Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Three Years of Work

I really liked this video and decided to pass it along on Cyrsti's Condo big screen. I was fond of it for a number of reasons:
1.-In her own words "Elladonna" does not consider her look to be "drag" but rather cross dressing. 2.-It looks as if she starts her makeup with a wig on for the video and 3.- her skill with the liquid black eyeliner! To age myself,  I had such a hard time getting it on and off before my parents came home- 190 years later- I'm still scared of it! 4.- Finally, unless I missing some reference to HRT...she does one hell of a job with her hip padding! Oh and she has been working on her look for 3 three years.  Take a look:

The Principality of "Bitchdom"

Maybe I should have spelled this little "queendom" queendumb. 

No kids, I'm not doing my usual "throwing rocks in glass houses", yes I have been to "Bitchdom".

"Don't make me pull this wig off and bitch slap you with it!"
Where is this place? Well,  I define the location as synthetic. Brought on by synthetic PMS brought on by synthetic hormones.

Allow me to pick up a big rock and heave it here in Cyrsti's Condo/Bitchdom tonight. Very simply I have found recently I'm being patronized on occasion.

I know you have probably seen the "look behind the fake smile" people think they have perfected. It's like they are thinking, first I had to like black people, then gay people and now you?  
No, they really don' t have to like me because I am transgender and worse yet- they think I'm so cool. Has nothing to do with me, it's because they have met a trans woman. They think they are special being  one of the 10% of the population who has met a me or saw a me on television.

Through the years I saw a similar version happen in the restaurants I worked in. All of a sudden it became  so cool to go to a gay dance club for my female crew members.

Truth is I'm not so cool and this doesn't happen to me frequently. Then again anymore,  I'm fortunate to have a nice circle of friends and the same places I go so it shouldn't.   As I have written though, I am starting to expand out into a few "active" organizations, so we will see what the future holds.

Maybe tonight, I just needed something to bitch about and maybe I am cool dammit!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Extra Syrup on my Pancake Please!

This is the "Sexy Pancake" video from Thailand that is going viral on YouTube.  Here's ex laborer "Sexy Pancake" on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. Check out the kids watching!

Cyrsti's Condo "Horrorscope"

I was interested in seeing what the "stars" had to say about my week since it has already started with someone almost running me over in a parking lot! (Really!)  To make matters worse I was carrying a mirror and he wasn't using his so I figured I didn't need seven more years of bad luck.

The "scope" this week however went for the gusto-right to the holiday weekend:

"Libra: (September 23-October 22): You and your honey are not going to see eye-to-eye on holiday festivities. While they’ll want to go to their friend’s events, you’ll be over their romper room ways and prefer a move civilized time with those in your scene — which won’t be your honey’s cup of tea. Oh, if only you could split yourself in two or quit the codependence for just a sec. Now, which sounds easier to you?"

For any number of reasons the civilized word seems pretty boring. I'm considering staying in the "romper room!" Plus exactly what is she drinking in that tea?

"Horrorscope" is a figment of my imagination but not to be selfish, you can go to theFrisky for your scope!

Trans Dreams

Transitioning Later in Life

At my more "mature" age I enjoyed this video and thought I should pass it along on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen.

t my

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cross Dressing Flashbacks

"Back in the day" it seemed to be cruel and unusual punishment to me when I would "encounter" different television shows or movies which involved any cross dressing or transvestite themes. An example would be when the "Tootsie" movie release set off a chain reaction of response from the then multitude of talk shows.  Grae Phillips was one who was "discovered" as a real live Tootsie.

I was desperately trying to squash any idea of my feminine gender leanings and none of this did me any good.

NIck Endres
Thank goodness I'm past that point in my life, so now when I get bombarded with a bunch of weekend shows mixed with a nice cross dressing blend. It's no big deal-unless I see something really bad or good.

 I already mentioned Chef Roble and B.Scott in a previous post I liked and then again there was another episode of SheZow where a cartoon boy touches his ring and changes into a super hero- a feminine one. I have no real idea of why this is on. Then,  I caught an episode of Sullivan & Son.  It is your basic mindless mildly comedic show based in a bar which just happened to institute a "Ladie's Night" As it turned out though, Nick Endres showed up as a Filapina lady boy (their terms) and attracted the attention of one of the older more conservative patrons.

Of course by then, I stayed around to check out the action. It was normal. Man attracted to cross dresser in straight venue. Cross dresser goes in men's room to pee standing up.  Friends tell man he is dancing with a cross dresser.  Man is shocked and recoils but at least comes back to finish the dance...sort of. Yawn!!! If you care follow the link above.

Finally, I found karma wasn't done with her wave of mediocre input. This morning, I woke up to a movie from the 30's (I think) which had a short scene of a guy impersonating a non existent French actress. (not well)

I will let you know when this "run" is over!

Incredible Trans Video

I think this is an outstanding transgender transition video because of the emphasis on lifestyle as well as appearance changes:


Catering for a Queen

The Bravo Television Network has a show built around a young cater called Chef Roble. I always have liked the show because it portrays the trials and tribulations of catering on any level.

If you have chance check out this episode called "Too Hot to Handle" as Chef RoblĂ© takes a bigger bite than he can chew off when he caters a party with an androgynous-themed menu for Internet celebrity, B. Scott. (right)

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...