Monday, August 5, 2013

Trans Blessings

On the Cyrsti's Condo big screen, the story of a young transgender woman blessed to be born into the right family and tell the world about her journey!

Trans Universal

It seems we are everywhere these days. If you are familiar with another social media site of sorts called Pinterest, Google it and search transgender!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Genetic Females Presenting as Women

Recently on one of the thousand of television shows I watch, I heard the comment "She's a female but that doesn't make her a woman" Unless I was missing something, a genetic woman said it. So true it is.

Since that time, I have been bouncing around the idea of another post in my noggin called "Are Genetic Women Human Too?"

Let's see if I can toss them both into the Cyrsti's Condo kitchen blender and see if anything good comes out.

The last time I looked both genders are human!  I knew all that college biology I almost flunked would come back to help me! YAY!  OK, back to the blender. Females aren't necessarily women but yes they are still human. Now, lets toss in some spices from our culture. Both are fairly rare, so we may have to use a lot!

The first spice is a little gritty and comes from the base of a pedestal.  As I jump around the never never land of the Internet, I still am dazzled by the sisters in my culture who hoist females up on a pedestal for worship purposes. Certainly females are the "keepers of the flame" currently in our race because of their birthing ability. Past that kids, the days of wives in suburbia living fairy tale lives are gone and females are out in the world competing hard to make it.  But if want to put them in your bubble bath world- that's cool.  This is a large pedestal so the little bit of it we use won't affect it's stability.

The second spice is also so very rare and maybe a little sweet if you find it. The spice is the very mystical "if I could find a woman to show me "the ropes" of a feminine existence, I could shortcut the real learning process, and get to the "promised land."

As you could tell, I may be a tad jaded in my assessment of the spices needed so I'm going to add an extra helping of chocolate to flavor our drink.

Now, unless you are as scattered as I am, you need a bit of translation. Very simply female is a birth issue, woman is a lifestyle choice.  The same as being born male but your transgender noggin is screaming NO! Secondly, females or women do come from another planet than men but it is not the pink warm and fuzzy world you put up on a pedestal and proclaim undying loyalty to. And finally, there are a few of the magical mystery women willing to take you to the other side. You may live with one and bless her heart! Unfortunately from my perch here in the "web-o-sphere" the spousal response I hear most about is "Take your dresses and the next sound you will hear will be from my divorce lawyer."

So there you go. I hope you enjoyed your beverage.  On occasion I try to "bundle" several thoughts and tie them in with feedback I get here in Cyrsti's Condo and a couple other places I participate in.  The final parting thought I can leave you with is: the next time you are out and feeling really insecure about yourself as a woman-take heart, there could be plenty of females around you feeling the same about themselves.

Now have some class and quit making noise sucking on that straw!

"Crazy Wabbit" Drag and "Lady Bunny!"

It is very difficult to mention the top echelon of current drag queen stars and leave Lady Bunny out. Here is her latest release on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. Of course Le Grand Bunny is also a veteran of Wigstock in NYC, and she doesn't disappoint with the big hair in this video! If you have ever seen the "entourage" of drag hags and other groupies who assist the big time queens with their wardrobes upon arriving at a venue, you can only imagine Lady Bunny's!

Cyrsti's Condo, "Quote from the Closet"

That woman you work with at the office who you slyly talk clothes with and you really wonder if she thinks anything is up with you. It's like this,she secretly wants to know as much as you secretly want to tell her.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cosplay Comes to SyFy

"Syfy" is actually the old "Science Fiction Channel" on your satellite or cable network.

I reacted with some interest to a new show they are premiering August 13th called Hero's of Cosplay.  Of course I was interested in the possibility of seeing any cross dressing cosplay . Then I woke up to the fact we are talking about American television. By the way the show on Syfy is really like is "Joe Rogan Questions Everything". His attitude is priceless. But I digress.

In other parts of the world though attitudes are a bit different towards CD's and Cosplay although I did read a post about them being banned at a convention in Japan.

In the spirit of being a world traveler on my computer here in Cyrsti's Condo I am going to pass along two pix of a Chinese "Cosplay Nerd" (not my description) here you go. I just had to think, do his parents really know what the kid is doing in his room?


A Night on the Porch

I wrote a short post here in Cyrsti's Condo Thursday about the "Equality Springfield" (Ohio) meeting I was going to that night. As most community meetings go in a lull of any real activity, it was sparsely attended.

We discussed the fate once again of yet another anti LGBT anti discrimination bill stalled in the Ohio Republican controlled senate. Past that, the meeting moved quickly through ideas of who we would support in Springfield elections this fall and other committee work.  Adjournment came quickly- a good thing!

On the way out to my car, the defacto organizer of the group ran up and said I was invited to help destroy a bottle of wine with a few other friends on his front porch. I was elated.  Obviously I was being accepted - at the least as their new "not so silent" T.  I did make sure I reminded the group to get past their gay and lesbian  only stance. If I was sitting in front of them, certainly there were more of my transgender sisters and brothers hanging around out of sight.

An hour or so later as the mosquito's descended in droves, the real meeting adjourned and I had made three or four new solid acquaintances in the process.

Mission accomplished!

Cyrsti's Condo Quote of the Day

"Never and forever are big words. As soon as you use them, you are doomed to live them."

Cyrsti Hart

Mo Cyrsti's Condo Makeovers

I love to "discover" and pass along what I consider to be the "natural" boy to girl transformation video's I find.
By "natural" I mean less of a drag queen look and it's no secret that naturally pretty boys make naturally beautiful women.

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...