Thursday, June 8, 2017

All Quiet?

Not much to pass along from here in Ohio, U.S.A. except for government turmoil which I am not going into.

Cincinnati Pride is still a couple weeks away, so all of that is pretty well settled already. These days, more than ever before, I think it is time to be out and transgender (LGBT) proud. Especially at a time when I keep hearing of deepening rifts under the LGBT umbrella. I feel some of the problems stem from growing pains as more and more transgender people come out.

All of a sudden we are a force to be reckoned with, within the community. And, at Prides everywhere it's important to be seen as a real alternative to drag queens.

As always, I will be interested  how many other trans women I see at this years' Pride event. Many more, I hope.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Well, time has flown by so fast, I have to seriously consider getting another manicure.

Fortunately, I found a bottle of almost the exact color to repair my nails recently, but my finances will improve enough next week t get them done the right way.

I go to the same salon Liz has gone to for years and it will be interesting to see if I get a male stylist again. As I did my first two times. Although it seems to be a bit sexist or even transphobic, I really don't care as long as my nails look good...which they did both times.

I also tipped well, so I don't know if that helps or hurts who I get.

Such is life for a transgender woman in the world. Never a dull moment.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Is Transgender Natural?

Yes! And trans women and men have been around since the beginning of time...or at least the ancient tribes.

More importantly, how do we get to the place where being trans feels natural to each of us. Of course I can only answer the question for myself.

I know from my earliest days of dawning dresses and makeup, I always knew deep down there had to be more. I called it losing my buzz and searching for what my soul was trying to tell me. Then ignoring it, which was the worst thing to do.

The difference was as I continued to experiment down my own version of a LGBT path, certain activities felt more natural than others. So natural in fact, I knew I couldn't live without them. No matter how many times I was going out cross dressed, it was never enough.

Some of the search was fun looking back on it, but even more seemed to be hell. The further I progressed though and I began to accept the fact I was indeed transgender, the more natural my life became.

My path lessons soon became my mantra I would tell others when asked. Follow your own paths and see if they become natural, even to the point of HRT. Which doesn't have to be permanent. I for one though would hate to live without my breasts, soft skin and hair. But I could if I had to because of health concerns.

So, I think it is a dis-service to any transgender woman or man to say it's not natural, because it is.

You just have to seek it out for yourself.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"I used to be important, now I am just impotent."

Jessie Hart

Transgender Acceptance...Part II

Thanks to Paula and Chris for checking in on the Cyrsti's Condo post from Saturday concerning the relative ease of acceptance from cis-women or cis-men.

Paula had a couple good observations I would like to re-share: "I have certainly found women to be more accepting into their confidence, and "sisterhood", I suspect that has more to do with threat levels than anything else. As a trans woman I no longer represent any sort of threat to Cis women, but I now constitute a different type of threat to Cis men, somehow by rejecting my own masculinity some men will feel that I am undermining theirs."

It's so true that when you attempt to remove any sexual tension between the binary genders, communication and even attention flows more smoothly. 

I do believe too though, some women are surprised they are still attracted to us and/or vice versa. Sometimes there must be something about a feminized man that is a turn on. Outside of the fact we transgender women and men are living our lives as we desire. Something the great majority of the world can't seem to do. 

Plus, back in my out and about social days, it was not uncommon for a cis-woman to confide in me problems she was having with her man and asked for any insight I might have as I straddled the binary genders.

As for cis-men, you are exactly right. They re afraid that dress in their closet may beckon too strongly.

Finally, meeting one of the rarest transgender members of the LGBT umbrella does have it's draw for some civilians.

Let the Sun Shine In!

Just as I was down today, I received a txt message from an old friend who hadn't seen me since I started to transition. And, I knew accepted it 100%.

She was coming to Cincinnati today and wanted to know if I had time for a quick cup of coffee. About two hours later we were able to meet up at a coffee shop with her daughter and two grand daughters which sort of made the afternoon a girls day out.

After she commented on my head of dark auburn hair, we got down to chatting about people we knew in the past. A pleasant time I think, was had by all as the "tweener" grand daughters of course were busy on their cell phones.

