Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pejic in Paris

More Andrej Pejic from a recent Paris show!

Transgender Prom Queen Out and Up!

The night of her high school prom, Connor Ferguson anxiously pulled on a floor-length leopard print dress and slipped her feet inside six-inch high heels covered in glitter.
Connor Ferguson, 18.
Despite loving the outfit she’d chosen, the 18-year-old transwoman from Trenton, Ont., considered not going to the prom at all, worried her peers might say something nasty or rude. She never expected they would name her prom queen.
“It was absolutely unreal. I’ll definitely remember that moment forever,” said Ferguson, who was crowned queen at Trenton High School on June 22.

From the National Post!

More "OutServe" Transgender Advice

Recently I ran a post featuring "OutServe" Magazine. I am certainly interested in the publication since I am a transgender vet. If you are a vet or not "Brynn Tannehill" writes about transition planning and begins with this:

"Like everyone in the military, at some point I had to leave. Transitioning from military life to civilian is hard enough. Transitioning genders at the same time adds a degree of difficulty that even Greg Louganis would cringe at. I left active duty in 2008 after 10 years in the service. I left the reserves in 2010 as Lt. Cmdr. Bryan Tannehill. Less than two years later I was Brynn Tannehill, civilian defense contractor.  Somehow, despite all the horror stories within the trans community, I managed to stay continuously employed, stay married, and maintain most of the relationships that mattered most to me."

Read it all here!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"A" is for?

Androgyny is the "A" word for this post. Lets toss out all the buzz words: transgender, transsexual and cross dresser.
I wasn't ever sure if I would ever get to-or past this part of the alphabet.
Depending on how you view it, I was never blessed or cursed with being androgynous.
These days I'm staring the first letter square in the face.
You all know how much I have been whining about this hot & humid summer in my part of the world. I guess I could call it "Hormones meet Heat"!
On the positive side is the feminine skin upgrade I'm experiencing. I have never been particuarly angular so the skin changes are an even bigger appearance positive.
On the negative side is wearing a wig in this weather just torches me.
Today was cookout day with a friend who has seen me both ways but embraces my feminine side. So hormones+heat+wig=melt and extreme discomfort. The high temp was 97 and I don't even want to know what the heat index was. I had two choices be a guy and more comfortable or do my total normal makeover and be miserable under the wig and makeup. What was I to do? What choice did I have?
Well, one thing is certain with me. When and if I get banged around enough, sooner or later I do wake up.
My solution was the simple one I had been running from as fast as my slow self could: Androgyny.
I set all my crutches aside and went for it.
I shaved, tied my hair back into a pony tail and stuck it through the hole in the back of my ball hat. I threw on a pair of female jeans a sleeveless top and flats. Makeup? Just some eyeshadow and lip liner.
I was ready to to check the almighty mirror goddess.
Actually (if the truth be known) the person looking back at me answered a huge question. This was the new me in the not so distant future. Like any woman of course I would have a chance to dress up but this was me dressed down and it worked.
The bottom line is the experience fueled my enthusiasm even more for the future!

Happy Fourth!

Another birthday for our great country!
Yes, plenty of problems yet still reasons to be optimistic.
Great is a big term like never or always.  Then again, maybe not. After all the Cincinnati Reds "Big Red Machine" team in the 70's was great. Didn't win them all but finished on top.
Bottom line is that if we as a country are still in the game we have a chance of winning it all!
The problem is along with all the fireworks, heat and picnics most people have a vastly different idea of what "winning it all" is all about.
Not as easy as the Red's and the Red Sox in the world series!
Here's hoping you can enjoy and burger and a beverage with friends today!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Trans on Trans Interview

Recently transsexuals Isis King and Janet Mock came together for this enlightening interview:

One of my favorite parts of the interview is when the two women take on one of my least favorite celebrities Ru Paul who positively makes me sick to my stomach and the use of the world tranny and transgender.

Monday, July 2, 2012

"Six" Equals One?

