Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Anderson BrooksOur feature today is the very androgynous Anderson Brooks:

One Foot in the Bucket?

At my age, I can't say I don't pay attention to "bucket-lists" especially now a days when it seems they are popping  up again. I read with interest on Stana's Femulate blog in particular (of course) when she came up with a bucket list of sorts for "femulators" to accomplish.

Not that it makes me any better than any other cross dresser or transgender person, but many of the items on the list I could check off. I began to wonder at what point did I subconsciously realize checking items off the list led me to where I am now? Or was I doing what came naturally?

I guess my friends thought so- much of the credit for checking off  most of the major items, go to my friends. Early examples were the invites to professional sports games and to real live girl's night outs. Of course I was scared to death and none of it came easily. And then, there were the early vacations with Liz, including a week long trip to New Orleans and Mardi Gras.  Really? No pressure packing for that with no guy clothes-right?

You see,  my friends and lover just crushed my bucket list.  They saw past all my petty paranoia's for who I was.  I'm still amazed they see nothing special about what they did. I'm just one of their girlfriends. Wow.

Yes, I did see and few items on the list I had not accomplished and that's cool too. One of which was getting a mani-pedi. Can't say I haven't had the chance and I really want to but I also want to keep a couple of new and mysterious/fun girl things to do.

So, I really never had the chance to check off all those items on my list if I ever had one.  I suppose I would change the title of "bucket list" to "dream list" because I still can't believe this all is happening to me!

Plus, I have never been one who didn't think I wasn't living on borrowed time and I better get to whatever I wanted to do before the curtains closed. I suppose I'm lucky that my biggest regret out side of transitioning earlier, was not taking that trip to Kathmandu we had planned when we were in the Army.

I still don't have both feet in the bucket! There is still time!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo Dammit!

dressed for office
Unidentified cross dresser
Honey! Are you peeing on the steps again?

Cyrsti's Condo "Astrological Boogey!"

I positively love the Libra sign astrology for this week! My friends have positively no idea of what they have done for me-no matter how much I try to tell them! Read on fellow Libra's!

(September 23-October 22): Enjoying the good life is more than just being able to access any thrill you need, but being able to express the gratitude in how you got there. After all, as the sign of teamwork, you will have to pay a price to those you have consulted and give credit where it is due. If you really do have what it takes, then acknowledging those that helped perfect it will only give you more.

My guest sign this week goes to all of you under the sign of Pisces: (If for nothing else-the use of the word fantastical!)

A fantastical event is in the works for you, giving you a sense of the divine. However big or small, a miracle is going to strike and a beautiful happening will start to worm its way into you. Chances are you will be seeing a person or situation in a totally different way, as obstacles seem to disappear into thin air.

As always, if we missed you-don't despair kids! Just go here to theFrisky! 

Dragging Yourself to Work?

This post is actually not about me, but a couple of guys who worked for me over the years and their Halloween costumes.  As many of you already know here in Cyrsti's Condo, I worked for years in the commercial sit down restaurant business. During Halloween, the "bosses" allowed us to have an evening of "dress up" for the servers and bar tenders.  Over the years, I think surprisingly, I did not have very many instances of my male servers showing their "feminine" sides in drag.  Two did though and here is the story:

The first server was a very effeminate "out" cis gay guy from an era when gay men did not have as much acceptance as they do today,  He didn't care (which was cool by me) but on Halloween he came to work as a drag queen - complete with heels. First of all, the company costume rules forbid any potentially dangerous footwear.  Heels definitely fit that description but- when the store manager (a genetic) called him on it, he said "why? you wear heels in here all the time?"  I bit my lip and vacated the area and the next time I saw him, indeed he was wearing his pumps.  The "moral to the story"?  His feet were killing him after his four hour shift.  He had won the fashion battle, but lost the war!

The second story comes much later in another restaurant and really came out of no where.  I had one very androgynous server on my staff and really gave it no thought how he would dress for the Halloween shift and in fact, didn't even though he was scheduled.  I (like everyone else) was surprised when he came in to work cross dressed and I didn't even know him. My only real tip off came when before he came back to clock in for his shift, he stopped at the bar and said good by to his girl friend who had brought him to work.  His costume for the shift was simply coming as one of my genetic servers and he effortlessly succeeded.

