Monday, October 31, 2011

Are You A "Lady"?

Immediately I thought do I think I am? Before I thought about what  it takes to be a lady, I thought I would take a look at the flipside. To do that I went to one of my favorite places to visit for "girl stuff" the Frisky . I read an article called "What It Means To Be A Gentleman?". Here's an excerpt: "Are you really a gentleman who treats women with genuine respect or are you just performing like one? Are you actually making the women you date feel uncomfortable or disrespected, even though you think you’re “gentlemanly duty” has been done (so to speak) because you paid for dinner? Do you actually hold rather sexist attitudes towards women — sexual women, complicated women, real women?"
OK, fair is fair. If you interact with men, are you really a lady who treats men with genuine respect or are you performing as one?
Perhaps the terms themselves are as outmoded and narrow as most of the gender labels we live with today.
In reality I'm sure you have encountered sexist attitudes towards you as a transgendered female or male. One that infuriates me most is the idea that some men have that I am automatically promiscuous.Really?
Regardless of all of that, I believe being described as a "lady" is fine but "old school girl" is more accurate for me. I love being soft and feminine and stylish.
Sure if a door is opened for me or a courtesy extended to me that's all appreciated but not needed. I do however, appreciate and react to it and attempt to return the favor to the man because I feel it's the right thing to do.
I hope that very appreciation gains me the "old school" tag.
 After reading "the Frisky" excerpt, I came to more of a realization of why I feel many females have forgotten how to be women. Life has made them jaded and that's a shame.
Then again the whole deal is just part of "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus".  Transgendered folk are from Earth. We've traveled to those other places and understand the lifestyle!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Have a Holly Jolly Halloween!

Or maybe you already have. Hope you got out out the closet and showed the world your true self!
Christian Greenia as "Elvira"
If the closet is not your home Halloween is the best day of the year when real girls and transgendered girls alike get to get out and "slut it up"!
I always found the night was a great time to try my hand at going to the bigger straight clubs. After all, whats the worst that could happen? Lose a "costume contest"?
Two evenings out of many stick out in my memory other than the couple I passed along.
If I have already passed them along, sorry it's just old age setting in!
The first story comes from a local Halloween trip to two big clubs having big parties.  For some reason that year I settled on some sort of French Mistress outfit. Of course it was short and black from head to toe with dark eyes and red lips. I had a long straight blond wig that I topped off with a black beret. I was comfortable and felt sexy so the night was good!
About half way through the evening, a guy in a mask came up and whispered in my ear "I know who you really are". For once, I was a lost for words. I finally said  "how do you know and who are you?" He simply said "you look like your mother!"  When I found out who he really was, he could have send a lot more! He was one of my friends when I was 12ish and tried my first tentative steps at dressing as a girl around my friends. Obviously he thought I didn't grow out of it! Hopefully he thought I grew in to it!
The second night was an out of town experience. I was training in another city that year during Halloween and of course had to put together a "costume" and go out. That night I chose one straight and one gay club and really slutted it up. You know the story.  Tight short skirt (leather look) and matching top with black hose and high heeled boots.
I went to the straight club first and to my amazement passed several of the partiers, especially the one who molested my behind as I walked through the crowded room. All too soon and it was time for my first trip to a gay club Halloween party.
If you have never been, the costumes are amazing! Creative and sexy, you can see it all if you happen to hit the right party! I remember the "Elvira" who spent the night checking herself in the mirror as well as the guy dressed as an "outhouse"
By the end of the evening I was sad that Halloween comes but once a year. Then again there is Mardi Gras". To this day I haven't partied it up it a fancy mask and dress!

Transgendered and Strong!

Chris Bruce before......

Chris Bruce after.....

Friday, October 28, 2011

More Halloween "Re-Runs"

I won't tell you how many years ago this occurred . Only that I had a decidedly better figure!
It was "back in the day" when a Halloween party was a rare coming out event.
I believe as a transgendered person you can only do one party with the same people before they start to gossip. If you care.
I got an invite to a classic party in an old Victorian mansion in one of the town's historic districts. At the door was an antique coffin with a very real skeleton observing the guests.
My first wife (who figured that some day I was going to take off and be a girl full time) didn't much care I was going to the party with a female co-worker-dressed like a complete tramp. Halloween is a great time for genetic and TG females to strut their stuff. (Who do they think they are kidding?)
Shaved legs, heels, micro mini dress and long blond hair pretty much described my outfit.
When we arrived, I pretty much didn't say much and I found that a lot of the guests didn't really know  I wasn't as I appeared to be. I was in heaven!
Later in the evening, a couple did approach me to tell me how good I looked and didn't know the truth initially and did I want to go with them to another party?
Reluctantly I had to turn them down. My ride was with my co-worker and I thought it would be rude to do that to her.
The couple left and I asked the hosts who they were.
It turns out he was a very new politician who was running for a state representative seat. As the years went by, he went to Washington and became a very powerful congressman.
I've often wondered how deep the attraction was that night and did I destroy my chance for a job in the capital or even a "tell all" book?
Let's see: "Monica and Cyrsti" A Life Under The Desk! lol

New Shows Taking Springer's Place?

