Friday, November 9, 2012

Fun Stuff

I think I have mentioned this site at least once here in Cyrsti's Condo if you want to further your feminine development by reading up on bunches of different aspects of being women-by women.
To coin an older term, this site lets it ALL hang out about women and sex, clothes, beauty and soooo much more.
It's called xoJane jump here to check it out!

Quote of the Day

"If you don't dream are just having a nightmare."
 Paraphrased from the movie "Diner" and actor Mickey Rourke.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Transgender and Political

Following the election a few stories of transgender success at the polls have come to the surface.
However, we have seen enough stories to give us hope for the future. The unthinkable "too good be true" for many of us may not be.  We can indeed make a difference as an active transgender public servant.
Obviously though, the journey is just beginning.
The future of course is with our trans youth. In that spirit I am reposting the story of Sarah McBride from this spring,

Until last week, American University students knew their student government president Sarah McBride as Tim McBride. But on the night of April 30, McBride stepped down from office, and into a largely welcoming university community that embraced her decision to come out as a transgender woman after struggling with her gender identity for 21 years.

At the time, Sarah stepped down as the student president citing conflicts between her identity and being president.

Hopefully, the future will not make being transgender an issue!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So Much for Predictions

I am really glad the election is over and my home state of Ohio didn't screw it up for the country. For what ever reason, Florida wants to keep that title. I could be cynical and say they still could be voting there  for all I know. More realistically they at the least are still counting!  Doesn't matter,  we still have an official winner-on time.

Also on time is my body shifting back to a little higher feminizing mode. I have been back on the summer dosage of hormones  for the last week  As I wrote before I had to cut back to a smaller dosage as I waited for the VA to work their magic. Now my breasts are getting a little sorer again so life is good.

In the life goes on department in Cyrsti's Condo...Let's see, playing with my big hair over the top "drag" look was fun.
My heart is still going out to all those poor folks on the East Coast who are still powerless and now are getting yet another storm.
Finally I still recoil and get physically ill at the sight of Rude Paul.

It doesn't seem possible the holiday season is almost here too.  It's a time of fun with family and friends but at the same time the loneliest time of the year for some in the transgender community rejected by those close to them.

Plus, let's not forget the Mayans predicted this was it anyhow. So I need to get ready.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kevin Part 2

Just another picture of Kevin Balot from the Philippine's who recently won the "Miss International" pageant in Thailand.

New Initiative

Coming out at work seemingly will continue to be a problem long into the foreseeable future for the transgender worker.
Forget ability, experience and other positive attributes-you are a trans woman or man and that is normally some sort of problem.
Fortunately, some are trying to help. Check this video from wehappytrans* :

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Eve or Is It?

Hey kids, I live in OHIO! I've been subjected to millions of dollars of wasted money designed to sway me to vote one way or another.
I live in the electoral "epicenter". Hell, the prez himself even came here to my little town last week.
Since I do live here, chances are my vote counts more than you because Ohio gets more votes in our hopelessly outdated national electoral college. Remember how Gore lost despite winning the popular vote? Also, my vote might count more than  you because I live in a "swing" state.
Yes we have swung in the wind here in Ohio for quite a while.  We "outsourced" our livelihoods to legal slave labor forces overseas while other plants which were just suddenly shut down by "merger" companies? my brother worked at a plant which was shut down a day after they turned down a new contract...similar to other members in my family. Don't know if it was one of the candidates businesses.  I just know one day they had a job and the next they didn't.
After all of that though,   it looks as if the election still has to come through Ohio.
So many decisions.  I know which party is more receptive to transgender issues and I'm sure you do too.
But what about health care? With or without the current confusion about Obama care, I still live with the tragedy of my "working poor" friends who can't afford health care in this country for what ever reasons. Several died an early death because of the system. Even sadder is our hopelessly impotent congress. Whomever gets elected probably can't unsnarl the medical greedy mess.

And how about the world we are leaving for my grand kids? I'm not so sure missing a winter's worth of weather around here followed by a summer drought followed by the storm of the century is a fluke?

Energy? Well,  all of the sudden we downtrodden Ohioans are sitting on huge natural gas reserves along with the coal and oil obtained by "fracking". What's that all about?   I'm only sure most of it will get shipped to China anyway and my gas prices will be sky high.

Do I sound pessimistic? You bet ya! I go back several presidential elections. Nixon (the crook) /McGovern was my first voting election. I see increasing complex pressing issues and clueless leaders on the take from lobbyists to handle them.

I wish I was smart enough to come close to understanding even a few of these answers. Hell it drives me nuts just being a card carrying transgender member of the last truly discriminated sector of the American populace and that only scrapes the surface of my concerns.

I am smart enough to know I will make a concerted effort to vote the best I can and be glad I'm not voting in Cincinnati. The voting machines there supposedly can be hacked very easily and happened to be owned by a company purchased recently by one of the candidate's sons. (supposedly)

But no I'm not a total pessimist and hope the rumors aren't true that we won't know the final election results for a week to ten days. Sorry to say you heard it here first- Ohio could be leading the way in snarling the results!

Get out and vote...dammit!


Time flies when you are having fun! It's time for another "Horror-Scope" in Cyrsti's Condo!

 Libra, Sept 23-Oct 22:
" Pay heed: you are heading into a period of extreme fickleness. What you love now may be what you hate later. Don’t make any spontaneous commitments, because you will regret them. Instead, leave the door open and allow yourself the freedom to call the shots when you wish. Besides, if others bail, then they were never that into it anyway."

 For comment!
 The term "Horror-Scope" is my own. To get your own go here from theFrisky.

Making a Difference

This story comes from The Transgender Law Center:

"My name is Drian Juarez, and I am living my authentic life as a proud transgender woman. Getting here wasn’t always easy. Like you, I faced barriers that at times seemed insurmountable – lack of quality health insurance or a stable place to live, and working the streets to earn money. As a child at a time when there weren’t gay-straight alliances, resources, or advocacy for children like myself, I experienced a lot of terrible bullying. Fortunately, I had a grandmonther who loved and nurtured me. She taught me to be myself and be proud of who I was. I remember feeling like if they didn’t understand me or like me, it was their problem. But, I did always feel like an outsider. At the Los Angeles High School for the Arts and in college I was very involved in the arts. I fit-in there, and began to feel a lot more confident. It wasn’t until I graduated college, though, that I came to understand there was a word for what I was – transgender. Today, I am a Program Manager at the Transgender Economic Empowerment Project at the LA Gay & Lesbian Center. Through the connections the Transgender Law Center has with the LA service organizations, I got involved with the Transgender Leadership Summit in 2005. I’ve been to every Summit since! At the summits I have been able highlight the barriers that trans women experience, and hopefully make their lives better."

There is much more to her story of course. Go here to learn more.

Passing the Big Tests

  Image from Shifaaz Shamoon on UnSplash. Throughout the years, I found out I had time after time when I needed to "pass" or prese...