Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

In honor of the "Victoria Secret" Fashion Show, here are a couple of future possibilities of the first transgender women models:
First,   Amelia Maltepe, a transsexual model from Toronto by way of Bangladesh.

And of course, Carmen Carrera, who is reportedly already set for an audition next year.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Kostantin Minarev, male androgynous model, stops by "the Condo"

Cyrsti's Gondo "Horror Scope"

Here we go kids! Your weekly scopes, or should I say "weakly?"

Libra, (September 23-October 22): Not everything has to be art. If your fairy tale isn’t rolling out the way you like, don’t get manic. There are going to be a few bumps in the road, but nothing you can’t handle. The good news: Once you get into the groove of rewriting the plot, you’ll find there is much more material to make something real out of.

I'm not going to even touch the fairy tale comment except to say, maybe getting called a  She Male the other night does constitute one of the "bumps in the road". I do like the "rewrite" angle because I essentially feel I have "hit the wall" as far as my transition goes!

As always you can go to theFrisky for your scope.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

This week's edition will be definitely be a different one due the week's activity around here in the "Condo".

In the travel section I already touched on the fact I have been a traveling girl for most of the week and one of the spots you don't really want to drive all over in a ice/sleet/snow storm is hilly Cincinnati, Ohio.  But we all survived, including my car.

In a "Sports Section" update,  my Bengals helped sooth the pain of my Buckeyes tanking the BigTen Championship game last night by winning big today.  As I have written continually, the Buckeye's have provided many good memories and the Bengals, tons of bad during my life.

In the Fashion Section, today turned out to be an early Christmas treat for me.  My girlfriend has mentioned a number of times of how she used to be an Avon consultant.  Today, I just happened to notice two nice aluminum fold out cases.  I asked what they were for and was told they were makeup training cases.  I said Really? and asked if they were both empty.  Turns out, one wasn't and one was and the fun started.

Yesterday she colored my hair into more of a golden brown from the highlighted red it course we had to play with new makeup shades from the case to match my hair. The bad news was my small makeup bag I brought with me was too full for everything. The good news was, I had a bigger bag with me. Most certainly I will do quite a bit of experimentation this week with the new shades before next weekend's company Christmas where she works.

That's it for our Sunday Edition! Thanks for browsing.

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Kristian Ruscitti lives in Portland OR and does modeling work around the world. She is a transgender Italian/American model/make up artist and has been in the fashion/beauty industry for nearly 20 years, beginning at the age of 19 as a designer fashion runway and print model in Milan, Italy.

Not Fun

It was bound to happen, as we all know, life is not all kicks and giggles.

The weekend began innocently enough. I packed up my dog and we made the two hour trip to Cincinnati to spend and extended weekend with Liz.  Of course Thursday, I was running slightly ahead of yet another super storm spreading across the country.  All I had to deal with was rain.  Friday we had a mix of every winter moisture Mother Nature could come with...UGLY.

Saturday, we relaxed and worked around the house until it was game time and we headed out to her nearby neighborhood tavern to watch my Buckeyes LOSE.  It has always been an idea I could never wrap my mind around...but last night, they simply got out played.  However, we were enjoying each other until  drunk guy #1 shows up at our end of the bar and begins to me.  Of course I knew he wasn't placing me at the top of the most desirable women he had ever seen list.  Then, it got worse. Drunk guy #2 appeared and drunk guy #3.

I suppose these guys were 30 somethings going on  junior high.  They were whispering to each other  and pretty much making obscene jerks of themselves and of course making both of us very uncomfortable.  I even think for the first time I can remember I was called "she male" for the first time.  Of course, by this time we had it with their juvenile trashy behavior, collected our things and left.

Wow, reality struck home and today I am forced to lick my wounds, reassess reality and get back into this transgender game.

Reality is, I'm not at the point {and may never be} that I present to the world as a genetic woman.  But that is OK, I have faced that reality forever. I have found though, I can navigate the world as a transgender woman if I work at it.  I'm not so sure anything I could have done would have tossed the idiots off their game. On the other hand, I do think I went too casual with dress and makeup.  Then again, the law of percentages simply caught up with me since the two couples before the idiots were perfectly delightful.

Lesson?  Do what I always have.  Hitch up my big girl panties and move on.  I hope the juveniles have major hangovers this morning though. I don't!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Yasmin Lee was born on June 3, 1983. She is an American transsexual film actress and model. She is of Thai, Cambodian, Chinese, and Brazilian heritage. Her family moved from Thailand to the Philippines before finally settling down in Orange County, California.

Most recently you may remember from her role in the 2011 hit comedy The Hangover Part II.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Freezer Pop

For once it seems the Farmer's Almanac is correct, we here in Ohio at least, are headed for the worst winter since T Rex ruled here. Of course the almanac has been rumored to have called for winters such as this since T Rex was an egg somewhere...Dammit!  Yes, now I can feel better about my limited colorful vocabulary since Ohioans were voted to use the most cuss words in the country! Hey, number one is number one &#@%#.

Anyhow,back to winter. Used to enjoy it. Used to want to vacation on the balmy winter beaches of  Lake more.  Relax, I'm not going to cut loose with an 'Ohio Proud' string of cuss words.  Instead, I'm going to blame three little letters - H.R.T.

I'm fond of reminding cross dressers and transgender women alike, when your daughter or spouse tells you to go put more clothes on a cold day, she may be being more helpful than you think. Women are cold critters and when you go messing with your gender hormones, out goes the old furnace and in comes the walk in freezer. She may just mean you better put some more clothes on

Since I'm really tired of being told "welcome to our world" by genetic women, I simply think, "this is what I signed up for but why is it so dammed cold?"
Other than the obvious ways to fend off the winter chills, I have discovered another way to feel warmer. Just whine about it. No one listens anyhow and it makes me feel better!

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...