Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo Sunday Topic :The Human Side of a Trans Elitist

Such a week kids, but then again aren't most of them?

Topping my Sunday morning list this week is being called a trans elitist, which I guess is another term for trans nazi. Those of you who read my verbage (not garbage) on a regular basis were most likely as amused as I was - or not.

For those of you who don't know,   I in no way consider myself to be any better than anyone else because they may be a cross dresser or stuck in the closet.  My goals have always been to throw out ideas to you if you are thinking about transitioning. BUT, I do consider myself a trans activist of sorts.  In this day and age, everyone is protecting their "brand" and I do believe in protecting the trans brand  and I ended up being called an elitist for doing it as once again as I protested an individual who posted cross dressing fetish videos under the transgender name.

Quickly,  the response came back that I was some sort of "elitist" because of my current lifestyle. I never could connect the dots with her that when someone mislabels and posts a trashy video it hurts me when I try to educate the public on who I am. It can be as destructive with the wrong person as Rude Paul calling us Tranny's or "Houston Ugly" who couldn't even refer to the trans woman student as Mia not Mia/Ryan.  So, I guess if all of that makes me an elitist, so be it!

Hey, can't be worse than being called "just another old guy on hormones" or how about "Cyrsti, you ignorant F--k?." Seriously though, for the amount of traffic we are beginning to see here in the Condo and as outspoken as I am on certain topics, I'm surprised I don't have more "trolls" stopping by. Then again Halloween is over. No candy for you trolls!

Speaking of the OWN show I called "Houston Ugly", it's really "Houston Beauty" I was referring to.

As I wrote in a blog post yesterday, the show features a transgender beauty named Mia (right)
Being the "elitist" that I am, I thought she came across as a serious positive messenger for the trans community -surrounded by cast of reality show clowns.  !!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

"Beautiful Ohio" Native

Well, not quite.  The winner of this year's "Miss International Queen" pageant in Thailand this year is yet another gorgeous transgender beauty from Brazil.  We have featured pictures of Marcelo Ohio here in Cyrsti's Condo before but why stop a good thing?  The second picture was taken of her getting her hair straightened proving once again you have to pay the price for beauty, judging from the look on her face.

Trans Beauty in Houston

Ophra's "Own" network has a new show called "Houston Beauty".  One of the students is a transgender young woman by the name of Mia.  The show is causing more than a few ripples in the trans community because Mia is an sex escort to work her way through school.  Some are questioning the presentation again of a transgender woman in the sex industry, particularly a black one. Others of course are pointing out how tragic the situation is that selling sex is the only way out for many transgender youth.

Check out this video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen and decide for yourself:

Come Play with Gender

A friend of mine passed this along on Facebook and I was fairly certain Crystal Veeyant's work is something many of you would be interested in. This is from her website:

"Crystal Veeyant is the nom de plume of a professional journalist and author who loves writing erotica as graphic and outre as she (?) can get away with. Her decade-plus of storytelling experience allows her to create realistic characters, situations and storylines that help her books come to life in the reader's imagination, which makes the fantasy even more intense and stay with you long after you read the last page story. She delights in telling kinky, edgy tales with shemale, transsexual, transgender and crossdresser characters. Be it sexual dominance, group sex or even pseudo incest, a story by this author is guaranteed to take the reader deeper into his or her fantasies than they ever may have imagined. If you love "gender transgressive" erotica-shemale, transsexual, transgender, crossdresser, sissy, feminization and similar tales, I invite you to explore this all-free site and see what delights await you between the pages of my books.

My books are only available in Kindle type format, but fortunately you don't need to own a Kindle reader. There are free reader applications for dozens of platforms including PC, Mac, iPad and more, plus a cloud reader that works with nearly all browsers. See the FAQ page for more information."

Go here for more.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Classic "Glass Bottom Boat" Drag

From 1966, Paul Lynde and Dom Deluise in the MGM movie "Glass Bottom Boat". No real surprise if either of these guys were in drag but this time it was Lynde:

Growing up Transgender?

As with most of you, I have spent an exorbitant amount of time looking back into my formative gender years wondering what, if anything could have been done for me, not to me due to my condition. 

