Monday, July 21, 2014

"Back in the Day"

Perhaps you have heard of or read some of 

She goes on to write:

"As for me (Jennifer Boylan) , I have shed a few tears over the course of my life, searching for the boy I was. There aren’t that many people alive now who remember him, besides me, and that makes me a little sad. Like a lot of people, I sometimes ask myself the question posed by David Byrne: “Well? How did I get here?” Finding the answer, a sense of peace between past and future, is one measure of wholeness and well-being."

There is much more to this article in the Times and I hope by giving you excerpts, I have been able to give you the essence of her thoughts.  Plus, not that she cares, I wonder if there are those who have taken her to task for not being a true "transgender" woman because she knowingly took so long to transition? "Me thinks-yes!"

Go here for the entire post!

The "Meek" Shall Inherit What?

.yep!As we gender transition up and down this path we have taken, sometimes it is just too easy to jump back into the closet and hide. Done it myself, can't tell you how many times I went home and cried after a night out and that was before the days of emotions and HRT began to affect me the way they have.

I found this to pass along to you in Cyrsti's Condo which explains why the "Bitch" word can be a compliment and fits in very well with transgender women everywhere.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Androgyny or "too much beauty for one gender" compliments of Dima Sotnikov in Cyrsti's Condo.

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our cover feature today is the Israeli Mtf transsexual actress Eden Yohanan!

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!" Look out! Here comes another Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Page1.-  Equal Rights for All?  Well, not quite, but it looks as if "Prez Obama"is  set to sign a LGBT nondiscrimination executive order on Monday.  What it means is federal contractors will be prohibited 
against workplace discrimination as well as prohibiting discrimination against transgender federal employees.  Obama will amend Executive Order 11246, which prohibits federal contractors from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin and was first issued by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965, to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

He will also amend Executive Order 11478, which prohibits discrimination against federal employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and age and was originally issued by President Richard Nixon in 1969, to also include gender identity. That executive order was previously amended by President Bill Clinton in 1998 to include sexual orientation. Although the Obama administration has previously interpreted existing law to cover transgender federal employees, the order will ensure federal employees will now be formally and explicitly protected from discrimination on the basis of gender identity.

Obama’s executive actions will impact 24,000 companies that employ 28 million workers — a fifth of the nation’s workforce- immediately!

**Editor's note:  I wonder now if Mr. local candidate who has so publically made  homophobic remarks and  whose business thrives on government contracts, will say OK, to hell with the money?  I will continue to discriminate?

Page 2.- Caution! Trans-Dar in Use!  It was a big week here in the Condo talking about Trans Dar for some reason.  I have always liked the game, going back to when my wife was around and yes, it was almost sport.  Ironically, what was probably going on was, we were missing more transgender women or cross dressers in the world than we were supposedly "spotting."  The true shame was, there were a few here and there I would have loved to talk to.   I either wouldn't or couldn't.  Unless the two of us were at some sort of social mixer, speaking to another "sister of the cloth" was frowned upon,-unless my wife initiated the conversation.  Why you ask?  I believe now, she had some sort of paranoia about me going "too far" up the cross dressing road.  Her feminine warning bells were going off and they were totally true.  These days, though, the problem is knowing exactly what level of gender expression you may be looking at.  My wife was a rare mix of arch conservative and inner liberal and it would be interesting to see eight years later how she would have felt.  Back in those days, she actually worked with a fairly big group of gay men (which included a couple of beautiful performing drag queens.)  They always discussed their "Gay-dar" but I think Trans Dar was pretty much unknown.  Plus, these days, HRT can throw many individuals into more of an androgynous look which is a whole other story all together!

