Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veterans Day

As I sit here on a cold Sunday morning snuggled mind travels back to my own military experience.

Then, I thought of all of those who came before me and especially all the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Plus we all know the disproportionate amount of transgender troops who took their closeted secret all the way to the grave.

To all of you who served,  or are serving now, you have my thanks!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Her Cup Runneth Over

Connie wrote in and commented on my very rusty bucket list. Before we get to her comment though, I have a short experience to relay from last night.

It was Liz's birthday yesterday and since my baking skills are lacking, I stopped and bought us a couple pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream to celebrate. Without the candles...quite a few in her case! :)

When I went to cash out, at the Walgreens, a young man rushed up to take my cash/card. As I was fumbling around for my card, I looked up and found him staring me right in the eye. As he did, he became really enthused to wait on me. Chance are he was entranced with meeting a real live transgender woman. Or better yet, he was a novice cross dresser himself.

Now onto Connie and her rusty bucket:

"Who needs a bucket when, already, her cup runneth over?

I used to look at life as a long "To Do" list. I was prolific in my list-making, too. In fact, in my procrastinating way, I would spend as much time making lists as I did doing the things on the lists.

A list is all well and good, but it's how we prioritize that is important. The love of family and friends should be at the top of the list, and it's amazing how so many of the other things just fall into place when one does that.

A bucket list contains those things one wants to do or experience before death. At my age, many of the things that I never got around to doing or experiencing can no longer be accomplished. I never had listed regrets, and I'm not about to put them on my list now.

One of my favorite songs is "Nature Boy.":

The greatest thing,
You will ever learn,
Is just to love,
And be loved in return. "

Awwwh!  So nice :) 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Group Hug

Last night was a social group meeting which Liz and I attend on a regular basis.

A cis woman from Germany I have become friends with was there and we had a nice chat. Mainly, we talk about our travel adventures but last night she asked if I had a bucket list.

I paused and said travel wise, the only place I would like to visit was Nepal. I had a chance when I was in the Army years ago and didn't do it. Thinking I had a long life ahead and would have plenty of time to do it. So much for "forward" thinking...right?

Then I changed the subject and said in addition to traveling around the world compliments of Uncle Sam, I don't have much of a bucket list. After all, I managed to graduate from college and even get chosen for American Forces Radio and Television. Plus, my daughter has turned out three wonderful grand kids and is a quality person.

I used to have a trans list before I went on HRT and began living full time as a transgender woman, but by now, there hasn't been much I haven't done.

I told my friend though, she and the group were on my bucket list. I always just wanted to be accepted as my true self and I had made it. I added how wonderful it was, all of them take it for granted and I never have. They just will never understand what they have done for me.

My bucket list must have a big hole!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

There Was Good News

Depending upon where you live, there was good news which came out of this years' Mid-Term Elections.

Here in Ohio, predictably the backward rednecks in the state elected a governor firmly in the pockets of the big insurance and pharmacy companies but re-elected our incumbent Democratic senator. The senator who spoke via recording two years in a row to our Trans Ohio Symposium.

In Massachusetts though:

It became the first state to uphold protections for transgender and non-binary people at the ballot box by voting to preserve the state's anti-discrimination law.
Voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the Question 3 ballot initiative to keep the current wording of the state’s anti-discrimination statute, according to news website MassLive. Official numbers have not yet been released.
And, in Vermont,  A candidate with Upstate New York roots made an unsuccessful run for the Vermont governor's seat Tuesday. Despite the loss, she made history as the first transgender candidate to be nominated by a major party for a gubernatorial race.
Democrat Christine Hallquist, 62, a Baldwinsville, N.Y., native, lost to Republican incumbent Phil Scott. In a race with seven candidates. Scott gathered 149,312 votes (54.56 percent), followed by Hallquist at 108,639 (39.70 percent)
I am sure too, I am missing a few historic victories in state races across the country. Overall, despite the current administration trying to erase us, we are still scoring historic gains.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Received several comments about voting from across the spectrum. Thanks to all who sent in comments including the illustrious "Yeah...Whatever" Pat Scales (I am surprised New York or any state doesn't require some sort of I.D to vote though.) Connie and others.

