Thursday, May 26, 2011


Welcome to several new followers! Thanks for your interest. 
Thanks also to all you long timers.
All of you make this all so worthwhile!

Top 11 Reasons!

From "Betty Confidential" the eleven top reasons why it's awesome being a woman.
When you read them, I think you will believe how true the reasons are!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


From "Kotako.Com" comes the story about Japanese model "Kayo Satoh"
"Bryan Ashcraft wrote : Kayo Satoh, aka "Kayo Police", is one of Japan's most talented Street Fighter players. She's also a popular fashion model. But she wasn't always a she. Satoh was born a male, something she finally revealed last fall on Japanese TV program Majotachi no 22ji ("Witches' 10pm"). For years, Satoh appeared in women's fashion magazines with none of her fellow models or magazine editors knowing that she had been born a man.
According to Satoh, she began injecting herself with hormones from 15 years-old, something she continues, and besides her injections, she hasn't undergone any surgery. Her blog lists her sex as "female", but in Re-born, she prefers "human".
I really like the "human" description!

It is What it Is!

I overheard this description of me:
"She's a guy who only dates women."
That covers so much ground even I hard a hard time getting my mind around it.
After an hour or so, I did get my mind around it and this is what I came up with.
Obviously, I would have preferred to have never been identified as trans. Once I was, I was referred to as "she".and a "guy" in the space of about four words.
Finally, the comment about women is very outdated and comes from a "bi" woman I was very interested in...two years ago
It is what it is!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The "Eyes" Have it!

Today a guy friend and I  had a great discussion about my weekend. I made a big point of  telling him how much he would have enjoyed the female scenery last night. The topic flowed along until I mentioned the blond who gave me the "you bitch" look.
He asked why and I told him I wasn't sure but I gave it right back to her. Was it my hair, clothes or makeup? Was I a threat somehow? Don't know. Don't care.
I went on to explain the incredible amount of time women communicate with other women just using their eyes. Was this form of communication perfected by the cave girls when they were  picking berries and danger approached? A better explanation is that men just don't listen to women or don't understand what is being said to them  (True) Women have just perfected a gender specific form of communication to function.
By this time, my friend said "I must have missed all of that" and I said he was supposed to and the conversation  moved on. He wouldn't have understood or maybe even cared!
Here's how "eye" see it.
1.-'Amused look.' Normally associated with a guy who is being an idiot. A quick look your way with a "do you believe this attached."
2.-"Maybe look". I might like some of what I'm seeing or hearing check back with me later for the gossip. Another quick glance.
3.-"In love look" Doesn't involve any other person than the one the woman is interested in. No glance at all unless you are the one she is or could be in love with.
4.-"Beware look" A solid quick look that tells you all you need to know about maybe leaving.
5.-"The Bitch look." A stare down with a total stranger that seems like an eternity. The only certainly is that she is treating you like a woman and one she doesn't like!
Of course there are many more "looks".  I can't stress enough how this form of communication has opened my doors for me in the female world.
Yet another gender "dynamic" which is so evident but is not!

No Stana and The World is Still Here!

Overall this weekend went fairly well. After all the world didn't end at 6 Saturday, so all was OK except...I really wanted to meet "Stana" this weekend.  Who is she? "Stana" just could be one of the leading transgendered bloggers anywhere. Her "Femulate" blog is the best and just recently celebrated 2 million hits. Wow!
She lives on the East Coast and travels to my part (Midwest) of the world every so often for a convention.
As luck would have it, I was going to be off the first day only and thought I could make it.
I was as nervous as a teen groupie as I planned what I was going to wear and would I look good enough. I even wondered if I had the courage to even talk to her!
Of course it wasn't going to matter anyway.  A series of misadventures (including a flat tire) and financial set backs doomed be to not being able to go.
I was truly disappointed. I admire her for many things including her outreach work to college students .
Hopefully there will be another time and place. I was trying to get a lot done before the world ended.  It didn't and I have more time!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Transitioned?

Last night I transitioned another step. Moving effortlessly through situations I never would have dreamed of doing years ago made me realize how far I've come.
Surviving a group of alcoholic enhanced 20 and 30 somethings as a single woman in a tavern is on the huge "no no" list.
To be able to enjoy it is unthinkable to me and I am so lucky. As I tweeted last night, I even watched the other girls at the bar and copied how they held their beer mugs. I was able to come up with a new "grip" that shows less of a fist and more of a thumb and forefinger hold that shows off my nails and minimizes the size of my hands.
I guess that is another "transition"?
My transition is different anyhow, so why not put that on the list?
No hormones or surgery do create a unique question. Mentally am I training my male body to be female? Am I simply being a better actress to the point of obsession?
I do know I'm becoming less secure in male situations, so I really don't have any answers.
There probably aren't any answers except to do what feels right and good.
Transition is just a word any how. Who needs it?

Whose on the "T"?

I believe it is terstonerone that affects the sex drive in women.
If that was the case, the place I was last night had more than a couple girls who shaved more than their legs before coming out to party.
I'm not a stranger to the fact younger women today are becoming very aggressive. They fight, cuss and chase men with the best of them.
From the dark haired beauty in her little black dress and boots to the three tall blonds that walked in, the show was on.
I know where I fit in the hierarchy.  I just try to sit without being approached, use the women's room when needed and enjoy a couple drinks. To present successfully and enjoy the show is all I ask. My only "success"last night was the "bitch!" look I got from one of the blonds.
The star of last night's show was the dark haired girl in the boots.  She sat down the bar from me with an amazing leg cross. I was so envious of her ability to cross her legs so far up her thighs, I was afraid I was the color of "Kermit the Frog".
Of course in that dress with those legs and those boots she didn't lack for male admirers. It was great. As I moved past them, the guys never gave me a second look...but she did.
Actually, we've spoken there a couple of times. Maybe next time I can ask her if that was her rocking a guy in a car close to me when I left!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Return to Jerry?

According to "KHOU" in Houston, Texas Nicki Araguz is working on a reality TV show. The transgendered widow of a fallen Wharton, Texas firefighter  is working with a Houston film maker to produce the show.
Currently, Nicki is in court to claim over a half a million dollars of insurance money from her husbands death.
If you remember this is the same Nicki who started her TV career with talk shows such as "Jerry Springer".
As the current story came to light many transgendered organizations and people voiced support for her...including me.
The news about a proposed reality show (if true) proves to me Nicki is the same person who admitted to to performing oral sex on a guy years ago on Springer.
I'm sure I won't be the one to hurt her career on reality TV. I just hope she won't be the one who hurts transgendered causes everywhere.

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...