One fairly decent one comes from the "Transsexual Road Map" site.
As the name suggests, the site provides much more than hormone ideas but here are some of theirs:
Hormonal therapy for transgender people
There are already fantastic resources on this topic available. Here's the basics, in my opinion:
- They are not a magic pill. You won't "become a woman" taking them.
- I think of hormonal-induced changes as generally quite subtle, taking several years.
- Do not depend on them alone to make you accepted by others as female, because they will not.
- They will not reduce facial hair much, if at all.
- They will not change your voice.
- They will have an effect on body hair eventually (especially androgen blockers).
- Androgen blockers can help reduce doses of hormones needed.
- Androgen blockers are useful for halting scalp hair loss.
- You will see changes in your complexion and fat redistribution.
- Injectable hormones seemed to be more effective in my case, compared to oral estrogens.
- They had a wonderful calming effect for me and took the edge off my sex drive.
- You can hide the effects of hormones from others for as long as you want in virtually every case. Those who say they can't seem to want people to notice.
- Hormones are potentially dangerous.
- I do not recommend herbals or care about them, since their potency and safety are not regulated. Those serious about a safe, successful transition should be taking prescription hormones under a physician's care.
- Getting a prescription and doing it supervised is often cheaper, safer, and more effective than black market options