Showing posts with label Chick-fil-A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chick-fil-A. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Happy Ending

I had another chat with the support group moderator (Transgender-Cross dresser) concerning her infatuation with supporting the anti LGBTQ Chick -fil -a. In fact, I tagged her on Facebook  with yet another story of how the chicken joint's head guy called their stand against us a "higher calling."

She fired back at me how she considered herself a "proud transgender woman" and was breaking down barriers when she ate there. I told her again how backwards that was and the only barrier she was breaking down was the company's lower profit margin.

Surprisingly, she agreed with me and said she wouldn't eat there anymore! Good for her. If she is true to her word, at least I did my part to impact the bottom line of another anti LGBTQ company. Liz used to go to Hobby Lobby for some of her craft needs until we learned of their right wing evangelical leanings. Every little bit helps!

I may have to consider another coffee place after this rant from Connie:

"Not much risk involved by giving your money to someone who only likes your money. If she thinks she's being an activist, I would call her a "Chicken Activist." :-) I won't even patronize Seattle's own Starbucks because Schultz sold our Super Sonics to Oklahoma - plus, I don't really like burnt coffee at high prices. Schultz likes to burn coffee and basketball fans, I guess. He will allow trans people to use the restrooms, but you might have to wait until the heroin addict is through shooting up in there. But, hey, nobody's perfect, whether they be a CEO, a moderator, a trans person, or a drug addict. ;-)"

The problem I have is there aren't very many "neighborhood" coffee shops near me to patronize. I need to find out where "Mad Llama Coffee" is to see if it is close enough to go to. I had their coffee and a couple pastries a week or so ago at a farmer's market and loved it.

As far as the sports go, as many of you know, we have our own problems here in Cincinnati. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Are You Kidding Me?

At Monday night's transgender - cross dresser support group meeting, I walked in innocently enough expecting the moderator to go overboard once again expounding on her favorite topic...herself.

Instead she was somewhere missing in action but a Chick-fil-a cup was sitting in front of her seat. I almost just got up and left. Instead, I stayed and let her know my displeasure.

I said I thought the group was not political in nature and why should she bring politics into it. Of course she gave us all the same old song and dance about how she was helping the transgender cause by eating there. In reality, all she is doing is helping a company which hates the LGBTQ community.

Of course nothing was solved and maybe I got my point across with some of the other attendee's.

Only time will tell.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Power of the Dollar

Long ago when I first started down the long feminine path to living full time, I learned many of the retail clerks I interacted with didn't care I was cross dressed, only that I had money.

Little did I know, way back then, I was touching the basics of an up and coming LGBTQ economic force.

Yesterday, I received an email from Elouise alerting me to an article called "The SMB Guide to Success in the LGBTQ Market.

I call it the "Anti" Chick fil a/Hobby Lobby post. Two decidedly anti LGBTQ companies. Here is the beginning of the article from  Website Planet:

"If you own or manage a small or medium-sized business (SMB), this article is for you. With less resources to play around with, SMBs must pull on all available resources to effectively work with and market to a wide customer base focused on interests, not social demographics.
That’s why SMBs must begin building strategies to effectively market to and work in an LGBTQ-affirming world.
The LGBTQ market is one of the fastest-growing sectors out there, and it’s becoming an increasingly valuable customer base across all industries. In fact, according to GayStar News, a conservative estimate on the size of the global LGBTQ market is $3.7 trillion – that’s a huge market that could be left out of your customer base unless you take the right steps. This community is also particularly sensitive to social issues."
This is a very good in depth piece,  if you would like to read it follow the link above!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Transgender Support Meeting

Last night was one of the twice a month transgender - cross dresser support group meetings. It was sparsely attended due in no small part to a couple of regulars who are in the hospital. One had a heart attack and the other just went through a complex operation to remove a brain tumor. Both had the habit of adding quite a bit to the discussions. Fortunately (or not) I was able to step in with discussions of my own.

