Thursday, January 23, 2014

Talking to Myself

Do you talk to yourself?  I know you do because you want someone who is intelligent and understanding to talk to, right?

I have been known to have more a few down to earth "chats" with me and yes, I used to think I was crazy for doing it.  Then again, I used to think I was crazy for not accepting my birth gender either. Fortunately , over the years, I began to separate the "crazy" idea from the transgender idea.  One had absolutely nothing to do with the other except I was going crazy trying to figure out my transgender roots.

Crazy is a wonderful crutch though.  I can't tell you how many Halloween's I conjured up the "C" word to explain my costume or how I thought if I acted somewhat off the norm, people wouldn't be surprised to learn my "deep, dark secret". Don't you see? I want to be a girl and isn't that crazy? What a crock!  As years turned into decades and I was beginning to finally understand all the facets of my life, I discovered, yes I was a little crazy and it had nothing to do with being a transgender woman.  I learned to embrace yet another little "spicy ingredient" to who I am.

Surprisingly though, I get many mixed reactions from many in the transgender world who seem to want justify their "transness" with being crazy.  These days, mixing crazy and trans is exactly what we don't need.  How fair is it anyhow we are required to spend the money on a therapist to even prove we are mentally sound enough to start HRT?  Really?

So all you peeps who are a little off center like I am, stand up proudly and shout- all you boring peeps stay in the shadows where you belong.  Just never say crazy equals trans to me.  If you think I write a lot, don't get me talking.  I can stick my foot in my mouth with the written or spoken word!

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Born This Way

Image from Vonecia Carswell on UnSplash.   I had no choice; I was born with gender issues which I would have to deal with my entire life. It...