Thursday, May 30, 2019

Top 20 LGBTQ

"Out Magazine" has published an article I thought you may be interested in...the 20 LGBTQ+ People Who Changed the World. Quite a few of them perhaps you have heard of, others not so much.

Each one though, shares a top spot and a thank you for helping our lives along to be just a little bit better. They also provide banners of inspiration to help us along in the difficult years to come. 

It's not a surprise, but the "uber" talented "Laverne Cox"leads the list.
Laverne Cox

Follow the link above for more!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Still Serving

As you all probably know, I am a transgender veteran and am one hundred percent against "commander coward's" (Rump's) ban on transgender troops.

Laila Ireland

Through my seemingly endless travels for blog information, I happened upon this CNN Politics report called "What it's like to be transgender in the military as new recruits are banned." For the most part, the article revolves around the relationship of the "Ireland's" a trans couple. Logan is a combat medic based out of Fort Carson, Colorado who has served missions in Afghanistan,
Logan Ireland

His wife, Laila, transitioned while in the Army and now works at the Army Hospital in Colorado Springs. Logan had the support to transition from his command, Laila didn't,

Here you go, a human look at the problems caused on the front lines by a fat spineless jerk who has never served.

For the record I think,  at one point in time you could grandfather yourself in as transgender in the military. Now though, since the deadline has passed you need to either leave the service or go back in the closet.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Have you Watched Pose?

To be truthful with you, I haven't. But, after reading this post from "Film Daily", I found out why I should:

"Pose is stacked with milestones. The FX drama features the largest transgender cast in TV history and boasts the first transgender woman of color to direct an episode of television, thanks to the talents of best-selling writer Janet Mock.
Those are some outstanding foundations to rest a show of this power upon, but dig deeper and Pose is harboring even more firsts. You can even bingewatch S1 now on Netflix if you want a rewatch or need to get your fix.

Pose is one of the first shows in a long time that we’ve so passionately gone crazy for. Within the eight episodes of the near-flawless first season, it’s proven itself luminous, devastating, life-affirming, horrifying, majestic, profound, and nothing short of mesmerizing.
The writing on Pose is masterful, bounding between heavy sociopolitical and LGBTQI issues against a period backdrop of the 80s, while capably serving up an entertaining narrative – not an easy feat at all"
For more of the post, follow the link above!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Seemingly every year I echo the same message...Memorial Day is so much more than just a three day holiday.

Memorial Day is just the way it sounds... a day to honor our servicemen and women, past and present.

These days, it is especially important to remember the transgender troops who are being discriminated against. by the Washington led administration (coward in chief).

It is also important to remember all the troops who silently paid the ultimate sacrifice without ever having the chance to live life as their authentic selves.

Please take a moment to remember and thanks to all of you who have served or are serving.

Every Door Should Have One!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Breakfast Fun

Breakfast with the Grand-kids and my daughter as well as her extended in law family went very well as did our dinner last night. Eleven of us were there.

As I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo many times, I am very fortunate to have a family who accepts me for whom I am.  To them, I am not transgender, I am just me. So breakfast was very entertaining after I was able to drink enough coffee to wake up. When I did wake up, I finally noticed my sleeveless top was actually gray with a green pattern, not black. Ironically, it matched my purse perfectly.

Last night, we ended up eating with just two other people. One, a very accomplished full time cross dresser. I say it because that is the way she describes herself. Interestingly, she even works as a volunteer (as a woman) for the Cincinnati Reds baseball women's auxiliary. The other cross dresser who I have written about extensively here showed up as his guy self.  Actually, he is a better person as a guy. Less obnoxious.

To make a long story short, both last night and today turned out to be very interesting and entertaining

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Busy Weekend

The Memorial Day Weekend is turning out to be busier than I expected. First of all, since I am a transgender veteran, I am very cognizant of the fact the weekend is much more than a three day holiday. I will have more on that in my Cyrsti's Condo Memorial day post.

In the meantime, Liz and I are joining friends tonight at the usual Italian restaurant we go to on a regular basis. Then, Sunday morning, we are joining my daughter's family for breakfast. It turns out my oldest Grandson is heading out to North Dakota to be a Boy Scout lifeguard for the summer.  So it will be the last time we will see him for awhile.

He seems to break the mold of the usual teen aged boy who only wants to set around and play games.

The weather has all of the sudden caught up to the fact it is almost June and we are experiencing temperatures near 90 degrees (F). The weather will give me an excuse to wear my other sleeveless tank top. The ombre' top I wore to graduation can't be worn again in front of the same people, so I may wear it tonight with a pair of leggings. For a whole different group of people.  Then I could wear the other top Sunday, which is a gray color with an geometric black pattern.

Monday we are saving to cookout here at the home front...just ourselves. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Mirror, Mirror

Just something to think about! I found this and decided to share it with all of you here in Cyrsti's Condo.


Graduation evening this week went very well.

The family started out with a BBQ tailgate in her honor in the parking lot outside Wright State's arena. Wright State is a medium sized state university in the suburban Dayton, Ohio area which has a pretty good sized arena. Much too big I thought for one high school's graduation. I was wrong though, because surprisingly, it was almost filled to capacity.

As I sat down to my BBQ, I felt overdressed in my long skirt and sleeveless "Ombre" top  The top on the model to your right approximates the style, not the color.

I didn't have time to think much about it though because about the time we sat down to eat, a light rain began to fall. We were forced to head on into the arena to get our seats. The good news was we got good seats, the bad news was we had to sit in them for three hours.

To my surprise, my Grand-daughter immediately appeared on the "Jumbo Tron" big screen in the arena and presented a topic with another girl on how the graduates were like all the flavors of ice cream in the world. Of course i wondered to my self how many of the grads were LGBTQ!

All too soon though, the graduation was over and we made our way back out to see the new graduate and head home. There are some pictures floating around and if any of them find their way to Facebook, I will share them with you.

Throughout the evening I didn't notice any stares or glances, so that was good and my Grand-daughter seemed to really appreciate me being there. What really surprised me though was the lack of tears on my part.

For another completely different graduation experience, let's check in with Connie:

"When my grandson graduated a couple years ago, I would have cried, except he was such as goofball about it, going for the big laugh on stage. I do get a bit sentimental when I look at the picture of the two of us afterward, though. It was the first time, after a few years of him getting used to the "new me," that we hugged and he put his arm around me for the pic. It's a reminder that our own transitions are so dependent on the transitions of those close to us."

Well put!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...