Friday, June 21, 2013

Beauty Queen Dreams

According to the Daily News - Yet another transgender woman is competing for a beauty pageant crown.

On Saturday in London,   Dani, from Barry, South Wales will be competing along side 11 other contestants in the Miss Diamond beauty pageant.

"Just three years ago, Dani was called Daniel, it wasn't until she was 18-years-old that she made the decision to leave her life as a man behind and embrace life as a woman. But Dani, a manager at a nightclub in Camden, admits that while she didn't leave her male life behind until she was 18, the transition from man to woman began at an early age. "

For more on the story go here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

You "Aint" Seen "Nothin' Darlin!"

Ivy Winters
Just when you thought one site had more drag queen pix than any other-go to Pinterest kids and search "drag queens"!

While my Blog Gently Weeps

As I was going through my morning emails, two items struck me as being exceedingly sad. Certainly both plant the transphobic seeds which encourage violence directed at and suicide within our transgender culture.
Neither are new. One was the infamous radical femme site called Pretendbians. So bad I'm not even passing along a link.

Then of course, there our "fair and unbiased"  Fox News Transphobes.

According to Media Matters   Fox seems to have largely given up in its losing battle against marriage equality for gays and lesbians, but there's still one segment of the LGBT community that it feels comfortable openly mocking and demonizing on air: transgender people. In late 2011, during the controversy surrounding Chaz Bono's participation on Dancing with the Stars, Fox News host Megyn Kelly made the surprising move of expressing her support for transgender people. During the September 1, 2011 edition of America Live, Kelly stated: The transgender, they go through so much pain and emotional turmoil in dealing with the effects of that disorder or whatever you want to call it and I don't think they need people piling on and mocking them once they do something that many people consider very brave. But that's me, that's my two cents. [emphasis added]

 That sentiment wasn't shared by her Fox News co-workers, including Fox News "Medical A-Team" member Dr. Keith Ablow, who argued that supporting transgender people was "insane" and "psychologically destructive." In fact, it appears that most of Fox News' employees have ignored Kelly's suggestion. Over the past several years, the network has routinely made the transgender community a target of its mockery, misinformation, and general anti-LGBT fear mongering."

All of this leads to wondering about contacts I have known over the years.  Who have just flat out disappeared.  While I know many times some of them made an attempt to "purge" and go back to their birth gender lifestyle, decided the transgender life wasn't for them or went stealth and never said bye- I understand. The ones I do worry about though are the those who will never return at all and took the ultimate route out the door. Certainly it's not a needless worry in the transgender society with such high suicide rates.

I wonder, do the rad femmes or the folks at Fox  ever worry when they are alone, deep in thought about their actions?

It's so sad that hate in any form gets to this level. I understand the talking heads at Fox are just media bullies trying to make a buck at someone else's expense but the others sooner or later will have to take ownership of their role in all of this insanity. Plus I'm not giving a pass to all the trans nazi's I have known over the years who love to put together some sort of ranking system on frequent flyer miles to Thailand or hours spent under the SRS knife.

So now you know why sadly, I believe my blog will gently weep for a while longer.

Freebie and the Bean

Yet another cross dressing classic for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen.  For those of you don't who remember Christopher Morley,(left with Carol Burnett) he was one of the top female impersonators of his day and was in several movies and television shows - when they needed a very convincing cross dresser. I have a very difficult time of labeling him since there just weren't many labels "back in the day" Plus.unfortunately those were the times when most anyone in the media cross dressed, they just had to be up to no good. Such as this 1974 scene from the movie Freebie and the Bean:

Your Face Sounds Familiar

I just caught wind of this show which is called "Tu cara me suena" in which celebrities transform into another one for a song. Sometimes, participants do drag. This show exists in a lot of countries now. I think this Cyrsti's Condo big screen presentation comes from Greece? It's phenomenal where ever it came from.

 I'm also going to toss in a YouTube link from a T-girl Ms Scarlett Raven with a heck of a channel!


Coronation Street T -Girl

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Transition Emotions

This video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen showcases the emotions of a young transgender woman before and during HRT. Check out Michelle:

Bond...Justin Vivian

I love!!! this site title:  Paper  "On the front lines of cultural chaos since 1984" Wow! That says it all!

Just as fun was Paper's recent interview with Justin Vivian Bond (left)on being an arrogant feminist and the problem with NYC Pride here are a couple of my favorites and of course you can read the entire interview here.

Night of a Thousand Judys (of course they are)-- the charity variety show which celebrates all things Judy Garland -- is happening tonight (with tickets still available here) and they've got quite the line-up. Of the many performers who will grace the stage and give their best Judy, Mx. Justin Vivian Bond may just be having the biggest moment. And:

"Mx America is my show that came about from this quote, which is by my friend's father: "You can tell the depth of a person's tragedy by the amount of space between how they see themselves and how they're seen by others." I thought that as a trans person and as an American, that was an interesting notion. So I decided to address that in a cabaret form. It's just me. And the good thing about this Mx America is that there's no competition -- I'm already the winner! You
can enter with real confidence knowing you're going to win."


A Blond Having More Fun

This video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen is a little different in that you have to wait deep into the vid to see any before HRT pictures of this transgender blond:

Running Against the Tide

Sarah McBride is running for the United States House of Representatives from the state of Delaware. Sarah grew up in Wilmington, and current...