Friday, July 19, 2013

Womanless Beauty Pageant

I'm putting this video up on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen from the sheer fact it is one of the best produced womanless pageant videos I have found, not because of the quality of the participants. Speaking of participants, I have determined my own breakdown:

1.- guys who are doing it for fun
2.- guys who started out doing it for fun but just maybe want to see how they look in heels and hose.
3.- guys who saw themselves in heels and hose and liked it.
4.- guys who liked the experience in the past so much they came back for more.
5.-guys who were doing it anyhow and just had the chance to dazzle the world!
6.-guys you are sure to see in a future drag show, or in the mall

Of course, all were "talked into it against their will"!

The Best of Androgyny

As you can see in this Cyrsti's Condo big screen choice video,  the beautiful androgynous guy "Tima Marso" transforms from male to female with the help of a professional makeup girl. It's tough to determine the before or the after!

Cyrsti's Condo Word of the Day

One very simple word which says it all...and nothing...undefinable. 

A descriptor which many of us never have the freedom to understand or embrace. For what it is...or isn't.

A "Natural" Woman?

I picked this video for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen because unlike so many YouTube drag transformation videos, the final result is very natural!

I am the Transsexual

In our transgender community there never seems to be a shortage of interesting, thought provoking articles and posts.

I found this one to be particularly interesting from several different viewpoints. It's called "I Am The Transsexual Your Boyfriend Wants to Be With."

 Here's an excerpt:  “I wonder if you had leveled with me about your intrigue with these men who look like women, or women with the parts of men, I wouldn’t be so scared. Scared of not knowing you, of life as the fool who blindly trusts while you meet escorts, the partner who will never understand you or your fascination with what I cruelly call “things.”

As I said, this article will take you in more than a couple different directions and it is worth a read here.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

From the Cyrsti's Condo Archives

Aussie Courtney Act.  If you don't remember her story, watch the video below!

Chick Flick

I have mentioned here in Cyrsti's Condo several of the key moments when I knew this transgender deal was the real thing. Here is one:

I was bored one night a couple of years ago and was innocently surfing through the 900 channels I have on satellite television and settled on one obscure movie for a reason I can't recall.

Turns out the movie was some sort of "chick flick" .  For reasons I truly can't explain I actually started to become interested and more amazingly I was watching it from a feminine perspective -  Subconsciously.  In no way did I set out to watch this movie thinking if I do this, I will be more of a girl.

Being the genius that I am, I learned from the experience and began to search the room so to speak when I watched a movie. Which female lead do I identify with, envious of or just admire.

In a recent post I told you I went to see the 2013 version of the The Great Gatsby.  Of course the period costumes and scenery were just fabulous but the woman I locked into was Jordan (above). I just loved her look and the ability to play the perimeter.  She was part of the inner plot and drama but was good enough to stay just out of reach of it and not get burned. Plus her non verbal eye communication was classic female.

It turns our this new toy of my transgender transition has proven to be more enlightening and enjoyable than I ever would have expected.

Now where is my movie critic show on Bravo TV?

Becoming Transgender Handy

Last night I went to the "movin' picture show" to escape my part of the country's turn to experience "hell on earth" temperatures.

I was a good citizen and paid for my ticket and headed to the concession stand to help the theatre pay for their air conditioning. As the teen aged girl put together my massive order of a buttered popcorn and a Coke I noticed how incredibly delicate she was. I mean over the top delicate. Her movements and the current incarnation of The Great Gatsby movie I watched started my thought process into the entire dynamic of hands and the transgender woman.

Early as I started to explore the feminine side of the world as a cross dresser,  I viewed my hands as a huge barrier to presenting as a woman.  There was the pesky problem of hair on my knuckles, nail care and the size of my paws. Just what was a trans girl to do?

Ironically, the hair problem was easy. At that time I worked in a very busy broiler driven restaurant. If you are ever around a really good broiler cook, they judge the doneness of their steaks by touch. They naturally burn the hair off their hands. So when I was looking for a new cook and he said he could broil, I would look for hair on his hands. if he had any-he wasn't that good. On occasion I had to get in the way and help on the broiler, so I had the easy answer for hairless hands.

My nails were easy too.  The temporary "stick on" nail products did a great job. If there was a problem, the wrong kind of nail drew extra attention to my hands. Later I began to learn the basics of nail length, shape and color. Many flatter, just as many don't.

Most importantly, my hands weren't huge. All of the sudden the problems I experienced in football or basketball due to "small hands" began to benefit. In no way do I have dainty hands but I'm told I have proportional hands. Who knows, maybe it's just another passive aggressive compliment but one way or another I had to move on with what I had.

The biggest problem I faced was nothing I just mentioned.  I was faced with the "operational" issue of talking with my hands. Again, a couple of hurdles to clear. The first of course was if  I talked with my hands, people would notice them and two I was completely unprepared to do it. The whole process very much falls into the feminine way of doing business. When men do it, the process is very directional or even violent. I don't like you so Boom! here is my fist communicating with your face.

My answer was to compromise.  At the time I was already being indoctrinated into the feminine non verbal communication world which included a series of taps or touches for effect on occasions.  I learned to try to keep my hands close to my body to gesture or touch and to not use my hands as paws to grab something. I didn't have to go over the top like the concession girl but I did want to gently find something in the black hole known as my purse.

Becoming transgender handy is never an easy process.   As with anything else in the transgender process though, almost anything is possible if you handle it right.

Coming Out Transgender in the Workplace

It's encouraging to see sites such as xoJane  put together thought provoking insights into the issues transgender women and transgender men face in the world. Follow the link above to take a look.

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...