Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "What If?"

The girl on the left is a boy.  Brolita: Boys who dress like girl Lolitas.Psst, Jim, the next time I catch you dressed like this, going to the mall with my girlfriends is going to be the LEAST of your problems!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover" of the Day

It's been awhile here in the condo since we have featured another of the truly androgynous male models.  Our cover today is Dimitry Rublyovsky

I call this "too much beauty for one gender."

My Cover Designer

From Teresa:

Before pushing the "print" button, perhaps you'd like to mention to your cover text designer that "Stiletto's on Ice" is incorrect American English and that "Stilettos on Ice" (without the possessive apostrophe) is the correct usage.

Thanks Teresa!  I have a quick direct line to my "cover text designer" (me).  Changes have been duly noted and changed.  I have nightmares of my high school writing teachers wearing out quite a few red pencils along the way!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo- "What If?"

I really didn't think the parents would be home already!Dammit Jim!!! Get down here. Your Grandparents are here!!!

The Passing of Matt Kailey

The news is beginning to make it's way around the cyber world that Matt Kailey died over the weekend, on Saturday, in his sleep, of a heart attack or heart failure.

If you didn't know, Matt was the highly respected force behind the Tranifesto Blog, the "Ask Matt" series and the Author of  Just Add Hormones.  

And, by the way, Matt was a transgender man.  Unfortunately I never had the occasion to meet him and felt lucky enough when some of my off the wall comments made their way on to his blog when I sent them in.

What always struck me about Tranifesto was how Matt addressed both transgender men and trans women.  I found that to be remarkable and a rarity in our community where so many are out to protect their "little mound of sand" at all costs.

Finally, I know a little about how much of a commitment and effort it takes to put the amount of work out that Matt did at such a high level.

Indeed a man's work is his legacy and Matt Kailey's is a huge one!

Cyrsti's Condo "What If?

Dammit Mom! I told you I already had a summer job!  Don't tell Dad, I'm working as a secretary! I think he had something a little more masculine in mind?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "What If?"

Yoo Hoo! I'm home from beers with the boys dear!  You may want to sit down!


Down to the Wire!

My friends are sick of hearing me say anything and maybe you are too-but it's true I'm down to five days until I send my "Stiletto's on Thin Ice" E-pub book off to be published.

With my friends, it's difficult to explain what the book is all about because they don't really know or care anything about my past.  To them, I came into their life as a transgender woman approximately five years ago and that's it. I'm sure they are thinking, "Just do it and shut up!"

For those of you who are Cyrsti's Condo regulars, you already know what it is all about-a synopsis of how I got here in my life.  Along the way of course, are a ton of wrong moves, dead ends and huge discoveries over the course of 50 years.

I suppose the book could be called a tragedy because I took so long to face up to whom I really was or a celebration of actually finding out.  As I have said before, the book will be very inexpensive and I am certainly not seeking wealth or riches from it.  If you do choose to buy it, I'm sure you will recognize certain experiences and thoughts from here.  Hopefully in a lot more depth.

I'm also sure as soon as I press the "pub" button, I will be asked many more technical questions before the book goes "live."  Hopefully by Friday though, I will be one of the millions who have been told "you ought to write a book"-who did.  I guess it's one step up from being told you should be on the "Jerry Springer Show." 

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...