Page 3.- Coming Out Again and Marking my Gender Spot.  Per norm with me, the few times I have come out to the few peeps I felt the need to, one of two things happened.  Either they shut up about it, or have many questions.  As you have read, I am going through the "many question" phase with a friend now.  It has occurred to me, I  haven't come out to a male friend since my days in the Army in the 1970's.  I told two I was a transvestite.  I'm not making a value judgement on coming out to guys. I'm only saying I had very few "guy friends" who I truly considered friends in my life and they are all dead. So, I never had to face the situation anyway.   Just guessing it's easier for me to attempt to explain to a genetic woman why I want to play in the girl's sandbox than to tell a guy why I'm "switching teams."

Finally last week, I hitched up my big girl panties and called into the Ohio BMV to request a "Declaration of Gender" Form.  I'm sure I will be writing quite a bit about the process of changing gender markers as it unfolds in my life.

Page 4.- The Back Page.  I'm wrapping up this week with a comment from Pat:

You should feel good whenever you are complimented on your looks, thoughts, words or deeds. The bottom line is that the myriad of triggers that excite men is mind boggling. Your trans status and presentation will be a trigger for some men. I suppose it goes with the turf.

As long as I can keep most of the "weeds" out of the turf Pat, all will be good!!!  

All of you have a great week!!!

Exotic, Sexy Elegance

Suzanne GagliardiWhen I locate a picture like this, I understand totally what many men (and women) find so exotic and alluring about a sexy transsexual woman. Once again here in Cyrsti's Condo is Suzanne Gagliardi:

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Believe it or Not?"

Darth VaderI KNEW Darth Vader had something going on under that robe...but this???


#Red #Shoes #Highheels Having A Unforgetable Experience With Amazing Christian Louboutin Bianca Spikes 140mm Platforms Black Online!I just HAD to share these with you all!!!!


Back in my Mama's Underwear Drawer

Hows that for a title?

The reason I pulled it out of the archives here in "Cyrsti's Condo", is I sent away to the Ohio BMV for the ":Declaration of Gender Change Form."  Just having it "in the mail" was a huge move as I began to consider the ramifications of it all.

The path to transgender self discovery and self fulfillment indeed is a marathon -and a rocky one.  Once you are fairly comfortable "existing" in your chosen gender, then it's time to legally begin a sex change.  I'm fortunate in that (although he doesn't know it yet), I will be knocking on the door of my trans man friend for guidance.  By the way, he is less than a week away from his long awaited "top surgery" and I wish him the best.  In many ways, we started down out gender transition paths about the same time but he has changed all his gender markers already.

As it turns out, the latest family person I have come out to is actually my former sister in law.  Meaning, she is the sister of my deceased wife.  Occupying that lofty position (she believes) gives her more input into my MTF transition.  Like my daughter, they sort of recoil at my name.  In my true form though, I tell them, I really don't care what they think, plus I'm changing it again for my gender markers anyway. Freedom, right? Let me point out, both have been exceedingly supportive of me.

How does Mom's underwear drawer fit into all of this you may ask?

I believe if you live long enough, life becomes a series of interlocking circles which hook up to your basic birth to death circle.  If you are going to be born-at some point you are going to die.  We could compare it too, to a charm bracelet which the circle is simply around your wrist. I guess you could say my first "charm" was Mom's undie drawer.

Then, I thought back to the days when I "found" the drawer of Mom's undies and what was really going on in my noggin. Before you jump off the bridge and want to toss me into the fetish cross dresser niche, this phase for me was all too short and unfulfilling. Surely, I felt some of the "fetish" pull but deep down inside, but a predetermined switch was surely thrown. Unfortunately, I spent 50+ years of my life trying to turn it back off- to no avail.

For any number of reasons, my Mom chose to turn a blind eye to my excursions and of course never talked to me about it.  She probably hoped it was all a phase and would disappear-which it did, for her.  I began to save my paper route money, combined it with my allowance and found ways to build my own "stash" of clothes, make up, etc.

After I finished my phone call to the BMV, for the briefest second, I was that little boy fascinated with my Mom's undies. I realized this part of my circle had closed.  The mystery is gone and reality is here.  At that point I realized how far that I have come and how far I still have to go.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...