Showing posts with label Thomas Edison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Edison. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When Invention Meets Reality

What would Thomas Edison say and how did the famous inventor come into this?
I have written several times of the chats I have with the person who has known me the longest as a transgender or cross dresser back in the day. He went deep into the closet and obviously I didn't. At times I think he works way too hard to justify his decision. None of my business until:
Recently he mentioned inventing a female persona. (Not specifically aimed at me.) I replied "what if it is not a invention?"
Obviously I believe a transgender or transsexual person is not inventing a gender. They are born with it.
Which brings up another question I asked myself. When did I know when the feminine me was not an invention.  Of course I can not come up with the exact day but as I have written before, I do remember when the realization swept over me I was in the right place.
The sensation was one of a deep realization that all was right with the world. No more in fighting.
I supposed you can say at that moment, I knew I wasn't an invention.
Reading my blog, you all know I'm overjoyed at the realization which most likely had been with me all the time. I was born into my transgender reality.
My worry is my friend will spend the rest of his days in the futile attempt to rationalize his reality.

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...