Sunday, August 7, 2011

Quite Possibly
Follow this link to one of the most beautiful sex changed girls I've seen on You Tube. If you follow her other posts there are pix of her as a guy.

New Blog Roll!

I am always looking for links to other creative or informative blogs featuring the trans experience! If you would like to share a link...let me know!
The only thing I ask is you have a blog that is active!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Alpha Guy" and Me!

"Alpha Guy" is always in one of the places I go to a couple random times a week.  Nothing wrong with that except he pounds me at trivia and I have to take it like a girl. lol. "Your so big and strong and smart and I'm so dumb" Just kidding.
Over the course of the past month or so, he has played the "eye" game with me across the bar more than once and has even spoke to me as we pass each other. So I'm thinking this guy may be a little more than intrigued by me.
As luck would have it, he showed up after me the other night and there was a seat or two open close to me. I still decided to stay  to my self and shyly  put off his attempts to talk to me until..We found a strong common interest in music.
We probably chatted for almost an hour and it was time for me to go. I said my farewell and he startled me with his.
 "I will see you man." I started to think "what the hell" ?
I was surprised when his last comment had the "M: word in it and we were all alone.
After thinking the comment through....I thought it was the only way for him to salvage his manhood!
I mean what was he going to say to the rest of the group?
I have to give him credit for stepping forward. Although you never know how much I should give him.He may have had a trans girlfriend somewhere in his past. But I digress from the "man" word.
Maybe it's a competitive guy thing. He didn't want me to think I was getting over on him with the hair clothes and makeup.  Forget the little "eye" games he plays across the bar or how it's always him that
initiates the conversation.
Maybe he just felt a little too overwhelmed with the whole experience. 
I can tell you what "man" the next time I saw him he didn't look my way once...with his wife!

In The Eye of The Storm

Had to happen. The sun and moon and stars would align and all the people in my fave spot who wanted to know more about me...are.
I have come to the conclusion a couple of the women there will never accept me and that's OK. The three others more than make up for the two.One of the three I have mentioned before.
She is the Russian "Quantum Physics" professor can totally drink anyone I've ever met under the table.She is attractive and 40ish and wonders why she doesn't have a serious man? I asked her if she could spell intimidation? Most of the guys I know as a guy would be scared to death of her! Like me, most have no idea of what Quantum Physics is and she teaches it on a graduate level?
Perhaps "whatever it is" (I'm too lazy tonight to even Google it) effects how she relates to me.
Let me relate it to you in a baseball sense.  She will throw me a pitch which looks like it is coming right down the center of the plate as girl to guy communication. Then, at the very last minute she will pull the string and it will dip into a girl to girl moment. Fascinating!
So I can live with the other "bitches" (OK I said it). Just so they don't go after my rest room privileges!
In the midst of these girls is the guy I will call the "alpha" regular and I will discuss him in the next post.

Sign of the Times?

I saw this article a couple days and just kind of dismissed it into my "isn't that good" file.
It wasn't so long ago I would have jumped at a story such as this:  "Jenifer Pool, a leader in Houston's construction industry and LGBT community, is hoping to become the city's first transgender city council member."
From "Gayaolis News". "Pool worked in the construction industry in the 1990s but was fired when she transitioned. After that, she started consulting business that assisted companies with construction management and permit issues. "
We have come a long way!

Friday, August 5, 2011

On The Way?

I took the first tentative steps towards a very different future today.
Among other things, my blood test today included a testosterone level check.
I found my therapist is qualified to prescribe hormones and she will check with others with experience in  the area.
Next week I will know more!!!!!

Kim Petras Signed

According to the "German Herald"
Sex change pop singer Kim Petras has been signed as a songwriter by Universal in advance of the first live performance of six of her own songs tomorrow (Saturday) at the Christopher Street Day (CSD) parade in Hamburg, Germany.
Kim has been given a prime time slot on the main stage at the event before an estimated 20,000 strong crowd.
As you can see "the advancing years" have not lessened Kim's appearance!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Janie Scores Again!

Well maybe you have to ask her that! lol
Now that I have your attention, a must read from Janie's Blog deserves a mention.
She has a special talent for exploring a very intricate topic and coming up with a wonderful opinion.
Her latest post can be described loosely "What came first, the cart or the horse"
Did her desire to explore and live the female role begin deep inside or appear as the result of other stimuli?
On her blog I added a comment that I feel my journey down this road may have started as a reaction to a male dominated family; teamed with the fact I lived in a rural setting with very few girls.
Maybe I ran and hid from the male expectations in my family to a safe place I really knew nothing about...girls.
Add a fetish or two and boom! there it was.  I have always simply loved being a girl.
Whatever the reason I am the way I am really doesn't matter. "I yam what I yam".
Follow my  link to "CD's Janie's Blog" it will be worth a visit!

Is Enough....Enough or More?

I can't thank all of you enough for joining me on this odyssey.
I started the blog late in May of last year. Since that time I've been fortunate to be able to add nearly 500 posts.
Every once in a while, I decide to pull out an old post, dust it off and use it again.
All of the sudden I thought the blog was getting too crowded and bringing back past thoughts was making the situation worse.
What's a girl to do?
Rearrange the house!
I've decided to start a companion blog.
I'm going to rearrange the house and move much of the old over to the new.
As soon as the new place starts to take a little more shape, I will mention it a little more.
In the meantime, this cleaning is killing me!

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...