Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mom's Day

From YouTube on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Mom's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you reading this!

Every year here in Cyrsti's Condo, the day gives me a chance to pause and collect my thoughts about the most important person in my life. She birthed and raised me of course but I was a "third" try following two still born's.

For right or wrong, she was who she was and genetically there is no doubt the apple didn't fall from the tree with me. in resemblance and personality I favored her and my brother my Dad. At the end of the day, she was a fighter more than a lover. In fact I can't remember her telling me she loved me...but I know in her own way she did.

It has taken me years to figure out her electro shock therapy offer to me.  After my stint in the Army I came home for a short while. One night when I came home from drinking with my friends she was waiting up for me. I don't know how the topic came up but quickly I admitted to her I was a transvestite.  She had to have had suspicions as I was growing up. I wasn't that good at hiding my "secret". So she asked point blank and I answered the same way.  Just as quickly point blank she offered electro shock therapy as a solution. I simply said "look, for the first time in my life I was able to tell a close group of friends and for once I'm not ashamed of who I am-I'm sure as hell not going back."

This was 1975 and she passed in the late 1980's at the age of 76 and the subject was never mentioned again. For years I used her words as motivation as how not to act.

I have to be careful because though we are so much alike. My sarcastic sense of everything and the ability to be dumb enough to express all those thoughts too quickly come to mind. As I have found out recently, my breast development under HRT will be attributed to her genetics and my wonderful head of hair I love comes from her genes too.

Here's the part I have taken so long to understand though. Her simple belief in radical therapy to "fix" me was just as simple as my belief there was nothing wrong. Both of us were as determined as the other. So Mom- thanks a lot!

As the years have gone by, her World War Two/Great Depression mentality shaped her personality. She was a no doubter and a educated high school teacher. If you didn't know where you stood, you weren't paying attention.

So Mom, on this Mother's Day let me put into words what you couldn't...I love you. Now I have to go wipe the tears out of my eyes...damn hormones!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Damn Lesbians!

Well, not exactly or at all but maybe the title got your attention.
What I was referring to was a recent interview with Jennifer Finney Boylan and Joy Behar. Of course one of the questions just had to include those pesky sexual preference labels for Jennifer and long term wife. Here it is on Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

It "Ain't Over till it's Over"

I found out today once again I have to jump through more VA hoops to get my HRT meds. Plus, my formerly rather limited interaction in my local clinic public isn't so limited any longer.

As I have written, due to staffing limitations at my VA hospital I have to go to an outside Doc to approve my meds then get them approved for filling in the system. The problem is now my VA primary physician was changed and now I have to go through all the chaos to be approved by another. Also, I'm treated at my local clinic not the nearby hospital.

First I had to schedule an appointment with my new Doc and told to come in and have blood labs this morning. Then by this afternoon I was told forget the appointment all I needed was a treatment form filled out by my endo doc and all would be cool. Well if you believe that, I will find some old bridge around here to sell you. Plus, I was the center of attention at the clinic while everyone decided what should be done.

By the end of the day, I'm sure the former invisible trans patient in the clinic was now very visible. The only positive is that I have names and faces of people on both ends of the docs I deal with and a small stash of meds to use until this plays out. Excuse me for not thinking this will be positive painless process.  But as sure as the wasted blood tests this morning  I will get it done. 

In the meantime, I didn't need that extra blood anyway.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Trans Word in the News

No secret if you want to make news be transgender and do anything!

First, this week there was the story of Jenna Talackova and her upcoming reality show in Canada.

Then we had the story from Columbia (below) about the crime person who went through several feminizing operations to hide from the authorities.

Surely now we will have a flood of criminals following his action?

Then tonight I ran across the story of Victoria Beltran a transsexual actress who starred in Sacha Baron Cohen’s film The Dictator.
The vindictive vixon Victoria Beltran (below) phoned her husband's colleague Katarzyna Sakowicz  making death threats after deciding the pair were having an affair. She allegedly threatened Ms Sakowicz saying 'I will kill you and get you fired,' according to court papers. So much for Victoria acquiring any of the "passive aggressive" feminine spirit.

None of all this transgender news action is no real surprise of course. Even I in my own small way make news.
Today was a good example and I will pass it along in the next Cyrsti's Condo post.

Drive Safely While Passing

You all probably know I am one of a huge base of fans of the Femulate web site which has totaled some seven million hits to date.

This coming Thursday, I'm am thrilled I am going to meet Stana who founded and runs Femulate.  She is coming to my part of the world. Yes, I am a groupie!!!!

Recently she commented on a senseless cruel comment she received with as much sarcasm I have seen and I loved it. Here is the reply. To set it up "Hamvention" is held around here and that is why she is coming to the Dayton, Ohio area:

"Comments to Wednesday's post included one that suggested that I not go to Hamvention because "you really don't pass as well as you think you do." My retort is, "How do you know? Have you seen me drive?" To tell the truth, I seldom pass and prefer to stay in the right lane on the highway. I only pass when I absolutely have to. So even if the commenter did see me driving, chances are that he did not see me pass because I seldom do."

In addition to my obvious respect for this reply, it's extra sweet for those of us who deal with haters on the internet who slash others behind the safety of their computers. I wish I had this much reserve and creativity to respond as Stana did.

As far as Cyrsti's Condo goes, all comments pro or con are appreciated. Personal attacks aren't.

Michael Nowlan

Michael Nowlan androgynous male model from Canada. Follow the link for more.

Drugs to Drag?

A notorious gang member has been collared despite having a sex change to avoid cops. Colombian Giovanni Rebolledo faced 60 years in prison for kidnapping, robbery and extortion. He became prostitute 'Rosalina' after spending £11,500 on breast implants, a bottom op and nose job in an emergency makeover.
 Read more here.

Should we not believe everything we read? Maybe!
I also wonder which jail "Giovanni" will be placed?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

More than Meets the Eye

Certainly most of us are enamored with the glamour and glitz of the ladyboy culture in Thailand. Very seldom though do we get a glance of the day to day transgender culture there.

I have mentioned here in Cyrsti's Condo the year I spent in northern Thailand close to the Laotian border -back in the Vietnam non war days. I do get a chuckle when I tell someone I lived in Thailand for a year and they start asking SRS questions. If you weren't careful you could be a candidate for SRS and much more!

I was lucky. My occasional brush with danger during my AFTN days was when I had to drive the unit truck on Thai roads.  Forgetting I was navigating on the opposite side of the highway where the only rule was survival of the biggest could be dangerous.

So during my stay in Thailand, I was able to learn first hand the mix of Thai and Laotion culture. I found the people to be accepting and friendly of us and I loved the culture and religion. (For you trans vets, I had separate rations and lived off base.)

So when I'm able to find a bit of a different look at the transgender culture in Thailand, I can't wait to pass it along to you.

This YouTube international trailer is from a film called "It Gets Better":

 While I am on the subject of countries half way around the world from me, I received an email from a follower in Sri Lanka who wrote a piece about the blog. As soon as one of us can get it translated from Sinhalese I will pass it along. In the meantime, take a quick peak here to see a beautiful example of how the word Sinhala looks.

This brings me to another point. What is scary to me is my grand kids have not been taught any cursive writing since the second grade. The two oldest academic over achievers show it. My daughter is very diligent in insisting they write hand written thank you notes for gifts. Bless their hearts but I guess their schools figure they "don't need no stinkin hand writing!"

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...