Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thailand Transsexual

As I followed this through, it does have a link on YouTube to a blog that seems a little too commercial for my tastes. I don't particularly like the "ladyboy" tag but I will leave the judgement to all of you.

Transgender and your Bucket

Is your bucket list half empty or half full? Certainly before we all know it and we are fortunate enough to make it- it's time to start looking ahead to the force calling your number. Poof! "You be Gone!"
I started my transgender Bucket List approximately five years ago. I began to see how much living I could do as a woman or maybe I should say- a trans woman.
I found I could live and more importantly wanted to live as my chosen gender. Ironically I got hammered from within the trans community for waiting so long. Even being called just "another old guy on hormones". The big bad outside world on occasion was more accepting.
To make a long story short, my bucket became very full.
Here's my point: I could have made the move to a full time feminine existence two very specific times in my life-basically at the age of 30 and 40 and didn't. If you are younger (I'm 62 now) and considering the move, I can say time will slip by before you know it.
I can't and won't tell anyone to transition but I do recommend checking the waters if you can. It just confuses me when someone writes me or I read somewhere a person is going to try to go through SRS without living the life! It's a problem created by places like Thailand who really don't care about much more than the cash.
Sure it takes quite a bit of courage and a whole lot of trial and error to experience the feminine socialization process.
Don't think you have to be old to have a bucket list. Do think you don't want to be living a regret later in your life when the bucket has a huge hole in it.
I've known fully changed transsexuals and cross dressers justifying life in the closet who have gotten really bitter over the experience.
Certainly, we all have only one life to live and we all have responsibilities to others.
Just as certainly we all have the responsibility to be true to ourselves.  You may consider starting a transgender bucket list to discover what your truth might be.

Summer Is Over-Hope Isn't

Kids from all over may have attended a camp or two over the summer including the transgender youth who attended Camp Aranu'tiq (Aranu’tiq, which is an indigenous Alaskan word for a person who was thought to embody both the male and female spirits.)
The camp was actually started in 2010 by a transgender male in Connecticut. Media representatives are not normally allowed at the camp. An exception was granted for Boston.Com.
We have posted a story about this wonderful camp here in Cyrsti's Condo before and if you would like to read this update please go here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Future is Now!

How great it is to see examples of transgender youth living life to it's fullest!

When Invention Meets Reality

What would Thomas Edison say and how did the famous inventor come into this?
I have written several times of the chats I have with the person who has known me the longest as a transgender or cross dresser back in the day. He went deep into the closet and obviously I didn't. At times I think he works way too hard to justify his decision. None of my business until:
Recently he mentioned inventing a female persona. (Not specifically aimed at me.) I replied "what if it is not a invention?"
Obviously I believe a transgender or transsexual person is not inventing a gender. They are born with it.
Which brings up another question I asked myself. When did I know when the feminine me was not an invention.  Of course I can not come up with the exact day but as I have written before, I do remember when the realization swept over me I was in the right place.
The sensation was one of a deep realization that all was right with the world. No more in fighting.
I supposed you can say at that moment, I knew I wasn't an invention.
Reading my blog, you all know I'm overjoyed at the realization which most likely had been with me all the time. I was born into my transgender reality.
My worry is my friend will spend the rest of his days in the futile attempt to rationalize his reality.

Monday, September 3, 2012

She's Baaaack!

Sorry I have missed a few days with you all!
Should be back in the saddle later today!!!!!


Horror Scope

Libra (September 23-October 22) Your social life and love life will start to merge as one and it’ll make you feel larger than life. Yes, finally there is a possibility that you are on to something with your latest honey, as the lines of separation are fading. However, instead of thinking this is the only test to pass, know it is the first of many more, but this is the most important one.

Venus Demars
As always the "Horror Scope" is from theFrisky and the title is my own!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Darling or Drag?

Cinema's best and worst cross dressers from the Hollywood News.
Don't expect any earth shattering relevations from the post.
If you are bored and want to take a look again at some of the best and worst cross dressing moments on the big screen- go here.

Jennifer Leitham

The award-winning documentary I Stand Corrected. is airing in a few areas of the country (such as South Florida) now. This story is from the
The South Florida Gay News

 "The film centers on the life of acclaimed jazz bassist Jennifer Leitham, a transgender woman who first established her musical career as John Leitham, and performed with Mel Tormé, Doc Severinsen, and many other jazz luminaries in the ’80s and ’90s. She also recorded several well-regarded CDs such as The Southpaw. But throughout those years, her gender identification as a female was kept hidden from the public. After Leitham’s sex reassignment surgery in the early 2000s, she came out as a woman. She has received support from many musicians, particularly Doc Severinsen, who appears in I Stand Corrected. She has also had to deal with intolerance. As she noted in an April 2009 interview with JazzTimes: “There are a lot of people who are uncomfortable being in a room with me… I just wish it were possible for the jazz community to be as creative about social issues as it is about music.”

As I said about the the rock musicians who have publicly outed themselves as their true gender - All of this is positively huge for the transgender transsexual community.
Truthfully, I have not been big jazz fan but now I will be listening for Jennifer's work!

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...