Showing posts with label anti gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti gay. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Divide and Conquer the TGLB

My "Buckeye State" coverage continues today in Cyrsti's Condo as I read about this tactic going on in my hometown and perhaps others called the wedge. This comes from my hometown Springfield, Ohio Equality Group:

"Ugly strategies of division die hard in Springfield. When ES brought their message of equality to city commission meetings, you could see some members scratching their heads. Why were white evangelical pastors suddenly preoccupied by African-American civil rights when these conservative leaders weren't visibly worried about our community's racial tensions on the other 364 days of the year? Other communities have seen this odd behavior too, and some language leaked from the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage (NOM) clarifies the confusion.

 Under a plan called "Not a Civil Right," NOM explains "the strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between blacks and gays." How do they do this? Trick LGBT advocates into comparing their trials to the African-American struggle for civil rights--even to the point of suggesting "civil rights" is an expression that gay folks would never in good conscience use if they didn't want to compare themselves to African-Americans. (Forget for the moment that women, ethnic groups, veterans, people with disabilities, and, yes, religious folks of all stripes also have civil rights.)"

Yes, I know you didn't see any mention of transgender women or men in this post. I will give Equality Springfield a break on this because quite possibly I'm the only transgender person most of them have ever seen and I have only been to one meeting. My second will be tonight.

It's also interesting to note that Springfield is one the last remaining towns of any size in Ohio still resisting insuring civil rights to all it's citizens and the good old "Tea Party" political folks had a hand in planting some of this plan. Remember them? Wasn't their original agenda a fiscally responsible government?

All of this makes the meeting tonight extra interesting in that a Tea Party backed candidate is running for a key city commission spot this fall. Bring on the fun!

**If you live in the area and would like to contact Equality Springfield, here is some relevant info:
Equality Springfield P.O. Box 506 Springfield, OH 45501-0506

Friday, July 27, 2012

You Probably Knew to...

NEVER eat at a "Chick-fil-A. If you didn't, read on:

After years of masking anti gay policies and affliliations under a guise of friendliness, Chick-fil-A is boldly embracing the discrimination of LGBT American's. Which is not exactly an earth shattering announcement if you ever knew anything about this radical right company.

Now,  I believe it is their American right to have any belief they want at Chick-fil-A and I believe in my right to NEVER give them a cent of my money and to tell others about them. Plus I don't believe in their Un-American right to discriminate.

Here's an example of why:
When questioned about Chick-fil-A's donations in a recent interview, COO Dan Cathy replied "Guilty as charged" Cathy continued: "We're inviting God's judgement on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you what constitutes marriage."
Obviously Cathy knows better than God to make that statement.
We all know "what comes around-goes around" and someday we will read about Cathy having a little break in a porno theatre with a chicken sandwhich. (I just love the use of his last name!) 
In the meantime, you can do more than just not eat with them.
Go to the Human Rights Campaign  site to sign a petition.
Remember that Cathy believes in God's judgement to make money.
It's number one in his "Ten Commandments".

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...