All of the sudden I'm seeing more transgendered folks fighting it out legally on the television "judge" shows.
I'm too embarassed to mention all of them I watch when I'm bored or need a distraction when I write.
I'm seeing primarily drag queens fighting over beauty pageant gowns and wigs or clothes.
On occasion though, a divorce court judge ruled on a case where the man was transistioning to female and appeared as a female.
At the least, it is a step up from Springer!

Transgender Mentor?

Along the way through our gender journey some of us have identified as a transvestite, transgender or a transsexual person.
For most of us the trip has been a very lonely one. Many have longed for a friend or a mentor to help along the way. Most of you I communicate with still are looking for a magical transgender mentor.
For the most part, I don't think she exists in the traditional sense.
I was lucky. I did reach out to a few women who did help me. One actually made me up once but then sold me out later. The others were actually more of mental role models whose constant input centered around the true female realities.  In essence I was experiencing the female positives and living none of the negatives.
A true mentor is hard to find. In fact I think more and more genetic women suffer from lack of mentors.  They are female of course but not women.  A topic for another post.
The magical mentor who can transport to your chosen gender is in reality yourself.
Sure a woman can apply your makeup and as you fall in love with your new beautiful face (especially if the woman who applied it is in a relationship with you) the dynamics can change radically.
All of a sudden, you could become competition or you become reality.  All of the talking and planning is  behind both of you and your girl self is in front of her.
In some of our cases (me) I loved what I saw  and pushed my mentor for more and more.  She was a very strong person (deceased) and kept pushing me into her world.  Perhaps you have read one of my older posts "You Make A Terrible Woman". Her entire point was I was looking the part but so what? I had no understanding of what reality was as a woman.
At that point I became my own mentor. I observed and became a student of a feminine life.  Sure, I can never experience the problems of a monthly period or the agony and ecstasy of child birth but I can express my female self on my own terms.
Perhaps you are one of the very few who a genetic female has taken by the hand and guided along the feminine gender path.
Congratulations! For the rest of us, get going girls. Do what genetic women have always done. Deal with life the best you can and make it yours.

Transgender "Gold Standard"

November 4th Thailand once again hosts arguably the finest transgender beauty pageant in the world.

This picture pretty much tells it all!
You can vote this year!  Vote this year for your favorites online at The finals will be broadcast on Channel 9 and in
more than 30 countries around the world.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Transgender Heaven and Hell!

Yet another victory for another very young transgender child. Bascically this is what happened.
In Colorado, the Girl Scouts initially rejected a 7 year old boy's request to join. Then:

The Girl Scouts issued a statement saying a
worker unfamiliar with the group's policies gave the family wrong
The group says requests for support of transgender kids have grown,
and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to support the children, their
families and the volunteers who serve them.

Of course the young transgendered girl is facing bullying at school and the other problems we face identifying with another gender...Such as this flyer from the Mormon Church.
Note the final sentence.

Then again I can't believe the Mormons allow Halloween at all!

Hopefully, the 7 year transgender child will be able to enjoy and grow in the Girl Scouts.
There is hope for all of us!

Transgendered Halloween 2010

I was looking over some of my posts last year before Halloween. Here is one:
Or is it really you in your Halloween costume?
Well girl, it is almost Halloween. The time of year for transgender and real sisters alike to strut their stuff.
It's our Christmas, New Year and Thanksgiving all rolled up into one glorious weekend. At the least, you can hit more than one party!
It's the party where the women are jealous of your legs, hair and makeup, and by the way, where did you learn to walk in those heels? Who did do your makeup?
It's the party where your guy friends either shy away from you or to you after a few adult beverages. How innocent is it when they run a hand up your nylon covered leg?
That's you isn't it? The witch in the low cut dress. Hanging with Count Dracula your golfing buddy? Will he ever look at you quite the same again after a few beers in the clubhouse?
The fun part is, you have so many ways to attend a Halloween party. You can wear a fun, sexy comfortable female costume or slut it up and go as a hooker. Remember girlfriends, those heels are very unforgiving after awhile and that short skirt becomes very difficult to be ladylike in all evening. Especially if you happen to get buzzed.(Yes, I've tried it)
OR learn from Le Anne's example (she is a follower here) She dazzled a party by attending as a Hollywood starlet. Everyone was amazed by her look and how she presented as a woman.  To LeAnne however she wasn't dressed in a costume. She was just dressed up! I paraphrased much of her comment but she makes an excellent point.
Your big party night can be a coming out bash for the girl in you.
Beware though, once you let her out and the compliments start rolling in-you may never be able to shut her in again.
Finally, be careful of thinking you are one heavenly creature and go to WalMart the next day in the same clothes.No one will be impressed with you in the heels and the mini trying to look like "Lady Gaga"!
Instead, take the compliments and build your confidence. Remember though,  many of them are saying you make a great looking woman...for a guy.
But that's OK! That's when the fun starts.

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...