Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Big Sweaty Guys

I don't know where you live, but here every summer we are dominated by the orange barrels, big machinery and men in yellow vests tearing up and replacing roads/highways everywhere.

Yesterday, as I was setting in yet another traffic jam I began thinking of the amount of  reconstruction on my body already without surgery!

Today for example I have to change my estrogen HRT patches out and continue to take my "Spiro" which holds my testosterone to a lower level and yesterday was one of my shampoo days as I come ever closer to another hair coloring.

Sunday, Liz and I were able to do a little shopping and I was able to pick up a couple items for this fall.

So, as any cis woman will tell you just scratches the surface of what it takes to be an attractive woman of any sort.

It's tough, but I don't understand the occasional person I run across on FB who is constantly whining about being a "short fat ugly" guy and a short fat ugly woman. I for one would love to be shorter than my 5'10" and I guess I was fortunate enough (according to him) to have been able to take off nearly 45 pounds.

I look at myself as constantly being in "construction" and will be until my ashes are spread in front of some unknowing plus size clothing store.

One thing is for sure, if you base your life on looks anyhow, you are looking in the wrong mirror.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Her Story

From the "Advocate."
Arguably one of the most important pieces of media created by transgender women, the web series Her Story has been making headlines and garnering praise since its release in 2015.
Earlier this month, the groundbreaking show earned yet another honor: an Emmy nominationin the newly-created category of Outstanding Short Form Comedy or Drama. The award nomination is not only a win for the Her Story's incredible cast and crew. It should also serve as confirmation to the greater creative media community of the importance of transgender voices and faces in the portrayal of trans narratives.
With the commercial and critical success of TV series like Amazon's Transparent and films likeThe Danish Girl, the lives of transgender people have entered mainstream media consciousness. However, the bulk of these trans stories so far are written by and are portrayed by cisgender people. When Her Story premiered in January, it smashed through those paradigms. It stars two talented trans actresses, Jen Richards and Angelica Ross, and was co-written and co-produced by Richards.
The series focuses on the dating lives of two trans women, Violet (Richards) and Paige (Ross).

For more, go here:

Life in the Transgender Lane

Over the years (as I have written) I have not considered myself much of a "girly girly" girl and that's OK. In fact I will accept a hefty dose of gender fluid to describe my life, if I was allowed to.

What I mean was, I don't know totally know what type of woman I would be. ( A tom-boy?)If I followed in my Mom's footsteps, a strong one which doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't a product of her WWII generation. She dressed and looked the part of a school teacher and somewhere along the line I was able to pass the strong woman to my daughter (as she wrote me in my Parents' Day card this year.)

So maybe I did pass along my Mom except for the fashions - which sometimes I wish I had.

I think if I was writing this to myself ten years ago when I was considering jumping off the cliff from my cross dresser period into a MTF 24/7 transgender lifestyle, I would have considered these thoughts.

On one end, the experience has been easier than I expected with more good and caring people I could have ever expected to encounter. And, of course I never would have had I not transitioned.

On the other end though, the experience has been extremely tough and I would never recommend it for the faint of heart. But this week alone I have encountered two younger "no doubters" concerning their transgender status.

So life in the transgender lane was something I really never could avoid to begin with. I just didn't know it!

***As a sidelight, a big congratulations to "D&D" on the their engagement yesterday!!!!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

JJ's Sunday Edition

Welcome! Ker Plunk! The Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch!
Weather: Ohio summer heat, humid with a chance of monsoons, let's grab a cup of cold "joe" or iced tea and get started.

The Week that Was or Wasn't: With the appearance of a real live transgender woman speaking at the Democratic National Convention, the Dems drew a definite line in the sand with the "Lets Make America White/Straight Again" Republican minions. Also the week saw the the NBA moving it's All Star game and approx 100 million dollars out of North Carolina. The bigoted governor there still refuses to cave in to pressure to protect transgender rights.

Yesterday's Coffee: Opinion: Friday night I had the pleasure of attending a monthly all inclusive safe haven event with a very young friend of mine who is exploring his gender (ftm). Of course at my age I have a difficult time even remembering even when I began to come out. On the bright side, he asked me tons of questions which began to get my mind moving again. We were both fortunate to listen to a wonderful transgender woman speaker- as the speakers can be on most any topic.

The Back Page: Thanks for taking your precious time to stop by JJ;s House! Be safe and remember I luv you all!

Friday, July 29, 2016


  PHILADELPHIA, July 28 (UPI) -- Sarah McBride on Thursday became the first transgender person to address a major American political party's convention, where she told fellow Democrats that Hillary Clinton will work to ensure greater protections for the LGBTQ community.
Plus, Sarah was not the only transgender representative at this years Democratic National Convention. 

The future is bright if the trans community stands together and is vigilant.

To Go or Not to Go

Tuesday I took a trip out to a nearby lake to cool off, relax and meditate. All of that came off as planned with no problems until I was half way home. My Rolls decided it was time to blow a thermostat in the cooling system (or so I was told) by the fix it guys and I had to partake in one of my fave pastimes-getting it towed.

Unfortunately over the years I have made riding in the cab of tow trucks somewhat of a norm. Depending where I am and how close I am to someone I know, I just have to hitch up my big girl panties and go for it.

Normally, the whole process is a look at where I am or am not in my Mtf gender transition.

When the driver pulled up in his big, bad truck he called me dear, which calmed my nerves somewhat. (One night, I had a guy who didn't want to tow me at all.)

As normally happens though, during the half hour ride, his illusion of me as a damsel in distress began to blur. Not to say he was nasty at all, if anything he didn't seem to care anyhow. He was off to haul his next car.

I was back in to my mechanics who unfortunately know my Rolls all too well and the transgender woman who brings it it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The Democratic Convention is underway and immediately went to the toilets-the transgender ones. Some great quotes are coming from a site called "Politico" Here's one:

It’s clear there’s one thing you don’t understand about business,” said Jesse Lipson, an executive at Raleigh-based Citrix, told Trump from the podium in Philadelphia. “Nothing scares away investment like hate.”


Pointing to businesses and events, including the NBA All-Star Game, that are boycotting North Carolina over the law, Lipson said, “Republicans may think they’re telling people which bathroom to go into, but they’re actually telling people which market to stay out of.”
Trump had initially mocked North Carolina’s law, known as HB2, by inviting Caitlyn Jenner to use her bathroom of choice at Trump Tower, but he later said the matter should be left to the states.

Read more here,

Some Didn't Have it HOT?

I urge you to read all the comments up close and personal concerning the heatwave which has been gripping much of this country. I liked Mandy's about Mercury and expected Connie's about the Pacific Northwest where her and Mick reside.

Perhaps Jeni down in Australia could be the best look into another climate. Be sure to check all three.

Here our "velcro weather" is beginning to break - for awhile. I call it velcro because you stick to everything. (clothes etc.)

As far as Ohio weather goes, normally what one season gives another taketh away, so we may have a mild winter!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Some Don't Like it HOT

This is ridiculous. Another heat index figure day of over 100.  This separates the trans woman from the climate sissies somehow...although I haven't quite figured out just what that is yet.

To make matters worse, we don't have any air conditioning. To make things better, the weather is supposed to "break" in a couple days.

My reason for this post is just that...a reason of why I have been missing in action lately.

Stay cool!

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...