Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Two Girls in the Hall

Yesterday was therapy day and a three hour round trip to see the same therapist I have had for the past five plus years.

The session went pretty much as planned. I discussed with her the Witches Ball and my plans to cancel my voice therapy lessons. I think I have taken them about as far as I can for the time being, plus I really can't afford to keep driving the extra distance to do them. If I keep on working on my pitch and smoothing out my voice, I don't seem to have any problems anyhow. So, my next session will be my last and I will take Thank You cards for both of my therapists.

The only matter of note yesterday came when I was walking down the hallway with my therapist after my visit. It is a long hallway and as we walked together, I noticed a man at the reception desk paying us quite a bit of attention. My therapist is a relatively attractive woman, so I just figured he was admiring her but as it turned out, he was admiring both of us.

I was so confused I screwed up my making another appointment routine!

Sunday, October 28, 2018


All to often it seems I am sending out my sympathies to a certain part of the country.

This time of course, it's Pittsburgh and the Jewish community as a whole.

The whole situation brings trepidation to my heart since my daughter converted to Judaism, and is raising her children in the Jewish faith. As we know today, crazies are everywhere. Here, even in middle America Midwest, we recently had a mass shooting as you may recall in downtown Cincinnati.

With all the recent pipe bomb threats, it seems our country can't experience anymore pain but it does. Plus, who knows what it going to happen along the Mexican border?

And I thought 1968 was a scary time! Also, just being transgender doesn't seem too bad, even with resident rump trying to erase us.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Big Increase

Ever since I changed my Facebook profile picture to add the hashtag " #Won'tBeErased", the number of transgender women requesting friend connects has gone up dramatically and still is. I'm not exactly sure what it means.

What I hope is behind it is an attempt at achieving some sort of transgender solidarity.  I have even read Caitlyn Jenner has even came out against resident rump, saying she made a mistake.

In the past, I have been very strict about who I add as Facebook friends, pretty much keeping guys out of it and adding only those in a certain geographic region.

We will see what happens!

Friday, October 26, 2018

A Corona?

Connie obviously has very good eyes (for her age) and caught the fact I was drinking a Corona in the Witches Ball pictures:

"I can buy the menswear inspired costume, but what's with the Mexican beer? I thought you were more of a beer connoisseur than that. Besides, a craft beer seems more appropriate at a witches' ball. :-)"
Even though Cincinnati has a rapidly expanding craft beer scene which I support totally, the venue we were in didn't offer a selection. 
As far as the costume went, I didn't have to buy it either, as Liz already had it!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Monday Night

For some reason, the cross dresser-transgender support group meeting was sparsely attended. Many of the usual suspects were not there to write about.

The majority of the people there were struggling to figure how when, how and where to come out to loved ones. Fortunately, I have those hassles totally in my past. One transgender woman came in her "Alice in Wonderland" costume she made herself.

Unfortunately, the new moderator of the group has a tendency to be a little boring and repeat herself quite a bit, so that could be the reason attendance is down.

So, since I didn't have lot to write about, I decided to add another (and final) photo from the Witches Ball. This one includes my partner Liz and proves I do wear dresses occasionally.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Witches Ball

Pictures from this year's Cincinnati Witches Ball have surfaced. And, as promised I will send them is the first.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

This Says it All

If you don't know, I'm responding to the rump administration's effort to erase transgender women and men everywhere.

I've come too far to go back.

Monday, October 22, 2018


Coming up tonight is another cross dresser - transgender support group meeting...with it's usual implications.

Several of the real negative types quit attending, including the one who was diagnosed with having an underdeveloped uterus and/or ovaries. She has rightfully declared herself as inter-sexed and I guess has developed  a perch to look down upon the rest of us. It's kind of sad, since I enjoyed hearing of her journey. She was just so negative.

Also the conservative rump supporters have quit coming , even though the moderators steer the conversation away from politics,  There are a few of the fetish satin types still around, as well as the steampunk trans woman.

We will also see if the desperately lonely suicidal transgender woman shows up tonight. The other suicide person just got a job (as herself) and seems to be sorting her life out, so all is better with her.

The group also used to have a few other trans vets too, but one moved to Oregon, one I haven't seen and the other is the negative inter-sexed person I wrote about earlier in the post.

So, all in all, it's a very interesting group.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Did Anyone See?

What I mean is the truck I got hit by yesterday. It was a long day. We started decorating for the witches ball about noon and we finished up the day around 3 am. I have decided to "retire" from working it next year, for several reasons not important to get into now.

The event itself was great fun and it brought back memories of past Halloween parties. I seemed to pass the litmus test of looking like a woman in a costume. Ironically, there was another trans woman I know (but see couldn't remember me) who set up a vendors table next to the table I was "manning". She used my excuse of short term memory loss. There was a possibility of another cross dresser - transgender woman there too. My partner Liz and I agreed "she" possibly suffered from testosterone poisoning at some point during life.

Of more importance, my costume actually fit and I thoroughly enjoyed wearing it except for when we came home and had to walk a block with a chilly wind on my legs and making the drive home in an unheated car.

Finally, I think since I felt good concerning my appearance, I felt good about my voice too. My cold has taken a brief respite, so I wasn't horse. I made an effort to throw my voice forward and not talk from the back of my throat.  Plus, I mostly talked in short sentences, so I didn't have a chance to strain it.

There are a couple pictures floating around. If I can get one, I will pass it along!

I'm Back...Mostly

  Well, my wife Liz and I's vacation to the Florida Keys was eventful, with many unexpected turns. Since I have quite a bit to write abo...