Sunday, January 2, 2011


Our lives are complex! Decisions, decisions, decisions!!!
All your life you've wanted to get out and show off those beautiful newly shaved legs of yours. You just know how much better the legs will look and how much better you will feel when you wear your new 3" black WalMart?
Sorry girlfriends, had to bring up the old crossdresser stereotype. But just when you thought you have seen it all in our world up pops a fashion blog we all should subscribe to. It's called "wtforever" and features fashion mistakes.
My picture from Walmart should be in there somewhere!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Connect the dots

With all the changes in my life recently, a new dose of reality is setting it. I've always have been very careful of my male self creeping into my female life. Now the opposite is beginning to occur.
I've passed along the times I've been referred to as "mam" or "she" when I'm not dressed as one. I don't think I have any qualities that would cause that to happen except my personality. I was subconsciously  projecting girl is my best guess. You know the many times a clerk will not even look at you until the very end of the transaction.  I will get the "she" comment until she looks up. Flattering I guess!
One of the other female traits that is showing up in my male life is the compliment syndrome.
Obviously, women are much more in tune with with nuances of a look. Hair, accessories and clothes are all noticed. Guys of course are into the big picture. "You look nice" is more male than "Wow, I love those earrings".
Without thinking now I'm noticing the smaller things.
I suppose too, I realize how much the little compliment feels to you on an outfit you agonized over! The earrings that matched that sweater exactly took you hours to find!
The only real question is now how much of her does he assume in what's left of his life?

Goodby "10"

So much for the big plans for ending 2010.  Not only did work interfere this year,  I worked New Years Eve for awhile and have to work New Years Day. I've also been really sick for about three days this week.
I hoping none of this is a precursor of 2011.
I really don't believe that it is. Fortune or misfortune is a natural part of life and how you handle it makes you the person you are.
BUT being a tad spoiled, ushering 2011 in with some special friends would have really been my choice!
As it turned out it did, but not the way I expected.
I went to a close neighborhood tavern with a best friend as my male self. Yes, the same place I've been going to for over 30 years. My best friend is a genetic female who knows of my female side but chooses not to mention it.
As the midnight hour approached I was texting friends who only know my female self.
At midnight the bar exploded with the usual fun stupid stuff. Silly strings, horns, hats and poppers.
You know what? Guy self broke down and had a great time.
Does this change anything? No. The only thing this does prove is maybe I am a little wiser after 2010. Hopefully 2011 will prove that.
Peace my sisters and may the force be with you!

Ditching Good with Better as a Trans Girl

  Archive Image from Witches Ball Tom on Left. Ditching good with better has always been a difficult obstacle in my life.  I always blame my...