Back in the 50's through  the early 60's and much longer, let's not forget just being gay was considered a mental illness and God knows what could happen if you wanted to follow in the footsteps of Christine Jorgensen.

Sure there were signs as early as the age of twelve with me. Similar to so many of you, I too wanted a doll baby not a truck for Christmas. I know, blah, blah, blah. Be happy with the truck you inconsiderate brat!

I have passed along the stories of growing up in a rural area and having very few real live girls in my neighborhood at all.  One to be exact in a group of about ten boys. I can imagine now the torture she went through.  So, you wouldn't think in the land of strict gender binaries, I would encounter another possible "sister of the cloth".

Amazingly though, I did have a friend in those days who shared a very definite desire to play in his Mom's clothes and makeup-with her permission! You would think I would remember him first before all the others but somehow his memory has just began to come back to me in my old age. My most vivid memory was a day when his Mom "caught" us doing a little "dress up". Even back in those days I was more than a little envious of the way he looked.  I'm not saying he was a natural but Momma was attractive and she could get him there too.

I wonder now what would have happened if his family had stayed around where I lived and not moved three states away.  Most certainly he was in the same situation I was and our little "fascination" with women's clothes was much more than a passing phase or fetish.

It seems our little group of kids may have had way more than it's share of transgender individuals.  Of course living in the past is a waste of time but.... How much fun/trouble could both of us gotten into in his Mom's clothes and damn I could have used mega makeup advice at that age!!!!

Tanya Maung

Good news for the transgender world, Myanmar, and Tanya Maung. This year, a contestant from Myanmar (formerly Burma) has entered the "Miss International Queen"  pageant for the first time.

"Five years ago I would not have dared to enter," said Tanya Maung, 28, who is studying at Bangkok’s Ramkhamhaeng University. "But now Myanmar has democracy, so I feel free to contest."

Personally, I have viewed the pageant as more of a glorified show girl presentation, not one that speaks to the world of new found transgender freedoms.

 I love it when I'm wrong-this time!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A VERY Scary Costume

You will need to be a sports fan to appreciate most of the irony in this Cyrsti's Condo post.

Over the years, I have felt the extreme pain, suffering and cruelty which goes along with being a Cincinnati Bengals NFL football fan.

The past couple of seasons they have improved though and along the way I have pulled out a couple of very expensive old jersey's from players who grew to be roundly disliked in Cincinnati.

The Black and Orange colors represent Halloween well of course and indeed over the years we Bengal fans have been tricked more than we have been treated.

Actually they don't look bad with a black long sleeved top, leggings and boots except for the players names on the jerseys...Carson Palmer and Chad 'Ocho Cinco' Johnson.  At least now if someone questions me about wearing them, I can act like I don't know who Palmer and Johnson were or I can say they were my Halloween costumes because the two caused me such scary pain and suffering over the years.  Especially from you Pittsburgh "Squeeler" fans.

Trey BOO!

This Cyrsti's Condo Halloween epic involves a Victorian House, a coffin, a real skeleton and a politician.

I was working as a DJ on a local radio station here in town and one of the news women got an invite to go to a Halloween party at a local Victorian Mansion which was being restored.  She told me about it and asked if I wanted by chance to go too.  After she twisted my arm for about three seconds, I said yes!

For a change, my "costume" for this party was more in the "well dressed woman" category. I can't really remember what I wore but when we got there in the entrance foyer was an antique coffin with a skeleton.  I casually asked if the skeleton was real and was told yes!

The rest of the house looked like a scene from the Addams Family, just a perfect Halloween setting.

The party featured more than it's share of socializing and of course I was receiving my usual amount of "is that a..." attention.

Later on the fun started for me when an up and coming politician and his wife asked me if I would leave with them and go to another party. I was shy and backwards for a change and for some reason said No.  Later on he actually served quite a few terms in Washington.

It seems I destroyed my chances to move up in the political world that night.  Maybe Monica Lewinsky wouldn't have had so much on me after all!

I ran the "Monica" impersonator on the left picture not long ago but you just have to respect the attention to detail with the dirty knees!

Running Against the Tide

Sarah McBride is running for the United States House of Representatives from the state of Delaware. Sarah grew up in Wilmington, and current...