Friday, December 23, 2011

Transgender "Stylin' and Profilin' "

A person's style (or the lack of it) defines our place in the public's eye no matter what gender we are!
The guy with a beard and ball cap may not be a "redneck" at all and the beautiful woman ahead of you in line may be transgendered.
On a recent post I featured the style of a couple women I follow here on the blog. I didn't however explain much about my own or how the whole process works to me.
I would define "style" as a very vague but very concrete thing. How you look is very concrete how you arrive at the look isn't.
The problem with style is it is so very fluid and seasonal.  I love the fact I live in a climate which has four distinct seasons I have to adjust to.
Surprisngly I have a difficult time coming up with the answer of what my style is and how I adjust to the ever changing fashion world.
I almost always wear jeans and rarely wear heels except on boots but I'm sure my style would not be considered less than feminine. I love long hair and can't wait for mine to be long enough to be styled but in the meantime wigs will have to do.
In the summer months I love the short flirty skirts with bare soft, shaved legs and can't wait for whatever breast growth the hormones give me next summer to "fill out" sleeveless tops.
My style essence dictates two absolutes.  The first is I present the same basics I mentioned above to the same people all of the time. They then have a better chance to know a me as a person.
The other absolute is I try to emphasize a positive. Most of the time with me my breasts and hair are my positives. In the summer I use my legs.
Obviously style is a highly personal experience. You see and notice women who excel or fail miserably at it all the time.
Once you begin to discover your style, you can't begin to measure the fun you can have!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Stop It!

Please! No more moronic far fetched TV sitcoms about men dressing as women! The latest "Work It" on ABC will certainly fail because it's terrible-QUICKLY!  The problem is the project should not have even started.
Our transgendered world has changed so much for the better over the years and a show like this is the last thing we need.
I know  publicists believe that any publicity is good publicity. It's NOT true.
You have probably heard there is a petition out to stop the show and you can follow the link above to sign it.
Believing something such as this show will go away soon enough just because it's bad just isn't good enough for the transgendered community.
"Work It" needs to go away because it's bad for us and the transgendered community of the future!

More Life Input From the Stars!

Although I really consider astrology nothing more than a diversion and an interesting outlook on life, every once in awhile I really want to believe it!

Let's go to the stars to learn more from "Kiki T" on "the Frisky"!
Her Libra forcast:
A larger than life feeling will overwhelm you slowly this year, as you realize the obstacles you’ve overcome and the position you’re going into now. Yes, the sky will truly be the limit, as you’ve proven you do have the armor to withstand any force. The battles you’ve faced have now brought out the best in you, raising the bar to new heights as you make that last stretch for the brass ring of your dreams. However, strangely enough, you will see that what you want isn’t what you previously thought and your ideals will be flying around the spectrum of oddities. No matter, as you increase your awareness of your own power, so will the love in your life — as in tighter, stronger, and longer. They’ll be no mountain too high for you now, as you’ll know what you are capable of and that your instincts are on. So, bring on the mischievous adventures, because now that you’ve conquered your turf, time to go out there and claim new territory and make all that you want yours

I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!

Santa Came Early This Year!

"H" day with the VA has came and gone and yes Santa did give me one of the bigger gifts of my life.
I am so thrilled. My Estrogen and Testosterone Blockers are on the way!!!!
Today unfolded with a very ill at ease VA doctor.  By his own admission he was not negative about my situation but ignorant in his knowledge of it.
The end result was he would certainly make sure the VA would provide my meds IF I got them prescribed by a physician who would and could monitor me for side effects.
Fair enough! What the situation amounts to is I have a five month supply of the meds coming sometime after Christmas. The only real money I will have to come up with is for a couple more "maintenance" check ups during the year.
I feel there is also a chance my Doc at the VA will mellow out about the possible side effects of my two new meds and just renew them on his own.
During our "chat" I did feel a little sorry for him when he was reading me the possible side effects of the two drugs from his computer. He reminded me my breasts could be a little sore and tender or even swell up! (I hope so!) He went on to read estrogen taken over a long period of time will likely increase and rearrange my body mass.
I could only guess the look of relief or anticipation I must have had on my face because his attitude began to change. He began to be more personal and even touched my arm for reassurance on my way out.
Several times along this jounrey with the VA I have expressed my frustration with the results I was expereincing.
At this point I have to tell  you the people I have met have all treated me with respect and did their best to help me.
After a short period of time and as much as I want to reward Santa with a huge kiss, I also know all of this is just the beginning of another huge chapter of my life. Many twists and turns are to come on this transgendered journey.
I just hope they are well lit!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

German "Tootsie" Trailer!

"Rubblediekatz"  movie trailer. Obviously better if you speak German,,,but you get the point!

Womanless Pageant Beauty!

Just another "beginner" from the WYRE Womanless Beauty Pageant.  There are more pix on "Facebook"
Most are not good but she is!

Changes in Attitude-Changes in Latitude.

I am finding more and more the small things make the girl.
No more quick shower and shave and out the door.
As my hair grows longer, washing it is becoming a completely different and lengthy process. (Only the beginning!)
Skin care is also a priority. A complete cleaning and an application of moisturizing/wrinkle cream adds time to the process. I then went to the Chap Stick for my  lips and lotion for my hands and elbows. Keep in mind this daily process is only the beginning!
None of it includes any makeup or hair removal.
A woman told me a long time she was part of the "high maintenance" gender. I assumed at the time she was talking about female emotional and hormonal issues or even fashion and appearance challenges.
Little did I know the true meaning of "high maintenance"!
More changes in "attitude" are coming up in my next post. My doctors visit at the VA was really interesting!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

This Week's "Horror" Scope!

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Break out of the routine and let your baby have his way this week. As it goes, there is likely going to be a struggle for power in where you go and what plans you want to set. While it’s nice to have traditions, understand you’ve done them all as good as you can and something new will live in your memory books must stronger; seriously, listen to what your honey has to say!
Nothing earth shattering this week.
The only juicy part is the use of the "his" word with baby-and me! Is he or isn't he!!!!!!!!!!!

"Horror Scope" comes from "the Frisky". My term not theirs.

Transgendered Time Line

Tomorrow the hormonal epic continues.
I have an appointment with my primary VA Doc to FINALLY get the hormone scripts I have approved to be filled through the VA.
I know this road has really only been about 6 months...but the journey  has been a lifetime dream it seems. If I knew it or not!

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...