Friday, December 31, 2010

Walk This Way!

We've heard and seen it all. Women "Glide", women "Jiggle" and some do nothing at all.
Where do transgender girls fit into this process? Good question!  I personally feel you should wear flats when you are trying to develop a feminine walk. During the process, you don't have to worry about the added pressure of wearing heels. On the other hand I read others that say heels are the only way to learn.
By accident I came upon a site called "Silly Trans Woman". The blog was way too technical for me until the very end when I found this!
Check it out. Biomotion has a great tool for dense ex blonds like me. Certainly it should work for you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goth Girl!

I would imagine this girl stirs  fantasies in many of you!
As it turns out, you wouldn't want to meet up with her in a dark alley in a bad mood!
This is "Mariah Moreno" and as you already guessed she is trans and a professional wrestler. The only genetic women who make it here are beautiful redheads!
I am adding a link where you can read more about "Mariah"
Hey, you got to love her look and her name!
Did you look like her last Halloween?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Guy Stuff!

Since we are hot and heavy into the dating dynamics of seeing men versus women, it is always interesting to look ahead.  What if you two decided on a relationship?
With a man or a woman?
Of course the dynamics are different. The first impression is that a deeper relationship with a woman would be easier. I'm not so sure that would be true.
Relating as a female to a female in many ways is as difficult as relating to a man as a girl. Letting the inner female emerge is so much more than just talking makeup, clothes and hair. Listening, verbal and non verbal communication are so important. Slipping back into guy mode when a problem emerges is just one of many pitfalls. A very slippery slope! If you climb it, what's at the top of the hill?
When there is a guy involved, you can let your mind move to his next thought. You know they only retain a portion of what you're saying anyhow! Much of the "feminine mystic" is actually simple.  Knowing where guys are coming from is fairly basic. (Not in a negative way) If the guy accepts you as you are or is even entranced...then what?
Much depends upon your sexual orientation. Especially with a guy.  How far will you go to be "his girl". I have some personal experience in this situation.  I believe the situation was fairly evident with one guy I went out with. I'm a male virgin and he probably is too.  The next step would be so unsure and I feel we both felt it.
The girl side of me would make a sexual relationship with a female so much easier.  I've basically always approached sex from a feminine perspective.
What ever happens with this story,  it will have to be interesting at the least.  Writing this part of my life is certainly starting from a blank page.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Date Night

In the comment section of my last post, Janie asked for more information on my dates with guys.
She asked "How did I manage to find the guys?"
Dating sites!  True story girls.
The cost is about 15 dollars a month per site.
I have gotten at least 5 to 10 "flirts" a day with my pix and a profile that plainly states I'm transgendered.
The response itself floored me.
I've had a couple less than happy guys who had to "Google" transgendered to find out what it meant.
A few more have been curious and asked questions.
The biggest percentage however didn't care!
Most of these guys come from the 45-65 age bracket.
I'll keep you all posted!

Another Year?

Doesn't seem possible. 2010 went by in record time it seems.  The end of the year calls for a slew of resolutions. Most of which, we can't keep.
I wish I was smart enough to do a "best of" piece from all my posts. I'm not. Plus that would be your job not mine!
I do know the year started for me as a girl for the first time in my life.  Symbolic or not, the coming of the new year as a girl was not a disappointment.
Highlights? Easily the top moments of the year revolved around finding a core group of really good friends. Some read this blog, some don't. I can't say how much I love and respect all of you!
The second top moment was deciding on who I was. For years, I was very close to really understanding exactly what my inner female was all about. 2010 was her year to come out!
Coming out made the third top moment easy to pick out. Easily, the trip to the Monday Night NFL Game was huge! It was my time to live my life as a regular woman in a setting I used to think was not possible!
Number four had to be my first real dates with men who were interested in more than a quick hotel room quest. My feelings were quite the surprise!
Finishing at number five is this blog itself.  Just being able to communicate my life experiences has been wonderful. Ideally, if someone can benefit from any of my life then I have succeeded in "paying forward".
Positive Karma is good!
The "experts" tell us not to set resolutions that are too difficult to achieve. I guess that worked for me. I only wanted to start the year as my girl self. Life took over from there.
For 2011? I only want to enjoy my friends and life. We all know life is a slippery slope. I just hope all of our slopes are climbable and you all have a safe and happy New Year!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A New Step.

Even after all these years it happens. At every door. Entering any room full of strangers.  The Adrenalin flow mixes with insecurity.  A powerful potion.
It occurred to me how little has changed with this potion from my earliest days.  From the first steps out the front door and down the drive way to the mailbox to the trips around the neighborhood all were so exciting and scary!
All was good a couple nights ago. I caught my shadow in the parking lot lights and heard the click of my boots when I entered the pub. Removing my coat and fluffing my hair was even more reassuring. All was correct in my girl world!
One of the reasons I like the place so much are the mirrors behind the bar. I can check my girl world. Sometime that's good...sometimes not so much. It was good that night!
At any rate, for some reason, my first trip to the bathroom produced some of the same old feelings. On my way out, I touched up my makeup and checked that all my clothes were in the right place.  As I reached for the door to leave, it was as if time froze for a second.  What or who was on the other side? What will they think of me? Is my posture correct? How about walking tall and proud in my boots?
Then I realized, nothing has changed.  The same insecure girl is still there. Maybe she always will be?  I'm sure genetic girls have the same problems too so maybe it comes with the territory. Enjoy it or get over it.

By the way. Thanks to all you current and new followers, Your input is always appreciated!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I don't have a picture with me on Santa's lap like "Stana" That was great!!!
I don't have a sexy Christmas layout like "Janie". She is beautiful!
What I do have is a heartfelt hope you have a festive and loving holiday season!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Red Head Hall of Fame!

How could I missed out on one of the great redheads of all time?
Ann Margret!
Enjoy and don't get too green with envy!
But then again green looks great with red hair!

Term of the Day


Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...