Wednesday, May 1, 2013

For all the Women I knew BEFORE

I just believe it's time here in Cyrsti's Condo to expand the horizons around here! A start is this ftm transition video:

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Do the stars move this fast or is it just me? Seems like yesterday when I posted the last HorrorScope here in Cyrsti's Condo! Regardless here is the latest:

"Libra (September 23 – October 22) Mistakes that you make now are your fault and if you waste even another second trying to blame anyone else, another egg will fly into your face. Being hopeful is great and being a genius is gift, but if you don't take that potential and use it towards being responsible in your own individual way, then you may just end up a statistic. Don't just stand up, stand out.
 Astro Guide 2013: Libra"

Whoa! A mistake that is my fault? Can't be!...just kidding.

On the serious side, I think I am moving quickly through the standing up category into the standing out part.  Hopefully in a positive way for the transgender community.

My disclaimer is "HorrorScope" is my title and you can go to theFrisky to get "scoped". It won't hurt!

I Love Ohio

Marcela Ohio Miss T Brazil 2012 Transsexual beauty.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho its off to Columbus we Go!

Picking up where we left off with the Trans Ohio Symposium weekend, my first two Cyrsti's Condo posts dealt with a hair appointment and ear piercing. To give you an idea again of location. Hair and ears were done in Dayton, Ohio and my home is near Springfield on the way to Columbus where the Symposium was held. Got that? It's OK, sometimes I don't either!

Due to financial considerations and only living approximately a half hour away, girlfriend and I stopped at my house and headed on to "C-bus" for the Friday night meet and greet at a place called Club Diversity. I have always liked "Diversity" because it is just that in it's clientele plus the place is decidedly low key. Have to admit the "club music mix" in most gay venues just kills me. Per norm, the entertainment on Friday was a jazz mix with a transgender singer even!

I wish I could pass along some sort of an exciting story from the evening but all in all not many showed up from the Symposium. One table of six with Chloe Prince of Pink Essence was the notable exception. I would imagine most just stayed in the hotel and mingled and did not have to worry about drinking and driving.

None of that mattered to Liz and I as we enjoyed each other's company and the music. We had a couple of beverages and the day had been long and exciting anyway - so we picked up some "gourmet slider" burgers and took off for home. Soon it would be time to do it all again Saturday!

Kim Lya Transsexual Model

Like many other boys growing up, Kim Lya felt increasingly uneasy in his own skin. He just could not understand why he felt trapped in his own body. At first, Kim thought he might be gay. But this was not the answer. One day he read an article about transsexuality and from there on, knew why he had felt so unhappy.

Monday, April 29, 2013

It's Prom Time!

Enjoy this seasonal post from a self professed Teen Drag Queen on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. I love how things have changed since my prom days...before electric lights!

No Pain-No Gain

Going back to the previous post, gf and I headed back towards my house on the way to Columbus from the hair salon and stopped to get my ears pierced.

Once again here I was putting myself at the mercy of a person who was going to hurt me! I hitched up my big girl panties, went into the lion's den and got two extra holes in my body. OK, I am a huge sissy and was trying my best to play any sympathy cards I could. But in the end I just had to be a big girl and withstand a little pain I equated with just getting a shot.

Of course I got no sympathy and my whimpering did no good but it turned out the ear piercing details in the fine print were the real surprise.  As I went blissfully on with my piercing less life, I just figured after the pain and suffering I could go out and buy some gypsy style big hoop earrings and get rolling! Well, not so fast girl. I found I can't do anything about having fun with different styles for at least four to six weeks. Plus I have to be very diligent about cleaning the piercings day and night and rotating the earrings to make sure the holes stay open. The only problems for me?  Waiting four to six weeks for anything and remembering to be gentle when I brush my hair off my face. Of course I found out the hard way when the next morning the first thing I did was knock the back piece off of one of the new earrings-never to be seen again. SO off we went back to the torture chamber to get the ear re pierced and a new earring put in.

Let it never be said the most effective learning process for me is getting knocked up the side of the noggin. Just as effective though is getting a hole drilled in your ear lobe!

Before I knew it, the time had come to wipe the tears from my eyes and head to Columbus for some pre Trans Ohio Symposium fun!

Will the Circle be Unbroken?

Friday I went to my fourth visit to my hair stylist at a salon called Square One in Dayton, Ohio.  (They have also expanded to Columbus) Square One certainly does not need my "plug" on their incredible expertise...they are great!  I would be remiss though if I did not mention the amazing amount of AIDS research money the owners have been instrumental in raising.

At any rate my "wonder weekend" finally was getting underway as I sat down in the chair in front of "Abby" my stylist/magician. The plan was to highlight my hair for the first time. Yes, I did have a vague idea I would be one of those women waiting around with aluminum foil in their hair hoping no thunderstorms were in the building...and I was.

As always, I'm having a difficult time coming up with a decent picture showing how the highlights came out but this is some sort of an idea on the left taken two days after the salon when I got back home Sunday.

Already, my hair was responding to a rainy fairly humid day. (Or trying to party like I was 30 again). I will have to work harder to try to show the copper highlights to you. This pic is also a fairly good representation of how I'm working harder to tone the makeup down to a bit of eyeliner, foundation and lip gloss.

My girlfriend was coming up from **Cincinnati to meet me in Dayton for a cup of coffee and hang out for a while before we headed to Columbus, but as luck and the timing Goddess would have it, she ended up meeting me at the salon.
Then, all of the sudden (since both her and Abby know of my sarcastic sense of humor) my hair highlighting experience became highlighting a harassing Cyrsti experience...Wait a minute? Wasn't I the one paying to get this abuse??? I know, the process was just a fun initiation into their sorority. You can believe me too,  I can give it out as well as I can take it!

Finally though the aluminum foil was removed and the heavenly shampoo and styling was next.  When Abby finally let me take a sneak peek in the mirror, I nearly passed out with euphoria! Well, that could be a bit dramatic but my mind was doing all these cartwheels in my noggin! I'm always so happy, I think I am probably much like a little kid and essentially it's true. I do have to remind Abby this girl stuff is still so new to me. Don't hesitate to give me her insights! Tell me things and never take for granted I have much knowledge about aluminum foil and hair!  Come on now, all this time I only thought foil was only good for cooking.  Friday I learned though what foil was really for when I looked in the mirror and how Abby used it to work her magic.

As I have mentioned, the visit to the magician was only the beginning of the weekend.  The next stop was a little more painful but just as satisfying!

** To give you a little reference on mileage and such, I live about 20 minutes outside of Dayton, 40 minutes outside of Columbus and about an hour or so from Cincinnati.


Hello all, I think being MIA (missing in action) from Cyrsti's Condo for two days was like leaving my daughter overnight with the parents for the first time when she was tiny.

The much anticipated Trans Ohio Symposium has come and gone and of course I have a ton of observations and info to pass along!

The biggest observation was I'm way to old to party down in Columbus two nights in a row like I used to plus get my hair done and my ears pierced the day before I went.

The second pleasant surprise to me was the trans youth who attended the symposium, specifically the number of transgender men. AT least one third of the attendees were trans guys according to my unofficial stats and I think the lead organizers were too.

Obviously, I have way more thoughts to come. I'm going to try to start at the beginning Friday with my hair appointment in the next post!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...