Thursday, October 2, 2014

Halloween Comes in Many Flavors!

Over the years, I have approached Halloween from many different angles, many depended on my goals for the evening, where I was in my transition and who I was with.

The very first Halloween I went all out cross dressed was the one I have written about extensively here in Cyrsti's Condo.  It was 1974 in Germany, I was in the Army (of all places) and ended up with me coming up to several people as a transvestite not long after that.

Of course, wearing a short skirt in everyday Army life was not beneficial to earning a honorable discharge-so back I went into the closet.

During the next several years, I shied away from going to parties where I knew several people-opting for bigger venues.  I agonized for literally months on a costume that in my mind was sexy, somewhat passable and creative.  I was never as creative as Pat and  her "Monica Lewinski" costume.

Looking back at the "impossible dream", I think I made it a couple of times-that's it.  I'm not saying though I didn't have fun.

As I see it, here are a few of the Halloween party dividing points.
Will the cross dressed Sarah Palin please reveal himself?

  1. Are you going to a party at a friends or with friends?
  2. Do you want to be passable, comical, trashy or creative?
  3. Is your costume based on a current well known woman? Example, Lewinski, Sarah Palin, Elvira in her prime, etc.
  4. How "detailed" do you plan to be?  Shaved legs, nice wig, etc?
  5. Depending upon how "accomplished" you are-how will you handle comments? (Which will come.)
In later posts we will take a closer look at all of these!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day."

quotes about moving on - Google Search
From Stephanie Johnson via Google
Jumping off the gender cliff is terrifying, But....

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "OOOOPS!"

.My wife hasn't figured out my idea of a "girl's night out!"
Un- identified cross dresser-Pinterest

Well, un-fortunately, my wife and I weren't on the same page when she mentioned a "girl's night out" - without me!!!!

"Tis" The Season-Almost

As I look out the front windows here in Cyrsti's Condo, I see the trees donning their yellows and reds for fall fashion and- of course my mind wanders past fashion to Halloween.

Rightly or wrongly, Halloween has left indelible marks in my noggin.  When I was a kid and all the way through college to my Army days, I never dressed as a girl for parties.  Not to say I didn't want to desperately, just didn't have the courage to do it (which turned out to be my problem for nearly five decades.)

No cross dressing suspicions this Halloween?
Unidentified Cross Dresser
Once I did begin to celebrate Halloween in all sorts of feminine costumes, quickly I learned two basics.  The first was I didn't want to wait a whole year to cross dress again in public.  The second was, beware of compliments.  It took me years to figure out I wasn't some sort of deity who could "make" a good looking woman and if I was indeed attractive was it because I was a guy cross dressing as a woman?

Looking back, the problem was, these experiences just were opening  a gender Pandora's Box. If you take one of the definitions literally, the phrase "to open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem small or innocent, but that turns out to have severely detrimental and far-reaching consequences.  How true it was, those early Halloween adventures were detrimental to me because I spent years trying to learn and then conceal being transgender.  "Far reaching" speaks for itself.

On the other hand, I was able to have several incredible Halloween experiences. Many of which we will write about in October! And! I would love to write about yours too!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Who Is "Cassandra Cass?"

After posting a picture of Cassandra Cass as "Jessica Rabbit" I decided to to a little research here for us in Cyrsti's Condo and find out who she is:
From Wikipedia:

As an actress, Cass is known for Trantasia (2006), Wild Things (2010), and What's the T? (2012). Trantasia is a documentary that chronicles contestants as they take part in the first ever "World's Most Beautiful Transsexual Pageant."The documentary was featured on Tyra Banks's show, dedicating a whole show to talking about it. Wild Things was an eight-episode reality television series which featured three transgender women on a road-trip to earn money for a relative of one of the three women who was seriously ill.[The reality show starred Cassandra Cass, Maria Roman, and Tiara Russell, three original characters from Trantasia.[ The documentary What's the T? followed the lives of five trans women. Cass has also been on television shows and in other movies. 
She is also an established performer in San Francisco who does drag and lip-sync shows. And she has had a calendar put out over the last several years.


Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day."

9 Poignant Divorce Quotes That Will Mend Your Broken Heart (PHOTOS) | The Stir

Monday, September 29, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazin"

Just a big ol "Lord have mercy!" the stars caught me right smack in the middle of my mirror this week! I hope I'm not catching you other Libra's in the same mirror!

Libra: (September 23-October 22): A slip of the tongue happens and if it’s coming from you, you need to warn others. You have a certain love of vagueness that can alarm many when they see how deep it runs in you. In fact, it runs so deep, you sometimes wind up roaming in circles. To help in clearing that fog, at least for others, work harder on your articulation and annunciation.

My only hope is my friends truly know my vagueness does run deep within me and that's because I am roaming in circles mentally! None of it is evil though and after 65 yrs, it's tough to fix!
 I have a very difficult time staying in the present which I sometimes wonder comes from my transgender past.  At any rate, don't worry about those alarms! (We can figure out later whose noggin they were really in!)

Our guest sign today is Aries: (March 21-April 19): No matter how disappointed you feel in someone’s inability to understand you, you will find the way to love them through that shortcoming. It’s the least you can do, as there are things about you that aren’t easy for the average person to grasp.  So, if you’re going to be upset about anything now, it’ll be that and not giving a rat’s ass on who sees your pain.

As always, if we didn't get to your sign, don't sit and "boo-hoo'!  Go here for yours.

Cyrsti's Condo "Crazy Wabbit!"

MtF transsexual woman Cassandra Cass as Jessica Rabbit

TS Cassandra Cass as Jessica Rabbit

Cyrsti's Condo "Num-mers!"

Thai showgirl Nisarat (Num) modellingOur feature cover today is

Thai transgender showgirl Nisarat (Num) modelling.

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...