Saturday, July 28, 2012

Going to the Dogs!

From Idooog

"The very famous Liuzhu, who is called a "WeiNiang" in Chinese because he is a man who likes to dress up as a woman attended the spring and summer style conference. He was wearing a white suit and looked so sexy and beautiful.
His hair looks like a geisha's hair and to steal the spotlight successfully, he also brought the pet dog to cheer for him."
 ( I did some editing on the original text but the author's English is better than my Chinese!)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thought of the Day

Does a new tatoo on an old person look better than an old tatoo on a young person?

Male Baritones and Female Sopranos

Transsexual opera singer Emily De Salvo 

There is Someone in my Head

I'm an old self professed hippie
Of course one of my favorite bands has been the Moody Blues.
One of their songs has a lyric which includes the words "there is someone in my head and it's not me."
I used to believe that about my gender dysphoric self. A whole lot of booze went into trying to get that other person out of my head but she wouldn't leave.
It was refreshing to catch the song on a classic rock station I was listening to this morning.
I realized the someone in my head is me and life is so much better!

You Probably Knew to...

NEVER eat at a "Chick-fil-A. If you didn't, read on:

After years of masking anti gay policies and affliliations under a guise of friendliness, Chick-fil-A is boldly embracing the discrimination of LGBT American's. Which is not exactly an earth shattering announcement if you ever knew anything about this radical right company.

Now,  I believe it is their American right to have any belief they want at Chick-fil-A and I believe in my right to NEVER give them a cent of my money and to tell others about them. Plus I don't believe in their Un-American right to discriminate.

Here's an example of why:
When questioned about Chick-fil-A's donations in a recent interview, COO Dan Cathy replied "Guilty as charged" Cathy continued: "We're inviting God's judgement on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you what constitutes marriage."
Obviously Cathy knows better than God to make that statement.
We all know "what comes around-goes around" and someday we will read about Cathy having a little break in a porno theatre with a chicken sandwhich. (I just love the use of his last name!) 
In the meantime, you can do more than just not eat with them.
Go to the Human Rights Campaign  site to sign a petition.
Remember that Cathy believes in God's judgement to make money.
It's number one in his "Ten Commandments".

The "Three P's"

Every once in awhile these stray thoughts run through my noggin and I have to put them down in words before they go into the huge never-never land of my brain.
I don't get into the topic of presentation much here at all for various reasons. 
I believe one person's successful presentation is another's dismal failure number one and number two most of us follow a progression of moving past presentation into perception. We are who we are.
That is not to say you should ignore the basic styles and fashion of the gender we are moving into. After all that can be the fun part!
When you totally perceive yourself to be your gender of choice then you are home free with most of the public. They know it's not just dressing up for you if you are wearing your new heels or that new tie (for you trans guys).
Male India actor with a great example of softening the male triangle.  Long straight hair  over the shoulders and of course the breasts which become the focal point of the look.
Another "P" word which pushed it's way to the surface this morning was proportion. Even though I'm far from being a small humanoid, a dear friend has always pushed the proportion word on me. She pointed out that my big parts just seemed to fit together. I've always believed (as evidenced by the zillions of on line cross dresser pix and video's) that many men have really good looking female legs. Of course the cross dressers get fixated on them and forget their bodies are like a triangle-with the point at the bottom and the top across those broad shoulders most of us have. We know there are many ways to fix proportion from do it yourself foam to purchased fixes to hormones.
The final "P" I'm tossing into this post is power. 
Your inner belief in yourself gives you a power of being which people sense. That purpose will take you far.
All right dammit, enough of playing with the "P's". So I did more than three-never said I could count! You get the point! (Sorry)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life in the Hartland

Kind of catchy...right?
Actually I was referring to the fact I do live in Ohio, USA.
What did musician John Mellancamp (from nearby Indiana) sing in one of his epic tunes "It's probably where they will bury me."
Peaches Christ (Joshua Grannell) burns down the town. (Photo: Leonardo Herrera)
I can bore you and relate my positives for being here- but on occasion I do yearn for a little wider stage to view. Especially when I read this review on the "Silence of the Trans".
From the Bay Area Reporter": 

When the Oscar-winning chiller The Silence of the Lambs was released two decades ago, it came under fire for presenting a cross-dresser as a cannibalistic serial killer. In her new show The Silence of the Trans,which will be performed at the Castro Theater on Saturday, July 28, monstrous drag diva Peaches Christ tosses all that political correctness out the door and has a little fun with one of her favorite horror movies.
We spoke to Peaches' alter-ego, filmmaker and horror buff Joshua Grannell, who assured us that there was nothing for the trans community to worry about. "Our friends who are transgender, drag queens or transvestites understand that the show is a parody, a comedy. The film was protested because LGBT representations on screen were not as varied as they are now. And Silence of the Lambs is a pop-culture phenomenon. It's a great, campy movie."
"I extend a hand to the trans community," said Sharon Needles, who co-stars in the show. "They've been dealing with a big struggle. But there is a big difference between language and intent. We are in the business of pushing buttons. We are equal opportunists who offend everyone. Drag queens are the clowns in our culture."
With no disrespect to a wonderful diverse town such as Columbus, Ohio it's time such as this I wish I could just go across town and catch a show like "Silence"! It's a little rough to jump on my private jet and head to San Fransisco. 
(What would I do for an over dose of The Ohio State Buckeyes!)

Hypermasculinity and the Transgender Vet

A new study is being released this fall on the connection between the military and transgender vet according an article in San Diego by Beth Ford Roth:
"A soon -to-be  published study claims men who served in the military were twice as likely to consider themselves transgender as men who were not veterans.
The study by Air Force veteran and psychologist George Brown  looked at more than 5 million veterans as subjects."

The study went on to say many joined the the service to become a "real man" and was a way of suppressing their gender dysphoria.
No real surprise. Right?
I'm a little different in that I was a "draft induced" vet from the Vietnam era and the exclusion for genetic females was yet another cause to yearn to jump the gender fence.

In her article Roth contacted the Pentagon for a reaction to the upcoming release.
 Their official reaction was quoting the Dept of Defense regulation that states transgender people are not allowed to serve in the military.
(Other than the ones who have served, do serve and will serve-of course)
This does give the Pentagon time to bring in a fresh load of sand to stick their heads into and further ignore the status of current transgender servicemen and women.
They also can stock in extra whip lash medication for future neck trauma. An injury sustained by violently turning your head the other way.

There was a Before and an After

I just had to pass along another transformation set of pix from the Beverly Hill's group who does some amazing work.
Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind it seems one of the old plastic surgery "reality" shows featured a  young transgender girl whose rich father footed the bill for quite a bit of quality work at one of these surgeons-with stunning results. I thought for a second Gia may be that person but I believe that unlike Gia the transgender woman I remember had dark hair.
But here is Gia:
Before and after!

Passing the Big Tests

  Image from Shifaaz Shamoon on UnSplash. Throughout the years, I found out I had time after time when I needed to "pass" or prese...