Difficult to believe, it has been 6 months since I started my HRT journey.
Just as a bit of history, I started on a minimum dosage along with "Spiro" which is a Testosterone blocker.
In February the dosage was doubled with the understanding I still had a lot of "dosage" room to play with.
It's time to "play" again.
You regulars here at Crysti's Condo most likely recall I'm trying to get the Veteran's Administration to completely take care of my needs.  The VA where I live will fill my prescriptions if I have them prescribed by an outside physician. That's my problem.
Initially, I went to the outside doc with two ideas. I knew initial consultation was costly but follow ups weren't. The drugs themselves were not an issue because both are inexpensive.  OK, so far I'm living with this until my prescribing doc decides he is leaving his practice to another physician. Very quickly I'm thinking I will be starting all over again cost wise and not amused.
So-what's a transgender vet to do? Read advice from other trans vets.  I happened along a post advising another vet to contact the closest center and try to find out who the "transgender specialist" is in the facility.
For a fact I know there wasn't one in my facility last fall. I started with four visits to an in house VA psychologist who approved my request for hormones but was clueless how I could get them there.
For once I took some advice and called the clinic today and asked for their "transgender specialist". I was pleasantly surprised to find out the "specialist" was now the very same person I saw before and could get an appointment next week.
I was equally impressed with the guy on the phone who suggested she refer me to a VA psychiatrist who could prescribe. To increase your confusion, my "primary physician" has no problem filling the "scripts" and monitoring my overall health (which is what he is supposed to do anyhow).
It will be interesting to see how things have changed in the system. I was such a shock to their system-hopefully a positive one.  I can say I was impressed with the no hesitation response I received today.
At the least, both of us are much more experienced this time around and I have a clear path of where I want to go.
I have totally loved the changes so far and want to double the dosage I am on which I understand is totally possible with no toxic results. (One of the benefits of having a physician which I totally recommend).
Stay tuned on this one. The process should heat up hotter than this summer very soon.

Horror Scope!

Libra (September 23- October 22)
You can be as cool as a cucumber, but it won’t stop others from acting a fool. Yes, agreements you’ve signed and sealed will fall apart now, as another will choose to rebel and challenge you. Expect shade to get thrown, and be ready to stay classy despite it all. You know it, seems your devastatingly good looks are just too intimidating for that other.

Well, let's as a cucumber is tough for me as a person and really tough in this killer heat we have been having here  One hundred degree plus heat index for the last week! We have the humidity to go with it too. Staying classy is different and those devastatingly good looks...what the hell. I will take it :).
Go here to get yours. "Horror Scope" that is!
As an extra this month are the best pick up lines for your sign:
"I love your shoes. And your dress. And your necklace. And your hair. And your eyes.”
That's original!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Trans Labels

A friend passed this look along to me. It's a breakdown of labels in our community from transsexual to cross dresser to transvestite.
For the sake of reference, I will pass along this is a long time friend who used to participate in the cross dresser arena and now observes.
Take a look.

Opinions, like ass holes, are everywhere.  Here's another one:
Who/What are you?  I don't believe the community is as tight knit as one would think.  Seems to me that the only thing they have in common is a need to be respected.

--TS' seem to think they are sitting on top of the mountain, absolved of all previous "sins".  They could care less what others think  

--TG's sometimes want to be TS and sometimes think that would be going too far.  They worry about how they present and really don't care to be outed as a guy.

--CD's love to transform but can break down into drab without too much of an emotional issue.  There could be a sexual component but it tends to be "bi" rather than "self".  

--TV's may look good or not so good.  They're in it to stimulate Mr. Winkie and not much more.

--DQ's are theatrical.  And it could be serious theater, comedy or song and dance.  There's no issue when they return to drab and I don't believe dressing has a great deal to do with sex.

Of course I don't want to forget "DQ" Drag Queens! How could I?
For the rare sake of simplicity, I'm keeping my words editorial comments! Aren't you lucky?

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...