Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Make Up Magic!

This is one of the male stars from the Indian movie "Double Dhamall" If you have never priced the very effective breasts he is wearing, Ive seen them for about 2 grand or so.

I simply love the before and after pix! This is

Paolo Ballesteros aka Precious Paola

The Filipino Answer to Christopher Morley?

I Felt Like A Spy!

At work the other day, the crew jumped into an animated conversation about drag shows. It seemed one of the older women had been invited to join some friends at a prominent gay club for a show.
I listened with great interest (of course) to the discussion.  The group was several "20" somethings and a couple of the women were going positively nuts about how the best looking women in the room at the show they went to were guys.
The one woman who was invited hated the whole idea and was very negative.  I didn't hear her remarks first hand but expected the gay/trans slurs.
Even more interesting was the comments on the man who used to come quite a bit dressed guessed it...a woman.
I was so proud of the group who applauded him for living his life the way he wanted to and how about his great taste in purses! Unfortunately, they said they hadn't seen him for awhile.
I said absolutely nothing. Didn't have to. I was so proud of how the group approached our culture. Keep in mind all of this took place in a relatively rural town in Ohio.
Maybe things are really getting better!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


From the Frisky  I thought I would share my latest horoscope. With everythiong that is happening now in my personal life the "scope" could be interesting!
I'm a Libra by the way.
"Despite what you might hear, you are going to have to pay attention to your intuition, as it’s going to be at its peak now and can lead you out of pending despair -- if you bravely face the truth and its consequences. Yes, we’d all like to see the world with rose-colored glasses, right now, you should know that point of view will eventually catch up with you in a bad way."
Hmmm that make it's all so clear! lol
the Frisky by the way is a great girl site that gives you insight into everything girl from fashion to lifestyle to guys!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Womanless Revisited.

I happened across this older picture of an "amateur" contest in a womanless pageant I believe was held in Mississippi. Obviously his first time dressed as a girl?
These boys are from a baseball team in the South. You have the love the bow in the cheerleaders hair!

Last and least, just a one of my "dark pix!


Adding A Link

I've mentioned Matt Kailey's blog Tranifesto  here a couple of times. Matt is a FtM transsexual who writes a very interesting blog. In addition to presenting a different look on the trans life (as a guy) he answers many thought provoking interesting questions!

Red Means Stop?

NO! I'm sure all of your have noticed or read I went red again. 
I try to have the Blogs main picture reflect the current style I'm wearing to give you all an idea of who I am.
Essentially, the hair is the same length and volume of the dark so it I can pass the red off as a whim of my hair dresser.
As far as the public is concerned The red seems to be just a bit more accepted. The shade of hair is easier to match with my skin shade so that's a benefit too.
I have felt like I reacquainted myself with an old girlfriend.  Fun and comfortable!

Curves Ahead!

I was planning what I was going to wear as I made my way home from work. The weather has started to ever so slightly make it's way to a cooler fall so I could wear a soft clingy top I almost forgot I owned. It sort of screamed "Hey you! Don't forget about me!"
I call the top "breast orientated" it definitely highlights the shape and size of my breasts and requires just the right bra. I wear a very soft bra with very little shape.  My breast forms fill out the bra and in turn the top very dramatically. (even giving the slightest hint of nipples). All of this is very exciting of course but the top has a couple other benefits. The sleeves are long enough to comfortably cover my wrists which will always be thick.  It is also long enough to fall to the curve of my hips created with a couple small hip pads. Add a pair of my favorite religious jeans (wholly) with big flair bottoms, flip flops and a long strapped bag and the outfit was complete and dee-licicious!!!!
The overall proportion was correct. The hips and breasts took away the span of my shoulders which is always a goal. For some reason it was so much easier to throw the shoulders back and sway the hips last night. How much fun was that!
I slid up to an open seat at the bar and leaned back to watch a preseason NFL game.  Beer and pizza appeared quickly as I  pulled my phone out to check my messages. Here I was, legs crossed looking down over my breasts to my phone feeling certain life was good! It was indeed. The only attention I created was welcome.  Another female patron I see quite a bit there came over to say Hi and we exchanged girl talk for a brief time before she headed back over to her friend.
All too soon, it was time to go and I noticed an older man was beginning to show some interest.  I decided to take my time as I got up played with my hair and slid my purse over my shoulder. Rather than take an indirect route to the door I walked straight past him to see if he would follow my movements.  As with so many men who play the eye games so well (thinking I'm not noticing) he never looked up as I passed by.
At these times it's nice to find a reflection in the area from a mirror or window to see if he is following my back side. No such luck last night.
Didn't really need it!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stuck in the Restroom with You?

Not only you...but your young kids (male and female)?
Sure it happened the other night and was exciting and or scary.
I decided to stay closer to home and go out earlier on a weekend night. I was secure in my girlness and really couldn't sit where I could see the restroom. When I had to go, I hoped for the best.
So much for hoping. When I entered, the room was crawling with little kids and Moms.
I kept my act together and didn't panic or run and found an empty stall. Fortuantely the kids and Moms were fighting each other and barely noticed me.
I took care of my business and waited a split second before i exited the stall and headed for the sinks. I learned the hard way not to hide in a stall when there are other women waiting.
I washed up and only faced a server passing through also. She gave me a knowing smile and I headed back to my seat.
The whole early evening was different in that I ran into people I know in my male life. I don't like that but was successful tonight. No one gave me the second look.
That's all good but kids in the restroom are cruel and unusual punishment!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Answered My Own Question?

I agonized over how I should talk to the "Doc" when I set up my hormone appointment date. I have never been really happy with my voice but others tell me it's fine.
The phone of course sets up a whole new dynamic. A voice with no visual.
I finally decided to try a softer version of my own voice and go from there. When she called back and I answered she (of course) asked for me by my male name. When I told her she was speaking to me, there was a slight pause.
As we discussed a date of September 7th, she seemed to relax to the point of even enjoying the conversation.  In turn I felt even more relaxed. She apologized for the wait to see me and I told her I had been waiting for years for this...a couple weeks sure wouldn't be a big deal.
She ended with "I'm looking forward to meeting you". Probably I'm a bit different?
My next decision is how to dress for the occasion.  I don't see going in guy drag will give her a fair representation of who I really am. 
If living the life is a deciding factor for her...might as well "git r done"!

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...