffers from prejudice from society, and is attacked. After struggling to recover from it, Marjorie decides to revenge those who oppressed her as her way of externalising her self-acceptance. Art direction and cinematic style will be an essential feature of the film throughout, with every scene, shot and prop undergoing careful consideration in order to provide a clear and continuous design. 

Check out the promo trailer and here is the link for more! From the looks of the fund raising efforts so far, Daniela is tantalizingly close to reaching her goal. From just looking at the promo, I saw quite a bit of myself, especially in my early cross dressing days. Be sure to help if you can!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our featured male androgynous model today is
Kirill Sadovy

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Talking to Myself

Do you talk to yourself?  I know you do because you want someone who is intelligent and understanding to talk to, right?

I have been known to have more a few down to earth "chats" with me and yes, I used to think I was crazy for doing it.  Then again, I used to think I was crazy for not accepting my birth gender either. Fortunately , over the years, I began to separate the "crazy" idea from the transgender idea.  One had absolutely nothing to do with the other except I was going crazy trying to figure out my transgender roots.

Crazy is a wonderful crutch though.  I can't tell you how many Halloween's I conjured up the "C" word to explain my costume or how I thought if I acted somewhat off the norm, people wouldn't be surprised to learn my "deep, dark secret". Don't you see? I want to be a girl and isn't that crazy? What a crock!  As years turned into decades and I was beginning to finally understand all the facets of my life, I discovered, yes I was a little crazy and it had nothing to do with being a transgender woman.  I learned to embrace yet another little "spicy ingredient" to who I am.

Surprisingly though, I get many mixed reactions from many in the transgender world who seem to want justify their "transness" with being crazy.  These days, mixing crazy and trans is exactly what we don't need.  How fair is it anyhow we are required to spend the money on a therapist to even prove we are mentally sound enough to start HRT?  Really?

So all you peeps who are a little off center like I am, stand up proudly and shout- all you boring peeps stay in the shadows where you belong.  Just never say crazy equals trans to me.  If you think I write a lot, don't get me talking.  I can stick my foot in my mouth with the written or spoken word!

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...