Once again, I paused to reflect on my Mtf transgender transition and how fortunate I am to be accepted by loads of people. All except my only brother's red neck Southern Baptist in laws which he doesn't have enough backbone to stand up to.

Her trip today was way too short for very many of my inane stories. I was able to pass along how bad it was for me to have to stop on the Alabama/Mississippi line to pee on the bus tour to Mardi Gras we were on.

I am going to have to save a good one for every time she comes I guess so I don't bore her. I think the night I helped blow dry a fellow bitch's hair who wouldn't move from in front of the only hand dryer in the woman's room would be a good one! She was short and very neatly fit almost under the dryer. Plus she had it coming.

The problem becomes I have accumulated too many experiences over the years not to bore civilians with my exploits.

She did have one profound thought. In years past when she thought I was being bitchy. How right she was!  

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Is It Easier to gain Transgender Acceptance from Men or Women?

Without question for me, cis-women have been the easiest to gain acceptance from. Followed by cis-men and lesbian women. Ironically though, a cis woman lesbian has been my partner for five years now.

For some reason, I think cis women have less to lose knowing a transgender woman, unless one of us used to be her boy friend or spouse. At that point we are playing in their sandbox and open to their life's lessons. We can exchange makeup and fashion tips quite easily. Having been down the same path and I think many cis-women are pleasantly surprised. Plus, it has always been great fun for me!

Men on the other hand are so sexually insecure, it is difficult to find one or any who will truly accept a trans woman. Although I know it happens because as a group transgender women provide an unique, even exotic look into sexuality for some cis-men. Those are the "admirers" who wouldn't want to bring you home for Thanksgiving dinner.

I my past, I have been alternately blistered or more often ignored by cis women lesbians. One of my worst gender slurs ever came at the hands of a butch lesbian at a big party. It was one of the few times I have let anyone get to me.

So, there you go. My personal look at public acceptance of transgender women. Especially important these days as we try to separate ourselves from the LGBT umbrella, be public and tell our story.

I'm Just Sad

There is no other way to put it this beautiful morning in Ohio, I'm just sad.

I have a few alt right contacts on FB and one is a dear friend whom I respect her right to feel the way she does because I think it comes from a good place. A couple of the others, I feel their views come from a racist background..."Make America White Again."

I suppose my thoughts come from growing up in the 60's and 70's when the Vietnam War and Nixon were tearing the country apart. Somehow I thought my generation would do a better job going forward.

But, here we are again. And, I am not ashamed to admit it, I too vote for my special interest...LGBT causes. I just hate to see our hard earned gains swept away so fast in the first 100 or so days of the new administration.

For once, I am not going to rant on 45 (Trump) but go straight to his appointee's Steve Bannion and Attorney General racist Jeff Sessions. Sessions' record speaks for itself coming out of Alabama. He is just waiting for any LGBT issue coming his way to block us, I get the feeling.

The main problem is, being transgender, we are the most visible part of the gay,lesbian and bi community. As I heard once, it's easy to hide gay, not trans. Plus, I am really paranoid about violence this year at one or more of the LGBT Pride celebrations.

So where does our country go from here? I don't know but I am not sure what I am going to tell my grandkids.

Hopefully, I am just over reacting and shouldn't be so sad.

Friday, June 2, 2017

It's LGBT Pride Month!

With all the happenings around the world, it is easy to forget it is LGBT Pride month. Around Ohio at least, that means celebrations in cities of any size around Ohio.

It used to be Pride Parades seemingly were meant for gaudy drag queens melting in the sun. Now it seems the transgender "T" is becoming more visible. All of a sudden, trans people aren't afraid to come out of the closet and be seen.

Around Ohio at least, Columbus continues to lead the way with the most entertaining Pride week. For me, my new hometown of Cincinnati will be where I attend the Pride festivities. I plan on dressing comfortably because as of now the event is still several weeks away and hopefully the weather will be dry.

Ironically enough, I have the opportunity to connect with several interested parties at Pride.  Because of previous commitments, I will be helping our Ohio Witches Ball committee. We will be passing out brochures promoting the Halloween event.

I look at it this way, what is better than having a real transgender woman helping to promote their event :)

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...