Monday, May 23, 2011

No Stana and The World is Still Here!

Overall this weekend went fairly well. After all the world didn't end at 6 Saturday, so all was OK except...I really wanted to meet "Stana" this weekend.  Who is she? "Stana" just could be one of the leading transgendered bloggers anywhere. Her "Femulate" blog is the best and just recently celebrated 2 million hits. Wow!
She lives on the East Coast and travels to my part (Midwest) of the world every so often for a convention.
As luck would have it, I was going to be off the first day only and thought I could make it.
I was as nervous as a teen groupie as I planned what I was going to wear and would I look good enough. I even wondered if I had the courage to even talk to her!
Of course it wasn't going to matter anyway.  A series of misadventures (including a flat tire) and financial set backs doomed be to not being able to go.
I was truly disappointed. I admire her for many things including her outreach work to college students .
Hopefully there will be another time and place. I was trying to get a lot done before the world ended.  It didn't and I have more time!

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Building a Huge Bridge

  Image from UnSplash. When you cross the binary gender border from male to female, anyway you cut it, you need to be ready to build a huge ...