The first had to do with volunteering to work the front door at this years' Cincinnati Witches Ball Halloween party. As I wrote before, my request was met with shock by the lead organizer. On the spur of the moment, I decided I was not going to sit on the sidelines anymore and to hell with being trans...I was going to step up. The rest of the meeting became so dis-orientated due to internal squabbles and a very noisy young boys basketball team who disrupted everything else. At the least, I am satisfied I stepped up to help the ball and volunteer for a very important and complicated job.

For the last several years, we have also set up at Cincinnati Pride, which has become a huge event and I volunteered to get us registered for that. It too was lost in the dust of the mess of a meeting. Oh well.

My first topic last night involved my quest to present a workshop again at this years 2019 Trans Ohio Symposium. I have decided gender dysphoria will be my central topic. My proposal has to be in by Thursday.

Ironically, one of my assumptions about dysphoria was shattered by the moderator of the group last night. When I mentioned what I was going to try to do, she stuck her nose up in the air and said she had never experienced any Mtf gender dysphoria at all. We got into a brief give and take about what dysphoria really meant and how it was possible she never felt the pulling and tugging of the two main gender binaries. It was an eye opening experience for me.

Finally, towards the end of the meeting, we somehow ended up discussing how Victoria's Secret doesn't use transgender models and even how I don't support Chick Fil A with any of my money. Of course she said she does because she considers herself a role model of sorts for trans people everywhere by proving she could eat there. I simply said since she does have quite a bit of passing privilege, her attempts were wasted because no one knew anyhow. All she was doing was contributing to the profit margins of an anti LGBTQ company. After another person said if we stop going to all the companies who don't support us, we wouldn't have any place to go. I had to step back in and point out that wasn't true either. Cincinnati alone has several big companies who are pro LGBTQ including Kroger grocery stores, Fifth Third Bank, Procter and Gamble and Pure Romance.

So, all in all it was an exciting couple of days.   

Friday, June 28, 2013

No Gizzards-make mine Bigots

From Yahoo News:

" The president of the fast-food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A has once again injected himself into the gay marriage debate, this time criticizing U.S. Supreme Court rulings. Dan Cathy posted a comment Wednesday on Twitter criticizing a pair of U.S. Supreme Court rulings. Those decisions will extend federal recognition to same-sex marriages in the states where they are legal, and will add California — the most populous state — to the 12 others in that category. "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies," Cathy wrote, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ( ). The post was later deleted. Chick-fil-A issued a statement acknowledging the post, saying Cathy was offering a personal comment. "Dan recognizes his views do not necessarily represent the views of all Chick-fil-A customers, restaurant owners and employees, so he removed the tweet to eliminate any confusion," the company said."

Why did the chicken bigot delete the text? My car has shown it can drive right by any of his units and right to his competition.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

More Hedwig?

It's been awhile but rumors are circulating about a sequel to the movie "Hedwig and the Angry Itch" Hedwig was a 2001 American musical comedy based on a stage musical about a rock band with a transgender East German lead singer.
Think of the sequel possibilities.  Maybe Hedwig settled down to a life as a suburban housewife or maybe a jingle singer for Chick-Fil-A?


Friday, July 27, 2012

You Probably Knew to...

NEVER eat at a "Chick-fil-A. If you didn't, read on:

After years of masking anti gay policies and affliliations under a guise of friendliness, Chick-fil-A is boldly embracing the discrimination of LGBT American's. Which is not exactly an earth shattering announcement if you ever knew anything about this radical right company.

Now,  I believe it is their American right to have any belief they want at Chick-fil-A and I believe in my right to NEVER give them a cent of my money and to tell others about them. Plus I don't believe in their Un-American right to discriminate.

Here's an example of why:
When questioned about Chick-fil-A's donations in a recent interview, COO Dan Cathy replied "Guilty as charged" Cathy continued: "We're inviting God's judgement on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you what constitutes marriage."
Obviously Cathy knows better than God to make that statement.
We all know "what comes around-goes around" and someday we will read about Cathy having a little break in a porno theatre with a chicken sandwhich. (I just love the use of his last name!) 
In the meantime, you can do more than just not eat with them.
Go to the Human Rights Campaign  site to sign a petition.
Remember that Cathy believes in God's judgement to make money.
It's number one in his "Ten Commandments".

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...