Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yet Another Transgendered Before and After

As I settle into my new found retirement life, I have a few goals.
One of which is taking a look at about 10 zillion unread emails. I'm just getting started but I did find one "before and after" picture set from early last summer.
The story is similar, Colin lived a very masculine life-but couldn't stand the lie anymore and became "Chloe".
The transition was anything but easy for the transgendered Colin.
She said,
"It was extremely difficult to make the transition at
first. I didn't look like a woman, for a start. I had short wiry hair
and was very muscular -I'd been called a man mountain by colleagues
for years."

'However as time went on, my skin texture changed, my muscles depleted
and, luckily, my dress sense improved.
Chloe at 60

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Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...