I can't even begin to tell you how many of my regular guests that night asked me who "she" was and was it true "she wasn't?"

Those two experiences were about it over the years.  Not many "braved the restaurant" elements to cross dress or do drag at Halloween in any of the restaurants I managed.  Over all, it was just too tough to do because of safety considerations. As far as I was concerned, I never even considered coming to work as a girl at all.  In fact, one year I came dressed in my old Army uniform (yep-still could fit in to it  in the mid 1990's) and one year as "God".  I wore white sheets over my regular dress shirt and tie. Wore one of my huge "mistake wigs" - a long straight platinum blond and cut off enough to make my self a "Fu-manchu" mustache.

Think of it this way, if God says did you enjoy your meal- you dammed straight better say yes!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!!!" Welcome to a "late day version" of  our Sunday Edition here in the Condo! Running late from one heck of a weekend!

Page 1.-  The week that was- or wasn't!  The week around here was basically involved with the fast approaching Halloween holiday.  Party time for genetics, trans girls and cross dressers to strut whatever "stuff" they have. Plus, it is a time for many cross dressers to venture into the world.  Many for their first time. A very exciting and very scary evening, with or without all the "ghosts and goblins" or the vastly more popular vampires and zombies this season.  Especially "zombie drag".  Just go to your local thrift store, fight all the other cross dressing guys away from the larger size dresses-tear one up with a fright wig and you are ready to go!  I can't believe two things for me this year.  The first is, it is nearly here and the second is for the first time ever I'm on pace this year to pass along all of my Halloween epics!

Page 2.- Dancing the night away.  As I wrote, Saturday night, my lesbian partner Liz and I went to a big lesbian Rainbow Dance close to Cincinnati, Ohio.  For me it was rather bittersweet.  First of all, I was rather naive to think the outfit I had picked out for the evening was going to work out as well as it did last spring at Trans-Ohio. (It seemed someone had gained more weight than she thought.)  Not to worry though, I ended up with outfit (plan B) which worked better in the mirror.  For some reason though, I didn't feel as relaxed as I thought I should have been when we arrived.Maybe it was a premonition.  We had no more than found the bar and appetizer tables, when a genetic I referred to as "helmet hair" (looked like it) made it her special goal to spot me and said "hey dude! what's your real name?  I was taken back for a second (a huge mistake) and said "Mine is Cyrsti, what's your real name?"  Really?  Look, I do not expect to be embraced or supported by everyone, but don't seek me out to bash me!

As much as I try, I try to not let transphobic bigots get under my skin or in my noggin, but I can't tell you I wasn't looking for the bitch to seek me out again.  She didn't and actually the rest of the evening was OK.  I did dance with Liz and saw at least three other transgender sisters in the crowd of around 300.

Looking back, I don't know what other expectations I had except to enjoy the evening with Liz and do some people watching.  I just made the mistake of thinking all lesbians are any more accepting of trans women than all gay guys are.  It wasn't as if I was trying to "force" my way into their sandbox.  My partner wanted to go.  I just have a problem when a genetic (lesbian or not) gets this evil sh-t eating smirk on her face when she is leering at me.  I think I will get a t-shirt that says "Get a life-you can't have mine!" (The vast majority of the people there paid no attention to me at all.)

Page 3.- Fall colors!  Saturday I figured a sure fire way to cleanse myself of "Helmut Head" was to change the color of my head.  I have been considering going darker for this fall and winter and as a matter of fact, Liz and I were admiring another woman's hair color at the dance.  It's difficult to describe except the color resembles a dark auburn with maybe a Henna tinge of extra red.  I have so much hair, Liz needed two boxes of coloring to make it work.  She slathered it on my hair and then as I rinsed it off-her shower looked like a copy of the Psycho  (Alfred Hitchcock-1960) classic bloody shower scene. I do love the results and have added a quick picture. The color is tough to see in the picture here.  I have another which shows more of my hair and the color which I will try to remember to pass along later!

Page 4.- The Back Page  That's about going to do it kids for this week's Sunday edition!  I will keep you all in my thoughts and pass along good vibes for a great week ahead for us all!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...