Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Transgendered Hormone Basics

I've discovered a thousand places with ideas on hormone replacement.
One fairly decent one comes from the "Transsexual Road Map" site.
As the name suggests, the site provides much more than hormone ideas but here are some of theirs:

Hormonal therapy for transgender people
There are already fantastic resources on this topic available. Here's the basics, in my opinion:
  1. They are not a magic pill. You won't "become a woman" taking them.
  2. I think of hormonal-induced changes as generally quite subtle, taking several years.
  3. Do not depend on them alone to make you accepted by others as female, because they will not.
  4. They will not reduce facial hair much, if at all.
  5. They will not change your voice.
  6. They will have an effect on body hair eventually (especially androgen blockers).
  7. Androgen blockers can help reduce doses of hormones needed.
  8. Androgen blockers are useful for halting scalp hair loss.
  9. You will see changes in your complexion and fat redistribution.
  10. Injectable hormones seemed to be more effective in my case, compared to oral estrogens.
  11. They had a wonderful calming effect for me and took the edge off my sex drive.
  12. You can hide the effects of hormones from others for as long as you want in virtually every case. Those who say they can't seem to want people to notice.
  13. Hormones are potentially dangerous.
  14. I do not recommend herbals or care about them, since their potency and safety are not regulated. Those serious about a safe, successful transition should be taking prescription hormones under a physician's care.
  15. Getting a prescription and doing it supervised is often cheaper, safer, and more effective than black market options

Mommy, Where Did I Come From?

When I watched you intently put your makeup on, did you notice?
When you fixed your lipstick with a piece of tissue before going out, did you notice?
When you streached your legs and admired your shoes at the doctors office, did you notice?
When I told you who I was, you didn't want to know. Did you notice?
Maybe Mom, you just didn't want to know where I came from.
The shame was I was always there.

Yet Another Transgendered Before and After

As I settle into my new found retirement life, I have a few goals.
One of which is taking a look at about 10 zillion unread emails. I'm just getting started but I did find one "before and after" picture set from early last summer.
The story is similar, Colin lived a very masculine life-but couldn't stand the lie anymore and became "Chloe".
The transition was anything but easy for the transgendered Colin.
She said,
"It was extremely difficult to make the transition at
first. I didn't look like a woman, for a start. I had short wiry hair
and was very muscular -I'd been called a man mountain by colleagues
for years."

'However as time went on, my skin texture changed, my muscles depleted
and, luckily, my dress sense improved.
Chloe at 60

Pro Transgendered Woman

I've always wondered how it would be to feel the pain of being a successful pro athlete and transgendered too.
I have felt a major pro athlete coming out as transgender is just a matter of time, Of course the major impact would come from an NFL  player.
In the meantime, This story from the UK probably only begins to cover the subject. From the "Daily Mail":

A 7ft tall butch basketball star is undergoing a sex change - and will become the world's tallest transsexual.
Lofty American Greg Walker, now 25, grew up sports-mad with beautiful cheerleaders on his arm, but said he 'always felt different'.

Greg before

Her size is one thing but the whip is another!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Transgender Entertainer Showing her "Pride"

Trans singer and DJ Chrisie Edkins is offering to play any pride event in the world in 2012 for free. If organizers can provide accommodation and transportation, she says she would like to promote the LGBT community around the world at any pride event possible.

Transgendered Tampon Ad?

The world’s transgender community are up in arms today over an ad for
feminine hygiene products circulating in New Zealand and Australia,
described as sexist, transphobic and hurtful.

You decide!

Girl's Year Out!

As 2012 becomes old news, I certainly have goals to complete.  (I don't believe in resolutions so to speak)
The first three months of the year should be a transition period. I know transition is a big word around here with transgendered individuals-but I mean transitioning into a whole different work and life style. Just because I don't have a formal job doesn't mean I will stop working. Physically of course I will have the chance to experience the changes with the homones.
The three months will also give me a chance to complete another major goal-wearing my own hair. I have passed along several times little bits of info about my hair. I have gone since last fall without getting it cut and the hormones are supposed to help it grow plus BFF suggested Folic Acid.  Folic Acid as I understand is a "B" vitamin which helpd stimulate new hair growth.
Hair, skin and any breast growth I experience leads me to my summer goal of being able to wear frilly sleeveless feminine tops for the first time in my life. Come on Red's baseball in Cincinnati!

So for the second day of the new year that's what this transgendered girl is thinking. I can clearly see the path. Now I just have to travel it!

Well! I never!

Well, I never thought I would spend a NewYears Eve like this one!
BFF and I met early to do a little shopping  and enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out for the evening.
The weather was unseasonably warm and fairly dry so life was good.The place we were headed wasn't far from the hotel so we took are time getting dressed for the party. She wore a wonderful feminine "little black dress" and I completed my outfit with a pair of slinky mid calf pants.
Several days before I checked the club's website and even called them to find out what they were featuring so I knew they were featuring a "burlesque" show. Since the venue is primarily gay I assumed the performers would be male.
I assumed wrong! Not only was the room full of straight couples, the performers were women and what a show it was!!!
In another life in a land far far away I was old enough to see the very end of live burlesque performances in Dayton and Toledo, Ohio when I was in college.
NEVER in my wildest dreams would I ever thought I would be watching one again starting my female hormones and admiring the shape of my hairless arms  working their way down to my french manicured nails.
But I was and enjoying the art form immensely! Burlesque performers and belly dancers completely embody the female form and sexuality to me.
I enjoy and learn from both.
As is the case with fun evenings, they come and go all too quickly!
I just hope the rest of 2012 can live up to it's beginning!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Puzzle Piece Was There All The Time!

I have TWO major posts concerning my New Years Eve.
BFF and I ended up at a gay venue with a straight crowd watching a cis-female burlesque group? More later!
First things first.
I was lucky in the middle of an insane week to rush out and shop for an "outfit" and find what turned out to be the perfect top It is a gold and brown ruffled sleeveless top and  just jumped off the rack at me!
The only problem was that it was "sleeveless".
I knew I would be able to shed the hair on my arms for the first time in my life, the problem was what did my arms look like under all that ugly hair.
After a 5 gallon drum of hair removal cream and an hour of finding more hair in more places I ever knew I finally threw a sweater over my naked arms and headed out the door.
Later in the evening it was time to finally test my arms.
I slid the top on and stood back and held my breath as it softly slipped over my hips.
I was literally spellbound.
My age hormone replacement therapy had taken over and decreased my muscle mass to a point that I (and BFF) loved the way my arms looked.
A huge part of my female puzzle instantly came together. All of the sudden the effect of my upper body skin (arms,chest and face) came together.
I thought or wanted to believe my skin was soft enough without the hormones for all of this to happen. BFF tossed in an added bonus I hadn't thought of when she mentioned my skin tone was nice.
The biggest plus (obviously) is in the wardrobe department.  I don't have to worry about sleeve length anymore.
What a beginning to 2012! What a relief it is not to rely on hormones to work unrealistic miracles.
The miracle will be wonderful changes the meds slowly bring!
Oh, by the way I experienced the "cold chill" women experience when we are dressed up and near a door on a cold winter evening. No they were not being wimps!!!!

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...