Saturday, September 24, 2016


As you all read the next four posts or so, please remember I won't be available for comments for a week and these posts were all from 2010 and a lot can change, and does!!!!

Thanks :)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Spiritual Fall?

Even though we are expecting high's near 90 today here in Ohio, we observed the "Autumnal Equinox yesterday. It's like Momma Summer is saying "It ain't over, until it's over kids!"

This morning though, the "animal kingdom" around me is stepping up it's preparations for seasonal changes. As I was just writing, a squirrel nearly ran over my foot retrieving a well hidden walnut as a crow made it's loud presence known over head.  All of this under a half moon still visible in a crystal clear blue morning sky.

I could go on but then I am reminded why I am supposed to be writing this blog to begin with, everything transgender.

Possibly, the effect of HRT has made me more in tune with the world around me. I have always thought the world became more "layered" with colors, temperature etc than when I lived as a guy.

Next week, I am going to present some of the earliest blog posts I did here and maybe you can see too the changes I have gone through. Like most everyone else, I was very much into the clothing "passing" aspect of exploring if I wanted to make the jump from cross dresser to transgender.

In the meantime, I am going to resume packing for the trip!

Can't wait :)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

TSA Strikes Again

On Tuesday afternoon,  Kristin Beck, who is transgender and a retired Navy SEAL, was bound for Kansas City to give a speech to federal employees about gender sensitivity. It's what she does, since she stopped going by her birth name, Christopher Beck, wrote a book about her life as a member of SEAL Team 6 and was featured in the CNN series, "Lady Valor."
Beck told CNN she arrived at Reagan National Airport with enough time to spare, but not too much. Beck entered the security checkpoint, put her bags on the conveyor belt and stepped into the body scanner, as she's done countless times before.
When flagged for secondary screening, she took it in stride. She said she waited for one of two Transportation Security Administration agents -- a man and a woman -- to step forward and pat her down. Instead, they turned their backs to her and started whispering.
But to Beck, it was clear what was happening. Despite her makeup, long hair and low-cut blouse, the agents thought she was a man. It wouldn't be the first time since she began publicly living as a woman.
But it still was humiliating, Beck said. It never gets easier.
"I'm a female," she said she told them. "It's no big deal."
Apparently, it was enough to prompt the agents to call their supervisor, she said. When he arrived, the supervisor directed the male agent to pat "him" down in front of the security line, as everyone waited.
"These are my real boobs, he's not going to pat me down," she recalls telling agents.

"This is wrong. I'm a female, it says female on my Maryland driver's license. This is the real me."
According to Beck, the supervisor responded, "Then somebody pat him down."
The female agent stepped forward and did the pat-down, Beck says. After that, Beck went on her way, holding back tears. She pulled out her phone and recounted the experience in a Facebook post."
Ironically, Kristin wrote that this was probably an isolated incident but unfortunately not to certain transgender passengers who travel by air frequently. In fact a trans woman here in Cincinnati was given fits often when she flew from here to LAX Airport.
Please go here to read more of Kristin's comments.. 


I wanted to take this special opportunity to thank all of you who commented here and on FB concerning our upcoming trip to Maine and possible wardrobe necessities.

It means a lot everytime you take the time to write to me, and you out did yourselves this time! :)


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Struttin" With The Trans Peeps

From Variety:
"“They’re the best people in the world,” Whoopi Goldberg says about the cast of “Strut,” her new Oxygen show that follows a group of models signed to Slay Model Management, an exclusively transgender modeling agency.
The first reality modeling show to focus solely on transgender artists, “Strut,” which Goldberg executive produces with her producing partner Tom Leonardis, is breaking ground in the unscripted space and marks the latest series in the recent wave of trans-centric programming.

“Our programming commitment is to showcase people on journeys to find their truth — and be their truth. This is a generation who most definitely aren’t going to be confined by yesterday’s social mores and rules,” Rod Aissa, executive vice president of original programming and development at Oxygen, tells Variety."
I have only seen a partial show, but to me it takes a clear true shot at the overly dramatic world of transgender women. Mixed in with just a small dose of reality. The show I saw had quite the scene with the trans guy coming out to his mother.
Even still, I lean towards calling it the "Real Trans Models of L.A." to go with all the Real Housewives shows. Not must see trans programming but entertaining and definitely glamorous! 
To see more and if you can view it on Oxygen go here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Time Flies

My Mom said it best: "Never wish time away, it's like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end you come, the faster it goes."

I didn't quite wish the year away but it doesn't seem possible it's been that long since I began to legalize my gender markers, and here I am taking care of my annual driver's license/ car registration renewals. Otherwise known as yet another money grab by the state.

Looking back over the year with all of you, as much as I want to whine about my minor (fortunately) health issues, I really don't have a lot to complain about.

Even the gender marker path wasn't too bad here in Ohio except I still can't get my birth certificate gender changed which means I still can't use the rest room in some states.

As we all know, our basic health is everything and even the VA seems to be on the upswing.

Plus, I have been semi successful in not talking politics (or religion) except with my closest friends and hopefully will be invited on a couple paranormal adventures in October.

So life is good right now as my toilet paper roll spins faster.

Now it's time to go give my taxation without representation money to the state.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Girl Packing

I have written several times concerning our (Liz and I's) upcoming six day vacation to Maine.

Those of you who are crossdressers, transgender women of any experience or one of the cis women (quit laughing!) who read the blog, know the outright challenge of packing for such an adventure. Especially when we are allowed only one suitcase and carry on bag. So no five suitcases girls.

To make matters worse, we are entirely sure yet of how the weather will change, as we cross into fall.

I am approaching the whole trip on the conservative side with clothes that will fit into a medium size suitcase and what I call my "heavy casual" wardrobe of jeans and tennis shoes designed for walking and browsing the shops.

Also, I am bringing my light weight long sleeved tops and maybe one sweater (if I can sneak it in) for the day we go whale watching. (Hope the whales know we are coming to watch and the Lobster Bake.)

All whining aside I can't wait to get started on this adventure!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

JJ's Sunday Edition

Ker Plunk! Listen up! Another Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch. Let's get started.

Weather: Sunny and humid for "Zinzinnati's Huge Octoberfest" but so far no rain. Perfect for a cold iced "Cup o Joe!" (or beer)

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: It was a sad week after we lost two well known transgender celebrity/activists. Following a long illness Alexis Arquette passed on as did The Lady Chablis who had a pivotal role in the Clint Eastwood directed film "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil."

Both passed at relatively early ages.

Page Two: Opinion: Yesterdays Coffee: It's been awhile but here at JJ's I have tried to pass along the simple warning to never take our security for granted as transgender women on a semi regular basis. As cis women can be the first to tell us, there are any number of places we shouldn't be seen in un-escorted. Lets be careful out there please!!!!

Page Three: The Back Page: Well kids it's time to head out and take on a busy afternoon and evening. Love you all! Be safe :)


Friday, September 16, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day" Archive

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"If you can't see it-you aren't there."

Cyrsti Hart

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...