One thing is for sure, I won't miss all the dirty political ads on television.

Other than that, we have a busy day coming up. Liz has a couple of doctors appointments, I usually accompany her to, plus we have to go vote of course.

I am running so far behind, I haven't even figured out what I am going to wear!

Monday, November 5, 2018


Unless you live off the grid somewhere, or are a clueless millennial like Liz's 21 year old son, you already know tomorrow (Tuesday) is election day.

This actually will be my third election voting with my feminine drivers license. In Ohio where I live, you have to show a photo I.D. to vote. I still feel as if it is a big deal!

I don't have to lecture you on the importance of voting in this election! However, I did add this tag to my Facebook profile.
Enough said!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

So Simple

Or, should I say, "Keep it simple stupid." Today when we made our weekly trip to run errands and stop at the grocery store, I basically just threw on a pair of leggings with a lightweight sweater/blouse. I completed my outfit with a quick cover of foundation, a little eye makeup and lipstick. I them brushed out my hair and was ready to go. I didn't feel particularly good or bad about the way I looked...just, I was set to blend in with most of the other cis-women I would encounter. As it turned out, I was right. Liz and I were called ladies twice and I was able to carry on quite a little conversation with our bagger at the grocery store.

The only reaction I received out of the ordinary was when I came around a corner at the grocery store and almost ran into a wide eyed teen aged boy looking straight at me. Who knows what the heck he thought?

Even still, positive feedback is always nice. As Connie said:

"Welcome to Womanhood! Most women go through those periods (I'm not referring to THOSE periods) of being unhappy in the appearance department. At least you had a new dress to wear last night!

Having lived on the other side of the gender spectrum for so many years, especially those as a husband, we should be aware of the importance of a woman needing confirmation of her looks from time to time. While I used to make the effort to give praise to my wife on her appearance often (though really not often enough), I do not get the same effort toward me and my appearance from her now. It can be tough, at times, to keep my confidence level up.

Some may get all they need from press-on nails, and some of us need to just keep pressing on (hoping to, every now and then, nail it). ;-)"
It's been a long time since anyone said "welcome to womanhood! Thanks!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Friday Night Lights...Continued

Well, not much exciting happened during our monthly outing to the venue which hosts karaoke. We had a nice supper and for once were early enough to sit with a couple we have been wanting to meet but never had a chance to. It turns out the husband identifies as a cross dresser, not transgender and is a working mechanic. He relies upon stick on nails to transform his nails for a night out. He looks good!

Other than that, many of the usual suspects were not there, including the obnoxious one who just loves my partner Liz. Can't say I missed her, another cross dresser. Every month, she seems to find something wrong to bitch about. One problem is the venue is a Mexican restaurant and she professes not to like Mexican food. So, I asked the obvious question, to my myself, why did she come at all?  Regardless of her personality, she must be very lonely. I did miss the question Liz always gets concerning when they were going Salsa dancing. If it ever happened, the place would have to have a great bar to keep my interest. While I appreciate the Salsa art form, unfortunately, I don't have the coordination to try.

As far as appearance went, it was one of those nights I wasn't really pleased with how I looked. Can't tell you why except my spectrum of how I think I look has started to swing back the other way. Oh well.

As far as the rest of the weekend goes, I hope you all have a great one!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday Night Lights

Tonight is the monthly karaoke night out for our cross dresser - transgender support group. These social night outs probably actually provide more support for novice members as the relatively boring sit down meetings. The reason is the social provides a safe space for a new person to pursue her feminine self. Also the monthly Friday night event is not held in a gay venue. It is interesting to note though how many of the participants get a little more edgy as the venue fills up the later it gets. I can understand where they are coming from.

I have a new dress to wear tonight. It's a relatively form fitting long green sleeved maxi dress. I just hope I didn't ruin what form I had with eating too much Halloween candy! I like the sensual feeling of my skin (no bra) so Liz gave me one of her lace vests to just give a sneak peek of the girls without being too trashy and maybe even cover up my "candy pouch." (belly)

One way or another, I expect to have a good time. For those of you who wonder if I sing, no I don't. That way, I can marvel at the great singers and maybe the bad ones too!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...