Thursday, November 3, 2011

I LOVE This Saying!

Not the Gurl you bring home to Mother, I'm the one she didn't dream of warning you about.
Warning...follow this link at your own discretion. It is Very  X rated.
I didn't say I approved of the blog...just loved the description and decide to leave the rest up to you!
I will have to dig up the old blog post of mine that asked if I would be the kind of girl I would bring home to my mother.

Ozzie's Little Girl Is Back!

I'm sure you remember the "trama" poor Kelly Osbourne felt when fiance Luke Worral was alledgedly caught with a transgender woman.
The UK's "Daily Mail" has resurrected the story following Osbourne's transphobic rant surfaced. You can follow the link of course to read the entire story. Essentially she said up until she found out about Worral and the transgendered woman She had always thought that the worst way to get cheated on would be with an ugly girl. Don't you think?'
OK Kelly lets compare a few pictures. 

Number one, Luke's transgendered love interest gives Kelly a real run for her money in the looks department.
Number two, Luke could be the prettiest one of the three!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

700 Posts? Wow!

I started this blog nearly a year and an half ago. I really didn't know much about what a blog even was.
I met a friend on "Pink Essence" the transgender social site.
We began to exchange experiences and she said "you should start a blog" and here we are.
700 posts later, our blog (you and I) has been a labor of love in many ways.
My goal has been to hopefully help others navigate the transgender path I have been down. Along the way transgendered news, information and opinion have made their appearance on the blog.
First and foremost I would like to thank all of you again for joining in on this journey which is far from over!
I continue to work diligently on a companion book or two as well as possible better ways to publish the blog.
Thanks again for reading and caring! You are all the best!!!

Normalization or Positive Publicity?

Some groups are complaining about the normalization of transgender humans.
The world has now passed the 7th billion population milestone.  Sooner more than later these groups will have to face the fact that a sizeable amount of the 7 billion peeps are and will be transgendered.  Normal? I'm not even going there... except to say if normal is how good I feel in my chosen gender; that is normal to me.
The groups I'm sure are just complaining about the recent amount of publicity the transgendered nation has received recently.
Let's focus a moment on the 7 year old transgendered boy who wants to join the girl scouts. If he just presented himself as a boy who wanted to join the scouts how would that differ from a girl playing on a boys sports team?
When his family presented him as transgendered the whole focus changed of course and once again we all had to go through a furious media blitz.
I'm a firm believer in any slam in any way directed towards our transgender community should be exposed. We have come a long way out of our closets and can't go back.
If that is the transgendered "normalization" certain groups are talking about,  they used the wrong word. Forget normalization and use "reality".
As a transgendered group we still face more violence and discrimination than any other culture. 
The more reality of our lives the overall public expereinces, transgendered individuals will move out of the shadows and become "normal".
On a personal level, I have never known or had much fun with that "normal" word!

Transgendered Beauties From Guam.

From "Miss Guahan 2011:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Transgender Girl Next Door?

Every now and then I get questions from men who want to meet a transgender woman. Typically the questions center on how to meet a transgender girl and even how to talk to a trans woman.
The situation becomes worse when the guy expects the transgendered "girl next door" to immediately want him for sex.
However there are men who just want us for what we are. A woman with something extra. I know what you think I mean but I don't.
What I mean is... what we have between our ears.  Sure we have discussed sex is between the legs and gender is between the ears. Between our ears lies a deeper understanding of both genders. None of this necessarily  makes us a better potential partner with a man but it does give us a head start in understanding the male existence.
On a deeper level this connection does resonate with some men.
I used to feel a man who felt this way was exceedingly hard to find. Now I feel the opposite could be true. We are the hard ones to find. Why?
The transgendered girl next door could be living stealth or deeply in the closet and invisible. In addition there are so many transgendered girls who are in the middle of a deep confusing transition of their own and aren't ready for a male relationship.
Finally, the man gets the courage to act and then what?
Well, the easiest place to turn is  is the Internet.
In my case I have been successful in finding a dear friend through a dating site and a couple others through simply "networking" myself here and there.
To get there was not easy. As you probably would expect, there are seemingly a thousand failures for the very few successes.
Many men go back into their own closets for what ever reason. A transgendered woman could be ideal for them on several levels but they are reluctant or even afraid to act upon their feelings. (They are men after all and that does come with the territory).
One thing is certain, the transgendered girl of his dreams probably isn't next door to the guy but she could be out there if he is patient and sincere.

Gender Is Only A Word

Expressing and understanding gender is another.
In Chicago, "Loyola University" hosts an annual drag show which encourages student to question why gender is so rigidly controlled.
“We all step in line when it comes to gender. Men wear pants. Women
put on makeup. Girls get pink and boys blue,” states Advocate LUC, the
school’s gay rights group, on the event’s Facebook site. “This is not
necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if we never question why gender
is rigidly controlled.”
One of the participants in Loyola University's "drag" fashion show said it best!

Monday, October 31, 2011

New "Horror Scope!"

This will be one of those crazy weeks that’ll stick in your memory for ages, as it’ll be quite an eye opening experience — but in a totally fab way, so don’t freak. However, you’ll have to be willing to slide down a rabbit hole and open your mind to this new point of view, because once you do, you’ll never be the same — but in a totally lovely way.. From "theFrisky"
Wow! I thought that was a couple weeks ago!

Transgender Privilege?

I commented on a post on Matt Kailey's blog and thought I would pass it along here.
"Is trans male “privilege” include an easier acceptance in the male community? I’ve always wondered?
Growing up male and working most of my life in female dominated jobs, I always felt women have a more complex “acceptance” system than men.
I do agree, the physical effects of “T” hormones enable the outward gender transition from female to male easier initially. (Hate using that word, nothing is easy I know). Sure the more completely you assume the “vision” of your chosen gender, the true inner transition is just beginning. I know one person who went down the full journey to change her sex only to become the best looking man in the room.
Let me mention I feel privilege does not have to be totally negative and will always be part of the human gender spectrum.
I am an middle aged transgendered woman who is beginning hormone therapy soon.
Over the years, I have been fortunate to gain an understanding of how to interact in the world more completely in my chosen gender… with females.
For the most part I have wonderful experiences with a whole new group of friends and I consider this “female privilege”. Again, is there a similar assimilation trans guys feel? Could it be described as “male privilege”?
I quickly learned much of what I had heard from genetic women on a stereotypical level was true. I did lose a few IQ points here and there and I certainly lost my rights to much of the “space” I occupied. Men have no respect for my space and reach over me and around me with no problem and I now have to always move for them.
On a larger scale, I did lose a huge part of the respect I had gained as a middle aged fairly successful white male in my American society, I lost the automatic sir I gained with age and replaced it with a feminine one.
Of course the path was exactly what I chose and all so natural I found. Female privilege to me became being treated in a softer and sometimes more open way.
Again I’m curious of how the overall transition in “privilege” works from the female to male side although I know no story is alike!
As far as the “LGBT” community, I believe our privilege is a farce. We are only included when need for more “clout”. I do have interactions with a few lesbians but most view me as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” Gay guys are as clueless as straight guys and view me as another queen most of the time. So again, will someone, anyone show me a privilege?"

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...